Chapter 9

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(Niamh POV)

"Fire!!!" Me and Sarah yelled the top of our voices.

The fire had melted down the solid silver door. We began backing away from the fire as it started to close in around us. Suddenly, I heard footsteps echoing across the floor.

Jade appeared from within the fire. Here eyes were darkened and she had cuts and bruises everywhere, which were healing even as I looked at them. She had no serious injuries, thank god. Luckily the fire wasn't harming her, but it was burning her skin black the longer she stood in it. Although it didn't seem to be harming her.

She reached out with lightning speed and grabbed Sarah who was the closest to her. She then threw her gently, well kind of gently out of the still burning room.

I listened for a second, straining to hear the bump of her hitting the floor. Strange, I didn't hear one. My ears are probably too weak.

I turned to Jade, to say something, but she had already scooped me up and was throwing me out of the room too. I was suddenly snatched out of the air by a red eyed man.

I gasped as I saw Sarah being knocked out with some sort of cloth, and then being tied up. She was slung over the vamps shoulder and they jumped out of the window. I screamed, trying to warn Jade not to come out.

But it was too late.

The freak clamped my mouth shut, muffling my scream, and the last thing I saw was a cloth smothering my face.

(Sarah POV)

As I was threw out the room, I was caught by some creepy, red eyed bloodsucker.

I writhed around in his arms frantically, but he held me in a vice like grip and he probably wasn't going to let go any time soon.

I sighed and head-butted his nose hard. He didn't even flinch.

Instead he let out a huge sigh, like he was insanely bored, cricked his nose into the right place and then covered my face with some sort of drugged cloth.

I held my breath for as long as I could, but eventually had to breathe in.

As soon as I did, I passed out...

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