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Have I done a Hydra one-shot? No. Have I done angst and whump? Yes. How hard can it be? so... this one-shot doesn't include May. I don't exactly say if she's dead or not, so think whatever.

Peter POV:

Today was exhausting. I don't even think I can go on patrol today, but I have to. I want to. It was only Tuesday, but the week already felt like it was dragging by. It feels like it should be Thursday, better yet, Friday.

I quickly said goodbye to Ned and ran past Flash with my head down. Today is not a day where I can keep my head on when Flash is pretending to be all strong and stuff while beating me up. 

I jumped into Happy's car, which was waiting for me a little way down the street from Midtown, as usual. Listen, I get that I could be gloating in Flash's face about actually getting and maintaining a Stark Internship, as both Ned and MJ have suggested, but I'm not that type of person. Besides, if Flash stops picking on me, then he'll just turn around and bully someone else. I don't want that to happen. It'd be kinda selfish, to be honest. I'm spiderman. It's what I do, so there really isn't a problem. 

The drive to Stark Tower doesn't feel so long this time around. Maybe cause I am super tired, as previously mentioned.

I dash into the elevator from the garage, heading straight to Mr. Stark's lab. 
"Hey, Mr. Stark, what are we working on today?" I ask, dumping my bag by my work desk. 
"Hey, kiddo. Capsicle just called a meeting. You can just hang out here while I'm there. It's nothing to be worried about, probably 'team-bonding' planning or whatever. I'll be back soon." He read my worried face immediately. But he's right; it was probably nothing. 

Tony left to go to that meeting and came back 30 minutes later with a worried but determined look on his face.
"Mr. Stark... what's going on?"
"Hydra, kid. It's Hydra. We've found a base. It has a crazy amount of important information that we could use to shut them down. We need to go now."
"O-okay... 'we' doesn't include me, does it." Mr. Stark looked at me with an eyebrow raised as if to say, "obviously." I sighed, knowing there was no battling Mr. Stark on this. 

I watched his armor assemble around him. He lifted his helmet and told me to stay here in the meantime, which I did. 

I was lounging around for a couple of hours before I heard a noise coming from somewhere downstairs in the tower. It sounded like they were speaking Russian. My spidey sense flared up before the elevator opened. 
"Remember the goal" was what I heard before the elevator opened, revealing Hydra soldiers in black suits and weapons... so many weapons. Mostly guns, but quite a few had knives strapped to their belts as well. 

I activated my suit, which formed around me. I webbed up as many as I could, but I guess one slipped by me. The last Hydra agent knocked me out from behind, and everything went black.

----Time Skip----

When I came back to consciousness, the first thing I heard was the agents around me speaking in Russian. I don't think they know I understood, but that just means I had an advantage. 

My body lets out an involuntary groan as I feel the pain hit me in waves.

"Well, look who's finally awake. Good morning, our little spider," the man looked at me handing a clipboard to a man in white. He smiles, but I don't smile in return. I don't like the man's smile; it looks evil and makes me wanna squirm away from him, except I am strapped to the table. 

----Back with Tony and the Avengers----

I was glad to go home, especially with Peter being by himself. I felt bad for leaving him like that, but this mission was important. Too bad it was a total bust. All I can think about right now is ending my day with someone I have come to see as my son.

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