Chapter 36.

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Chapter 36.



It has been two week and five days since we move out. It has been five days since that dinner night and confession. We are happy in our life. We are real couple now. We laugh together, smile at each other, spend time, share everything. I trust and love her more than anything. I am glad I got a wife like her.

Two days ago Khadija insist me to visit at home without her. At first I don't want to go there without her but I am glad that she care about Mom feelings. She thought it would be better if she stay at home and didn't come in front of Mom because if she do she again say Khadija take me away from her when it is not true. I decide to surprise and to do dinner with them tonight after coming from office. I could go straight at home but I just want to see her before I go there.

Right now, it is 4 pm and I am going home to surprise my beautiful wife. I call Zoya to come at apartment to be with Khadija while I was away. I park my car in building parking and went inside. I open the door with my keys and step in apartment. I was greeted by a delicious smell of her cooking. I started to think of staying here but I know I can't because Khadija would kick me out if I stay here and get late to meet my parents. I walk in kitchen and put my bag on stool by counter. I slowly step behind her and take my hand in front of her to give her rose like I was doing from past five days. When first time I give her I was nervous that she take it or not but she did I was happy with that.

"Good evening my beautiful wife." I greet her wrapping my arms around her waist. I feel her shiver as I put my head on her shoulder.

"Good evening my ugly husband." She retorted. This is like our daily routine. Everytime I come home and greet her she always call me ugly and it make me groaned inside me.

"Stop calling me that. I am not ugly. I am your handsome husband." I winked making her blush quickly. She looked away but small smile on her face.

"Go fresh up. You have to go home to your Mom Dad. They were missing you." She said and I notice sadness in her voice. I make her look at me.

"Don't worry. Mom will accept you soon." I assured her but I was assuring myself. I don't know if Mom would ever accept her or our marriage. I know Mom and she can't live without seeing me a day and here she didn't see me or call me in two weeks and five days.

"I hope she will. I trust Allah and know he make everything better. Now go and change to meet them." She pushed me out of kitchen. I pouted but she shake her head. I sighed and walk in our room. I take a shower and change into dark jeans and light blue T shirt. I put on my watch, some perfume and my shoes.

"Here." I heard Khadija behind me. I looked in mirror and saw her standing with my coat in her hands. I put my hands in sleeves and shrugged it on.

"Thanks." I smile at her. She give me my phone and wallet. "Zoya will be here any minute. Don't leave home without telling me. If you want to go somewhere give me a call and I will be here." she sighed and nodded.

"I will be safe at home. Now go." She pushed me out of our room and out of front door. I turned back and kissed her forehead before leaving. I look back as she locked the door. I wish this dinner with Mom pass easily. I hope she didn't say anything again. I start my car and drove to my home. My real home where I will return one day with my wife. I park the car in drive and saw Dad car. Lights were on telling they are at home. I walk to front door and rang the bell few times before it open. I don't know why but I was feeling nervous. My hands were all sweaty and I am wiping them from my jeans. I am going to see Mom after two and half week. I hope she is fine.

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