Lost Peter

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A/N: No one is gonna talk about how Tony is in his tracksuit from Infinity War here. Ok? ok.

Summary: Peter goes to hang out with friends and Tony (who thinks he's lost) tries to lure him back with churros


I was working in the lab with Mr Stark. We were working on the Iron Man gauntlet for his suit. I turned down the loud music which does little to catch his attention.
"Uh- Mr Stark."
"Hm? What's up?" Mr Stark asks focused on the blueprints for the suit. 
"I was wondering if I could go out with friends tomorrow? I mean, I know we were supposed to work in the lab but I wanted to ask because if I can't go then-" I was cut off by Mr Stark.
"Kid, if you wanna go hang out with friends and be kids and have fun then I am not gonna stop you. Alright?" I nod even though he didn't see me. The music turns up once again blasting Black Sabbath's Iron Man, and I chuckled and got back to work. 


It was the next day, the day I was hanging out with Ned and MJ. We were going to head to Starbucks and get coffee and then head back to Neds to do what exactly, I have no idea the only thing I know is we are going to have fun!

We head back to Neds after getting coffee and cake pops, we also stopped by Delmars for a sandwich since I was hungry and I didn't like Starbucks food... that's a lie I'm just banned from buying too much because one time I got a sugar high and according to Mr Stark I wouldn't come off the ceiling for 3 hours. Anyway, when I went to check the time, I found out my phone died but that's okay. Mr Stark knows I'm with friends already, it's fine.


It was around 4:30 pm and I was wondering where the kid was. School let out a while ago and it usually doesn't take that long for him to arrive. I decide to wait and see if the kid was out Spider-Manning or something. I turned on the news just in case.

After an hour of not hearing from Peter and not seeing Spider-Man on the news, I decide the best thing to do would be to call him but it went straight to voicemail. I tried a couple more times for the same thing to happen every time. 

I was starting to panic from not knowing where this kid was. Curse his gen z nature for constantly forgetting to charge his phone. 

It's not yet dark outside so I figured I could look for him with the suit. I searched for a good few hours around New York, upstate and Queens. Eventually, I have to stop so I go get churros and set it up under a box in the living propped on a stick that was tied with string. 

I sat in the corner, held onto the string and waited. After what felt like hours Pepper and Rhodey walked into the room.
"Tony what are you doing?!" Pepper's voice rang out.
"I lost the kid!" I say panicked.
"So you set up a cartoon trap with churros." I don't say anything and just curl into a ball, silent tears running down my face.
"Oh my god!" Then I hear the clacking of Pepper's heels fade as she walks away.


I had so much fun today with Ned and MJ but as always, all good things must come to an end. At the end of the night, I walked home to Avengers Tower and made my way up to the living room. 

When I entered the first thing I smell was churros, the first thing I see was Mr Stark sitting in the corner of the living room, crying, holding a string to what looks like one of those traps cartoons use. 
"Mr Stark?" As I say his name, Tony's head shot up to look at me with bleary eyes, red from crying. Mr Stark shakily stands up and walks over to hug me. I hug back without hesitating.
"Mr Stark... Did you think I left or got lost or something?" 
"Pfft. what me? Nooooo... definitely not."
"Mr Stark! I told you yesterday I was going to hang out with friends today and wouldn't be able to do lab time with you!" I say face-palming at my dads-uh-mentors antics.

I reach down to the churros and begin eating them, trying not to laugh at what happened today.

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