Chapter 39

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(Jade POV)
I hide among the trees, keeping my face concealed in the shadows. I watched as Shane and Jonas cry out in excruciating pain as they realise Niamh and Sarah were gone, maybe forever. I looked on as they collapsed with pain and scream with anguish. I was there when they begun to get angry. That was when I left. I left to go to the lands where I could train, train harder than I ever have before, so that when the battle comes, I can diminish all those who oppose me with relative ease, and get my sweet revenge.

They were however wrong about me though. I have not left the good side to fight for the bad side, oh hell no. I have left to fight both sides. I have left to get my revenge against both The Goddess, and against The Dark Goddess. And after I have killed them both, I plan to follow them in death itself. So I don't have to feel this pain anymore. But more importantly so I can see Ryder again.

Continuing my walk along the path, I notice the sun has started to set again. Choosing a fairly
large tree, I fly, yes fly, as that is a new ability I have developed since changing sides, sort of, up there, and settle down on a wide, if slightly uncomfortable branch. Lying down, I close my eyes and fall asleep with relative ease.

"Jade. Jade." Ryder's voice fills my ears. I awake with a start, and climb down the tree swiftly to try and find the source of it. Breaking into a run, the sweat pours down my face as my desperation to find him increases by the second. Finally, I find him.
He is lying down on the path in a puddle of his own blood, his eyes closed until he senses me. They open a crack and he manages a broken smile.
"Jade. You came." His hand reaches up to caress my face as I crouch down.
"Of course I came." I sigh, running my hand gently through his dark hair.
"We never did spend enough time together. Jade, I, I, I-"
"You what, Ryder you what?"
"I lo-"
His body bursts into bats, and his voice is gone. An evil cackle fills my ears. Not one trace of Ryder is left; the bats flying around and the darkness seeping in and that horrible, screeching cackle is all that remain.

Screaming, I sit up to realise that I am still in the tree, and that it was a dream. I put my head in my hands and begin to cry. My tears soak my hands, and my sobs echo loudly throughout the forest. I know straight away who is behind this. The Dark Goddess. I know that I will definitely not be able to sleep again after that dream, so I jump down from the tree branch and continue to walk. A little while later, and I begin to hear voices that I would recognise anywhere. Stopping in my tracks, I stay deathly silent as I listen in to their late night conversation.

"I can't believe she would just leave us. I cannot believe it. She is acting like such a bitch. This has to be the worst thing by far that she has ever done. She is-ugh!" I can just imagine Sarah pacing now as she speaks, her frustration levels through the roof, due to my behaviour.
"Sarah, she has to have a reason. She wouldn't just do something this drastic without a damn good reason." Niamh was always the quieter, more understanding one out of the two.
"But Niamh, this is serious. It is not like she has done something small this time. She has abandoned us, with the obviously fake reason that she wants revenge for Ryder. She is abandoning us because she knows we will lose this war between good and evil, and she is scared. Scared for her own sake, for her own pride more than anything else."
"Sarah! That is anything but the truth! That is far from her reasoning and you know it!" Niamh sounded pretty annoyed with Sarah's brash way of thinking.
"Whatever. Goodnight." I could tell from Sarah's voice that she knew Niamh was right, but she did not want to admit it. I could almost picture the smirk on Niamh's face as she realised that Sarah knew that she was right yet again.

Smiling softly, I pulled my defences back up and let myself carry on walking. At least now I knew that Niamh would keep Sarah in line, and not let her think too harshly of me. Not that I cared anymore.

Sorry people if this is a bit short, but I want to keep the updates pretty regular from now on, even if the chapters are shorter. Hopefully I will be able to anyway.
Peace out people!

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