Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.



It has been a week and half we get back from Hira wedding but something in me missing. I couldn't concentrate on my work. Shehroz and Shaheer started to worry about me. Mom started to search girls for me but everything she came up with Marriage talk Dad take her away. Dad knows I am not ready for it. It is not that I don't want to do I will do but after finding a girl who was perfect for my family.

The girl who respect elder. Who didn't go after money. A girl who help my Mom in house work. A girl who can adjust in my family. A girl who like to stay with everyone not to live alone in other house. All photos of girls Mom select for me have some bad habits. Some girls interest in money and think we live away from my parents and some don't know how to respect elders.

Again my mind drifted to Khadija. She has all qualities I want. She respect elder. She didn't look like she wants to live separate from family. Most important she is not after money. She is simple. That is what I like about her.

"I want to marry someone like Khadija." I thought. Suddenly alight chuckle comes. I looked around and saw Dad standing at door with a large smile on his face.

"What are you doing here Dad?" I asked looking back at my desk where I was working before going into my deep thoughts.

"Can't I come to meet you Rauhan?" He asked walking in my room. I sighed heavily.

"Yes you can Dad but you have to knock before coming. How long you were standing there?" I asked as I closed my files and turn to him because I know what I just thought he listen that is why he had this big smile on his face.

"You are my son Rauhan, I don't have to knock before coming and I just come when you say that." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and get up.

"I didn't mean that." I told him but my heart says I mean it. I ignore it and everything I feel.

"You're bad at lying Rauhan. Why are you hiding if you like a girl?" He asked confused. I don't want to tell him about her even though he already know her. If I told her anything about Khadija he will tell Mom that I like her which is not true and then Mom get angry.

"I am not lying Dad. I don't like anyone." I told him looking straight into his eyes so he couldn't see me lying. He looked at me for few minutes before sighing.

"I am not going to push you to tell me. However, I want you to know that I am always here whenever you need me. Good luck" He patted my shoulders and walk out. I release a heavy sigh and fall on my back on bed. I close my eyes and her face flash in my eyes. I quickly open my eyes and shake my head. This shouldn't be happening. I can't think about her like that. I think I should tell Dad and listen what he says.

'I will talk to him tomorrow' I thought.

I took a long relaxing shower. I walk back in room and lay on bed staring at ceiling blankly. I sighed heavily and pick up my phone. I open photos gallery and open the picture that I have been looking every night since I came back.

It was Khadija picture which I taken secretly at Mehndi Function where everyone was having fun. I look this picture every night before going to sleep.Her laugh was the only thing that makes my heart skip a beat. I put my phone back and close my eyes before falling into deep sleep.


"Just look at this Rauhan" Mom said in annoyance. I shook my head and turn back to eating dinner. There were pictures of girls in front of my plate. All time she do this. Whenever I was at home she showed me pictures and while I was away she send those.

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