One of the other outcomes (part three)

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When we arrived we saw everyone sitting around with their heads in their hands. That's the last thing I saw before my body finally gave up.


I feel like an utter failure. We won. But I managed to lose the kid, get him back only to lose him again. With Strange's help we all went to my cabin to be greeted by a bundle of excitement that is my Morgan.

We all had our heads in our hands. Processing what just happened. I felt light shine through my hands and closed eyelids while a resounding thud was heard. I looked up to see Loki, Natasha, Vision, and a green girl who I can only assume is Gamora by Quill's expression.

The four got barroled by their significant others, or best friend in Nat's case and brother in Loki's case. I just ran to the lump on the ground that was my kid. I put a hand to his neck and to my relief felt a light pattering against my fingers.

I carried my kid into the house and towards the medbay set up inside for the Avengers after the war. Strange, after all he is still a doctor, and Bruce set to work along with Helen Cho.

After a few hours I was told Pepper and I could come in. The kid was still asleep but he was stable. We weren't told how long he was going to be out however. I sat by his side and sighed.

I heard soft footsteps. Morgan peered through the door so I beckoned her over.
"Hey Morguna, you remember that boy in those pictures that you asked me about?" She nods. "Remember how I said he was your brother?" She nods again looking between me and Peter. "Well, here he is. But he's asleep." Morgans eyebrows shot up.
"Hello Peter." She says in a gentle whisper. After getting no response she got of my lap and looked at me. "I'll meet him when he wakes up, then we can get cheeseburgers but right now I want a juice pop!" I give her a smile.
"You can ask mommy to get you a juice pop." (DON'T make it weird, he's talking to a five year old!)

I stand up and call May.
"Hey Tony." She says in her usual gentle voice.
"We won. I got him back." I could hear her sigh of relief over the phone.
"But... He did something unexpected. I'll tell you this. Your kid is amazing. He withstood the snap twice." There was no excitement in my voice. Once again I heard her breath over the phone this time sucking air in with a soft gasp.
"He's gonna make it! He's just asleep from the amount of use from the infinity stones. Bruce, Strange, and Cho were even able to save his arm... Anyway come over. I'll send Happy to pick you up."
"Okay... And Tony. Make sure he doesn't die before I get there."
"I'll try but I'm not the doctors." With that I hung up and called Happy telling him to pick up Ms. Parker.

*Time Skip*


I groan as light infiltrates the darkness I was in. For once it was a peaceful rest ever since Mys... Europe.. Ever since Europe.

I slowly open my eyes.
"Hey Pete, welcome back to the land of the living."
"Hey Mis'er S'ark." I slur. "An' May." I smile.
"Hey Kiddo." They gently hugged me while I sat up. I looked at my arm, surprisingly still human.
"You're amazing you know that? Definitely better than me. You brought them back!" I smiled thinking about the grief I was able to save the four avengers from, well Quill isn't exactly an avenger but still "guardian of the galaxy." I don't know what Mr. Loki would count as though.
"Wanna tell me the story? Tony broke down after saying you snapped." I gave a light chuckle and told them I'd tell them after breakfast.

As we entered the living room someone small hit my legs.
"Oh this Morgan."
"Hey Morgan! I'm..."
"Peter you're okay!" She hugged me as tight as she could. I smile and hug her back.

*Time Skip*

After breakfast I sat everyone down so I could quickly recount what was going through my head at the time of the end of the war. Morgan climbed onto my lap.
"Well. I saw Mr. Stark get flung across the field and saw the the stones weren't in Thanos' gauntlet so I was like 'oh gosh he's gonna take the snap!' So I flung myself into Mr. Stark on purpose and stole the stones. Then Thanos was all like 'I am inevitable' but his snap failed cuz Mr. Stark thought he had the stones. Then Mr. Stark was like 'and I am Iron Man.' And he snapped but that also failed. And I tried to make a joke but couldn't think of any so I just said 'well that's unexpected.' even though it was expected for me. Then I snapped. And it hurt a lot and I sorta blacked out because the next thing I remember was Mr. Stark next to me and then Ms. Potts came over. AND THEN I saw everyone but Ms. Romanoff. So I took off and went to Vormir, I think, to get her back. But then I remembered that Mr. Vision had probably died for the purple space grape to get the mind stone. THEN I remembered that when I first met the Guardians Quill said something about his girlfriend and I figured she probably died at Vormir too so instead of returning the soul stone for one person I just snapped again and brought Mr. Lokie, Mr. Vision and Ms. Gamora back then returned the soul stone for Ms. Romanoff!" I didn't want to regret bringing one person back when we could've had all four." I looked up at the four.
"That was very strong of you to think through the pain of the first snap." Ms. Romanoff said. Everyone hummed in agreement. I smiled.

I had my family back. Mr. Stark, May, Ms. Potts, and now a little sister named Morgan. As I thought about her I gave her an unconscious hug.

This... This is nice.


Did I just publish three parts in one day? Yes. How? I wrote one SUPER long part that was close to 1700 words but decided it'd be better to split them into three parts after I'm done writing. That's how. I don't leaving me readers hanging... at least here. My other book, i'm sorry im trying!

k bye

- <3

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