The little things

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I'll publish Baby Peter in a little bit. Sorry for being away so long! BTW Bella Ramone is an OC and doesn't belong to the MCU, unlike other named characters (i.e., Betty Brant, Flash, Mr. Harrington, etc.). ALSO, this is a long one... ENJOY

3rd Person POV:

Peter often did little things like the little waves to people in the hallways in Midtown, the smiles to students who've had a rough day, and always stayed after class to help the teacher. 

Peter never thought much of it. In fact, nobody ever thought much of it. Peter is being Peter is what went through people's heads. Peter was nice, smiling, waving, and helping, which was normal for them. And they didn't know how much those little things meant to them until they didn't have it.

It started on a regular Monday morning. Nobody realized that Peter wasn't there. Students were often too busy bustling to class and stressing about tests to notice someone's absence. It took a while for someone to notice Peter's absence. The person who discovered it was Flash, surprisingly. 

Flash had turned around in his seat to greet Peter by taunting him, only to see an empty seat. His brows furrowed, and as much as he disliked Peter, he couldn't help but be worried.  Peter was always here. He never missed school. So his not being here today was concerning... extremely concerning. 

Flash turned around to face the front of the classroom as the teacher started taking attendance. Trying not to think much of it. 

Throughout the day, Peter's absence was noticed by a lot of the people in Midtown, at his teachers noticed. The school didn't get a call from a guardian, so they were concerned about why he didn't show up. 

Mr. Harrington missed the boy who would share his enthusiasm about superheroes.

There were a couple of students who noticed Peter's absence as well. Namely Betty Brant and the new kid Bella Ramone. MJ had noticed Peter's absence but didn't question it. In her words, "I'm glad that loser decided to take a break; he needs it." She both appreciated the silence and found it uncomfortable without Peter rambling while she was trying to read.

Ned Leeds, Peter's best friend, was out for the next couple of weeks because he was on vacation visiting family, so he was unaware of his friend's absence from school. 

Bella hadn't known Peter as long as MJ and Betty but was quickly welcomed into the existing friend group. Peter had shown her around on her first day, introducing her to MJ, Betty, and Ned. He had been shy at first but kind nonetheless. Bella was quick to notice Peter being bullied and was quick to stop Flash before he went too far. Meanwhile, Peter quickly took Bella under his wing, treating her like his little sister. Because of that, Bella noticed the lack of hovering around her. 

Betty Brant didn't consider herself very close to Peter, but he would deny that. Betty had known Peter since they were young and often worked together on projects in classes where their respective best friends were absent. She had been the one to encourage him to stay with Academic Decathlon when he felt that he didn't belong there (he hadn't known anybody besides her at that point) and was there for him when he was the new student at Midtown. She didn't need to be close to Peter to know she missed him and his cheery attitude.

The next day Peter walked into his science classroom, only to be pounced on by Bella and Betty. MJ merely looked up from her book and gave one of her rare genuine smiles. Peter smiled back, slightly confused at his friends' reactions.

Even Flash had gotten up from his seat to clap him on the back with a smile, saying, "glad you're back parker. Classes weren't the same without you outsmarting the teacher every five seconds." This had Peter even more confused... Flash and "being nice" are two things he'd never thought he would put in the same sentence.

Mr. Harrington gave Peter a kind smile and welcomed him back to class, adding that Peter hadn't missed much while he was out.

Peter nodded and looked over at his friends, could Flash even be counted as a friend? Technically no but he didn't want to exclude Flash either. 
"Hey, guys, what's up?" Peter asked, hoping to get an explanation from his friends.
"Flash is right. Class wasn't the same. We missed you, loser." MJ explained. Everyone, including Flash, nodded. Peter was bewildered.
"I was gone for a day... how could you miss me THAT much?" He raised his eyebrow, still confused.

It was then that the group surrounding Peter realized that he didn't know how important he was to them. Bella was the first to speak.
"Peter, you're important to us you know. You helped me out on my first day with no hesitation. You didn't even know me yet."
"You're always encouraging me never to give up writing and reporting!" Betty chimed in.
"Your rambling is annoying... But I do enjoy hearing you go on about your day.." MJ mentioned almost reluctantly.
"Peter, everyone missed the little things you do... Like the waves and smiles in the hall!" Bella tried getting the point across.
"Yeah, but that's so lame. No one ever actually notices..." Peter said exasperatedly not understanding. However, he was touched by what his friends mentioned previously. 
"Dude, everyone notices. It was odd not having you there yesterday." Flash crossed his arms across his chest and leaned on the lab table behind him. 

Peter blushed and quickly thanked them before getting to his seat so they could start class.

At the end of the school day, Flash caught up with Peter.
"Hey, Peter," Peter smiled.
"Hey, Flash. What's up?" Flash shrugged in response. The two were now walking side by side down the sidewalk.
"Just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being a jerk... I'm not expecting forgiveness, but I wanted to put it out there I guess." Flash said, cooly. Peter just smiled.
"It's no problem, Flash"
"See, but it is. How can you easily forgive me after all the years I've bullied you? I've been horrible, mean, awful, and... and jealous," Flash stopped short, eyes widening at what he had confessed. In turn, Peter stopped a few steps ahead and turned around.
"Flash. I... You were jealous of me? Why?"
"I was jealous because you have amazing friends... and family. You have people who LOVE you, Peter. I don't have that." Flash looked at the ground in shame, and Peter realized what Flash meant.
"Flash..." Peter tried, but Flash interrupted him.
"Whatever, Parker... I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that Flash walked away, no longer Peter's bully.

After a quick train ride to Stark Tower, Peter dropped his bag by the couch and walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, Mr. Stark. Something really strange happened today." Peter started.
"Oh yeah? What's up, kiddo?" Tony turned his back on his coffee machine, brewing a fresh round of coffee, and leaned on the island counter.
"Well, when I walked into first period, every one of my friends acted like I was missing for a week, and THEN Flash APOLOGIZED for bullying me..." Peter trailed off, eyes wide, after realizing he had mentioned to TONY STARK that he was bullied. 
"Peter! WHAT!" Tony started.
"NOTHING, I HAVE TO GO. I HAVE LOTS OF HOMEWORK. I'll SEE YOU LATER, MR. STARK!" Peter sprinted away from Tony. He raised an eyebrow and smiled a little at Peter's antics.

"It's about time they showed that kid some appreciation... He more than deserves it." Tony thought while shaking his head and pouring himself a cup of black coffee. 

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