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I don't know how it happened. It was fast. Too fast.
One minute he was on patrol but now, here he was trapped under a burning building.


"Hey Happy... Uh, there's nothing much going. Couple of muggings. Helped couple people cross the street at rush hour." My enhanced hearing picked up sirens, my smell picked up smoke. 
"Sorry Happy I've gotta go. Burning building. I'm gonna see if they need any help. Bye." I sped through the apology and headed in the direction of the building.

"Are there any people left in the building?" I asked the first police officer I see. 
"Yes, two kids. 10th floor." I start toward the building. 
"Spider-Man you'll never make it. The building going to collapse!" The officers calls were left to deaf ears. 

"Alright, 10th floor, here we are. ANYBODY HERE?!"
"Hello? We're here! PLEASE SAVE US!" I hear two kids to my left. I grabbed onto them and saw a nearby window and my opportunity. I web their hands to the side of the building and slowly letting them down. This saved them... not me. 

I hear creaking just as my AI, Karen, said, "Peter, the buildings unstable. I suggest getting out."
"Yeah Karen, I know." Before I could do anything the window was crushed and the ceiling came down on me. 

I don't know how it happened. It was fast. Too fast.

One minute he was on patrol but now, here he was trapped under a burning building. 

"You have severe injuries Peter, please try to stay awake." I heard Karen tell me, "Calling Tony Stark..."

I knew Karen had sent him my location, unlike the last time a building had been dropped on me, I was going to get help. 

I felt my consciousness start to drift so I tried my best to stay awake. I heard voices and rubble getting shifted, I didn't want to do anything to shift the rubble on top of me however because I didn't want it to collapse further, so I waited. 

I finally felt to rubble directly on top of me move and slowly get lifted off. 

"PETER! OH MY GOD! GUYS HE'S HERE!" I hear Tony say.
"dad?" was the only thing I said before promptly passing out. 


The first of my senses to come back was my hearing. I heard heartbeats in the room, along with the annoying beeping of the heart monitor and D-Tony's breathing. I felt the soft bed beneath me. I started to open my eyes only to find it slightly darker than I was bracing for, a pleasant surprise.

"Mis'er S'ark?" I slurred out. 
"Heya bud." I smiled. 'Dad.' I thought.

I sat up with D-Mr. Stark's help.

"You gave us quite the scare Underoos. You're good to go by the way. Just a few rules." Mr. Stark said. I nodded.
"One, no patrolling for a day or two, two, you're not going to school, you have a concussion, and three no more calling me 'Mr. Stark' makes me feel old and no calling me 'tony'." He smirked at my confused face.
"Then what am I supposed to call you? Anthony?" I said sarcastically.
"It's 'Dad' to you Mister." My eyes bulged. He'd heard me?
"Either way, you can cause while you were out, May allowed me to have guardianship over you, if you want! So, would you like Pepper and I to adopt you?" He asked hesitantly. I shook my head as hard as I could and croaked out a 'yes.' May is going on a holiday in a few days by the way, over the summer and you'll still see her plenty. In fact, I kinda forced her to move in so you wouldn't miss her much." Ton-Dad grinned like the cheshire cat.

Soon, I was legally Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, Son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

Two legacies combined into one. Parker and Stark and MAN has "Parker Luck" really turned around. 

For now.


Clearly I am crap at ending things lmao. I like it enough to actually post though so that is good.

- <3

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