Chapter 9.

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Eid Mubarak Everyone! Enjoy!


"Khadija"His hard voice come in my ears. I looked at the man in front of me. The man I hate my whole life. The man who destroy us. The man who insult my father. My so-called Uncle. Dad's brother. He look very old. His hairs were gray and he has big bags under his eyes. His eyes were red. He look scary.

"What you want?" I asked through my teeth. Anger boiled in my when I saw him smirking. He got closer.

"Bad manners Khadija. Didn't your father tell you how to talk with elders? Such a bad father" He said. I shot him a death glare. How he dare to talk about my father like that? He had no rights on him, on us.

"Just shut up.You have no right to talk about my father like that." I yelled at him. He was a little taken back but I was out of my control. I don't listen anyone who talk about my family. If I would, I killed them that night when they torture my Dad.

"Don't yell at me you little girl. You are totally like your mother. Irritating, annoying. She also gave lecture on how we spoke with your father. He was my brother and I can talk him the way I like no one can tell me what to do." He shouted causing me to flinch back. I felt Aminah presence behind me. My uncle didn't give me a chance to look back, he place his hand on my neck and grip it tightly making me choke. I tried to hit him and to get myself free but he didn't move an inch. I was gasping of air. I was end of death when suddenly someone knocked him on ground. I fell on back on ground within a minute Aminah was beside me.

"K-Khadija? Are you okay?" Aminah asked scared. I looked at her while trying to catch my breath. Tears were running down from her eyes.

"Y-yeah."I said between deep breath. We heard someone yell in pain. I turned my head to looked and my eyes widened. I quickly get up with help of Aminah. Headache is beating him. Blood start coming from his noses and mouth. We ran toward them and try to break Headache from him.

"Rauhan. Leave him" Aminah yelled but he didn't listen her and he keep punching on his face. This is other side of him. We know each other for 2 days but I never see him like this. He is someone else who we don't know.

"Rauhan."This is the first time I said his name. I don't want to say but he leave us no choice. Aminah ran and call people to help while I keep trying to break them from each other. Uncle push him by hands. He didn't move a bit. I heard footsteps rushing toward us.

"Rauhan leave him right now." I yelled in front of him. Two man pulled Rauhan back and others help Uncle to get up. Rauhan was struggling in their grip. I looked at him his eyes were bloodshot. He was giving death glares to uncle.

'We have to get out of here if we don't then he will lose his control' I thought.

"We should leave" Aminah said as she was reading my thoughts.

"Leave him." I said to peoples who are keeping him back. Rauhan relax a bit before looking at us. "Let's get out of here" I said walking to car but stop when he doesn't move. He was looking down. I sighed heavily. Aminah already walked toward car. I grabbed his hand and walk back to car. As I touch his hand I feel little tingles and spark but I ignore it. I let it go of his hand when we reach his car. Aminah was sitting inside on back seat.

"Sit" I order him. He looked up before going to sit on driving seat. "Not there...You are not driving" I said sternly.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I said you are not driving car. I am going to drive it. Go sit on other side." He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Why can't I drive? This is my car and I can drive it" he said stubbornly.

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