Idiots and Movies

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"TONY. PLEASE! We'll take FULL responsibility!" Natasha pleaded. Natasha Romanoff... pleading that isn't something she does.
"FOR THE LAST TIME, NO!" Tony was getting frustrated. The team, at least the rouges, had been nagging about this for over a week.

What were they nagging him about you ask? Well, they wanted to meet the spider. That's right. The Rouges wanted to meet the spider boy since they came back. 

Saying Tony was reluctant was an understatement. He specifically MADE SURE that the Rouges were never in the same vicinity as Peter... EVER. He won't admit it but Tony Stark was becoming a dad.

Tony walked away from the situation to his lab where he was designing a suit for a certain spider baby. 

"You have an incoming call from Spider Baby, Boss. Shall I answer?"
"Yes, F.R.I.D.A.Y. answer the call!" Tony panicked hiding the new suit just in time.
"H-h-eyy Mr. Stark!" Peter stuttered.
"What's up, Kid?" Tony replied nonchalantly as if he didn't just scramble to hide the new spider suit.
"How fast can you open the window to the living room?" Peter asked sounding more than a little bit stressed. Tony could hear the wind whistling past the mic on the comms.
"Peter... why?"
"BECAUSE I'M HEADING STRAIGHT FOR...." A crash could be heard through the comms and in Tony's living room. CRAP! THE ROUGES ARE THERE RIGHT NOW!
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. end call."

Tony sprang up and into the living room as fast as humanly possible to see Peter in his suit, on the floor surrounded by glass and the Rouges.

"SHIT KID!" Tony went to Peter's side and helped him up.
"Oh my gosh, Mr. Stark I AM SO SORRY about the window! I SHOULD'VE CALLED SOONER! PLEASE DON'T BE MAD!" Tony at the same time yelled, "WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE FUCKING MED BAY!"

Peter confused, asked, "You're not mad at me?" 
"I'm a billionaire, why would I be mad about ONE window? I'm just concerned cause you're covered in GLASS." Tony turned his attention to the Rouges who just sat there waiting to be introduced.

"I'm Steve Rogers. This is Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Wanda Maximoff." Steve introduced.

"You guys are the Rouges..." Peter said, unenthusiastic. Everyone, including Tony, looked confused. "Let's get to the Med bay, yeah?" Peter whispered.

Tony guided the small glass covered spider to the tower's med bay.
"Hey kiddo, how come you weren't so excited to meet the Avengers?" Tony asked the rough introduction fresh in his mind. 
"Because, I know they hurt you." Peter's answer surprised him to say the least. 
"I know what Steve did to defend Bucky. Cap's entire team wasn't thinking!" Pete laughed humorlessly. "A group of grownups and you would think at least ONE person would have enough of a mind to say 'hey wait, the accords can be modified. We don't have to fight over this!'" Peter said.

Peter didn't know the entire team of Rogues was behind him, nor did he notice them smacking their foreheads in shame and out of their utter lack of judgement.

"I mean seriously, they could have been modified. The entire fight was useless. You got hurt, Ms. Widow got hurt, Mr. Hawkeye, EVERYONE! AND ALL FOR WHAT?" Peter looked at Tony.
"Don't forget you got hurt too, kid." 
"But I heal fast, the others don't." Peter looked away.

Natasha nimbly turned and smacked Steve upside the head.
"OW! NAT what was that for?!" Steve exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head.
"THAT was for being an idiot!" Natasha said simply. A menacing glare was sent toward the super soldier.

A chuckle was heard from the entrance to the med bay. The Rouges looked up to see a boy with curly brown hair and big doe eyes that would've been cute if it wasn't glaring at them like they were enemy number 1. He was a cinnamon roll you definitely didn't want to cross paths with when he's mad. Even Natasha was surprised at the kids protectiveness over his mentor turned father figure.

A chuckling Tony was standing in between the boy and the group of Ex-vengers.

"Yeah, may I add that I was NOT afraid for the safety of Spidey boy? I was more so afraid of him annihilating each and every one of you-"
"Except Mr. Bucky Barnes, he wasn't in control of what happened in the past, he was brainwashed! And because he was unknowingly lured into this WHOLE THING by Mr. Rogers since Mr. Rogers is his friend and thought he knew what was best for Mr. Barnes." Peter rambled looking at Bucky with a sympathetic look that could also be read as "I'm sorry your friend is stupid."

"Yeah well, except Bucky. But especially Spangles over there." Tony continued, "Team, meet Peter Parker, my intern and Spider-Man, vice versa. KAY! So introductions are done, can we get you to the med bay now kid? We are literally right outside! Just a few steps, c'mon!" Tony could then be seen herding Peter into the med bay where he was to get treated.

"Nat could take him couldn't she?" Clint said, playfully elbowing Nat. 
"Oh no, I'm staying away from that kid. He's terrifying!" Natasha responded, eyebrows raised.
"WHAT?! Nat he's like a full head and a half shorter than you! I bet his skills aren't even honed yet!" Clint had his mouth hanging open in disbelief.
"It's the quiet, kind, and protective ones you need to watch out for, Barton. How do you think you always lose?" Nat raised a single eyebrow in a questioning manor.
"Besides, he's right. All of you are idiots." This time Cap interjected.
"Excuse me? I was trying to save my friend. You were the one who switched over!"
"Yeah, so that can't mean I don't think you all are idiots." Nat said cooly before walking off.


"Well kiddo, you outsmarted us all."
"Easy to do that when you are all idiots who don't think things through."
"That's coming from you!" Tony laughed, "come on kid, let's go watch Star Wars. Or is it Alien this time?"
"We'll choose when we get there Mr. Stark." Peter got up and raced to the living room. He sat on the couch, picked up the remote and turned it on. Clicking on Star Wars he noticed a shadow on the coffee table. Peter couldn't do much about it though as he felt a giant pile of blankets fall on him, effectively trapping him. Peter popped his head out, looking absolutely adorable.
"Hey FRIDAY, invite the Avengers to the living room for a movie night." Though FRIDAY wasn't heard he knew she was doing exactly what he'd asked.

Tony looked at him in surprise.
"What?" Peter asked innocently.
"You literally called them idiots no less than 20 minutes ago!" Tony asked astonished.
"Meh, what's the point? They're not going to go away, might as well prove them to be idiots and then forget. No point holding a grudge." Peter shrugged.

The Avengers walked in surprised to have been invited. Natasha pushed the coffee table to the side and sat on the floor in front of the couch. Clint next to Natasha. Bucky on the floor in front of Peter. Steve sat in a single chair. Wanda sat on one side of Pete while Tony sat on the other. Bucky's eyes suddenly widened and he jumped up. He ran to the kitchen and started making delicious smelling popcorn and got out a bunch of candy. He handed the popcorn bowls out and got a GIANT packet of M&Ms out for Peter. 
"Thanks Mr. Barnes!" Peter happily took the popcorn from him.
"Call me Bucky." The soldier smiled.
"Thanks Uncle Bucky." Peter said, knowing it would make him smile.
"I'm offended, I've known you the longest and I'm still 'Mr. Stark.' Like c'mon Pete!" Tony said in mock offense. Peter just stuck his tongue out and continued eating the M&Ms and popcorn.

Soon enough, one movie led to another and Peter's eyes started to get droopy.

Peter fell asleep against Tony that night, and as rough of a start as it was, turned out to be good. The Avengers got along. They all enjoyed the Star Wars movie marathon. Needless to say, they would have plenty of movie nights from now on and they would always end up fighting about who got to sit with Peter. And what movie they'd watch that week.

All problems easily resolved.

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