Chapter 32.

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Chapter 32.



A week later.

It has been a week, a whole week without Uncle and Aunty. The other day when we come here I made breakfast of them as well but then Rauhan told me they weren't here and I should stop thinking about whatever happen but I can't help myself. Rauhan left for work all day and I sit here in this apartment doing nothing just watch some Tv or some sleep. Rauhan text me asking me how I am doing and I told me honestly what I am doing all day. He feel bad for not being here with me because I couldn't stop him. His company is planning to launch a new magazine for business in few weeks and he is there with Shaheer and Shehroz.

My thoughts were broken by door bell. I frowned in confusion. Its 4 pm and Rauhan didn't come back this early. I walk to front door and peek from hole. There a girl standing waiting for the door to open. She looked familiar. I don't know anyone know about this place. I open door and she give me a smile.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum, Khadija Bhabhi." She give me Salam and call me Bhabhi. Who is she and how she know my name? Why she is calling me Bhabhi?

"Um... Walaikum Assalam. Sorry but who are you?" I asked confused. She smile slightly.

"I am Zoya, Rauhan Bhai cousin. He told me you are alone so I came to meet you. I am his Saima Aunty daughter." She explain making me freeze. She is his cousin and she come here for Rauhan. I don't know she is her daughter. I was feared and worried. Is she like her sister Ammara? She could feel my nervousness because she give me a friendly smile.

"I am not what you think. I am Ammara step sister and Rauhan Bhai real cousin. My Dad was Rauhan Bhai Uncle from his Mother side." She says politely. I nodded and call her inside.

"Sorry, I don't know you are his cousin or Saima Aunty daughter. I met only Ammara." I told her. She frowned and shake her head.

"You may don't know me but you saw me when it was your marriage. I sit next to you when Ammara tried to make you think there is something between her and Rauhan Bhai. He never interested in her. He always hate my Mom and her children from first marriage." She explain sadly. I feel bad for her.

"Oh." Was all I can say. We walk talk for an hour. I got to know more about her. She told me she and her brother Amir were only real cousin of Rauhan. She told me she is learning about Fashion design. At around 5:30, I got a call from Rauhan saying he will be late to come back home.

"What you want to do?" She asked after I tell him its okay but I know anyone can fell disappointment in my voice.

"I don't know. What about you?" I asked back. She think for few minutes before she started smiling.

"Let's go shopping." She said excitedly. I looked at her weirdly.

"Shopping? This time?" I asked pointing to clock which says 6 pm. She nodded.

"Yeah. Don't worry nothing will happen." She assured me but I tell her I never go without Rauhan and without telling him. She says we will be back before Rauhan can come.

I agree with her when she started begging me. I changed into long red shirt with black tights and my hijab. I grab my bag and phone before we drove to near mall. I freeze on my place when I saw the mall. It was the same mall where I saw him. I want to turn around and go back but I couldn't I feel myself glued on my place.

'Relax, Khadija. He is not here. He can't do anything now.' I try to calm myself. I took a deep breath before going inside with Zoya.

"So, where to first?" She asked looking around to stores. I shrugged and she dragged me in first stores of jeans and tops. She choose some jeans to try. I realise she wear jeans and tops, but her top very baggy. I don't want to try jeans but she pushed me in trail room with it.

When she saw me she says to buy it but I refused saying I don't like it. It is true, I don't like jeans and I didn't wear it after I turned 18. That's why I don't feel comfortable in it. She says I should wear it on vacations with Rauhan. I am not sure if we go. Rauhan is always busy in his office work and I was at home doing nothing. In few days it will be a month since we got married.

"Khadija Bhabhi where were you lost?" Zoya asked suddenly making me look at her.

"No where." I shrugged and we walk out of mall toward parking. We were few steps away when she stop and check her pocket.

"Please don't tell me you lost the keys." I says and relief when she shake her head in no.

"I think, I forgot my phone in shop. I will be back." She says and ran back in mall before I could say anything. I sighed and leaned back on car.

After few minutes my phone started to ring. I take it out and saw Rauhan name flashing on screen. I panicked. Did he arrive at home? If he did then I have to listen a lecture for not going out without him. He told me I couldn't to go out alone because of what happened when I come here with Asim. I didn't tell him anything about what happen that day.

"Hello, Rauhan." I answer his call in calm and smooth voice.

"Khadija, where are you? Why you are not at home?" He asked worriedly.

"Um... I am at mall with Zoya. We are coming back."

"Come fast."

"Don't Worry I-" I was cut it off when someone roughly grabbed my arm and phone fall my hands. My eyes gone wide and my breath become heavy.

"Hello Khadija." His voice is hard and deep when he say my name. I can hear Rauhan voice asking what happen but I couldn't reply. I tried to take my hand back but he tighten his grip on it.

"P-please, leave me." I said and tears filled in my eyes. I used my all energy to push him away but he pulled me into him.

"Why Khadija? Are you not happy to see me?" He asked smirking. I shake my head and tear fall from my eyes.

"You know, I am waiting for you so long." He says and take out something from his back. It was shinning and long. It was knife.

"Leave me." I yelled at him and tried to get away. He pushed me to near wall and covered my mouth with a piece of cloth. He take out a rope and tied my hands.

"Stay still or I will kill you right here." He said in low and threaten voice. I screamed but the cloth on my mouth covered it as I feel him tearing my sleeves of shirt with knife. My vision get blurred.

"Khadija Bhabhi?" I heard Zoya voice from some distance. I tried to make sound but he tighten his grip on my mouth and my hands.

"Keep quiet." He hissed in my ear. Zoya keep calling my name and he slowly ran knife to my arms and dig it in me causing blood to come out. He start slicing my arm to my wrist. Blood started to come and fall on ground. He moved on my other hand and write his name on it.

"You are mine." Was all he says and suddenly he disappeared. I fall on ground hard. I heard my name and footsteps rushing toward me. My vision was already blurred and my head start spinning.

"Khadija, Wake up." I heard Rauhan voice and the last thing I saw was his worried face before letting blackness took over me.


Update! I hope you all like it. 

So, I want to tell everyone that for now I am putting my other two books ONE WRONG DECISION & SILENT LOVE on hold until I complete this book. Sadly, it is coming to end and I have to do it in next week because after that I will be busy in my short courses.

I hope you all understand my problem. From Today there will be like 2-3 or more updates in a day. So stick around because a lot more it coming soon. I will update next chapter in afternoon because it is 2 am in Pakistan right now. Remember me in your prayers. :)

And Do let me know what you think about this chapter and about new entry. 


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