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Redeemed Flash because there isn't enough. Also, I didn't have any ideas exactly. FAR FROM HOME AND ENDGAME DON'T EXIST HERE!

Peter POV:

Today, in decathlon practice, we had found out we were going to go on a field trip to Paris.
"And remember, pack good winter gear! A windbreaker will not keep you warm enough! It's going to be snowing while we're there! Alright, I'll see you, next class." Mr Harrington shouted after the students. 

I sigh and get out of my seat. With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I catch up to Ned. He rambles on about Star Wars LEGO sets. 

"Ok, bye Ned, see you tomorrow!" I make my way to the signature black Audi Happy is picking me up in. I climb in and turn to him, smiling. 

"Hey Happy, how was your day?" He grunts in response and rolls up the divider. I just shrug, this was nothing unusual.

Once we arrive at the Compound, I make my way to Mr Stark's lab. 

"Hey, kid! What's up?"
"Nothing much, Mr Stark. Apparently, we are going to Paris for Academic Decathalon. So that's cool. What are we working on today?"
"Probably just upgrading the suits or something." I nod and sit down, ready to work.


Today is the day we are leaving for Paris! Can you believe it? It's so exciting. I've never been to Paris before! 

We wait to board the plane. Once we got on and find our seats, I'm sitting next to my girlfriend--MJ--and in the window seat. We settle in for a long ride. We watch several movies together and I even had MJ read some of her book to me. I ended up falling asleep on her shoulder.

--- TIME SKIP ---

We landed in Paris and the first thing I do after heading to the room I shared with Ned was call Mr Stark and May.

"Hey Mr Stark, you wanted me to call after I reached Paris. We are just settling down in the hotel."
"Good to know kiddo, what are planning on doing there?" Mr Stark replied. I hear some clanging in the background and assume he's in his lab.
"Probably go to some bakeries and definitely the museums, but other than that... I don't really know. I think I'll let MJ take this one."
"Yeah, that's probably for the best. Knowing your girlfriend she'll definitely visit the best places."
"We are getting a shortlist of things to sightsee that are mandatory, don't ask why I don't know either. Soo, we are gonna get partners for those. It's snowing here Mr Stark!"
"Um, well then you know you have to dress well. I can't come to pick you up because you got hypothermia."
"Of course, Mr Stank!" I roll my eyes at his protectiveness. "I have to go call May, bye!"
"Bye kiddo!" After I end the call, I call May immediately because I don't want to keep her waiting.

"Hey May!"
"Hey, Pete what's up?"
"Nothing much just arrived in Paris!"
"Oh good! Well, I wouldn't want to keep you. Be safe, I larb you. Take care!"
"Will do May, you should also be careful!"

After both calls, I meet up with the rest of the team in the lobby of the hotel.

"Alright, so we have a mandatory list of places to see. I will assign you a partner and you guys can figure out where you want to go first!" Mr Harrington yells over everybody. "Betty and Jason. Brad and Liz. Ned and MJ." Ned looked at me sympathetically. The list went on. "Finally, Flash and Peter here's your list. Now go have fun!"

Flash has a look of 'no way I'm partnering with this dude' look on his face. I sigh and make my way over. 
"Hey Flash, where to first?"
"Um, I don't know. How about a place to eat, I'm starving." I shrug and we leave towards a Starbucks. Flash orders first. I go to order after him.
"I'll get a hot chocolate with a brownie please." I pay and wait. When my name is called Flash and I walk to a nearby park to sit down and eat. After a while Flash gets up and walks over to the snow-covered lawn. Curiously my eyes watch him. Quickly without even registering what happens, I'm covered in snow while Flash is laughing, doubled over.

"HAHA, you didn't see that coming did you Penis?!" I smirk as I take a ball of snow in my own hands to chuck it at Flash's face. Shock registers on his face then a mischievous grin appears as he shoves me into a pile of snow. My eyes widen as I fall backwards. I land in the cold then I shiver.
"Hey Flash, help me up?" Flash extended his hand. Instantly I grabbed onto it and yanked him down next to me. Flash ended up face-first into the pile of snow.
"HAHAHAHA, now YOU'RE the one who looks that he didn't expect it!" I smile. Flash got up and laughed along with me. 
"You know, I haven't had this much fun in... a long time." He smiles but I can tell there's a sadness behind his eyes.
"Want to talk about it?" 
"My parents. They're being...distant if that's even the word for it. I-." He doesn't continue instead handing me his phone to see the texts he sent to his mother. The most recent ones read 'Have not heard from you or Father in a few days and 'landed in Paris' neither of them had replied. 
"God Flash, I'm sorry." I look up at him.
"No I should be sorry Peter, I shouldn't have taken the anger out on you."
"Okay, come we should head back to the hotel and get some more hot cocoa." I pull him up with a smile.

As I stand up Flash's expression turns to one of concern. 
"Peter? Your hands are blue..." 
"Oh crap. We should go inside, warm up." I say tucking my hands in my pockets.

Once we head inside I go to the bathroom to wash my hands with warm water. After they turned to their normal shade Mr Stark calls.
"Yes, Mr Stark, I'm fine." 
"Okay, just wanted to make sure because there's a blizzard warning, I didn't want to have a frozen spider on my hands." I roll my eyes.
"Okay, bye then."
"Bye kiddo."

I head back to where Flash, MJ, and Ned were sitting. Flash hands me a hot chocolate which I take gratefully.

So starts a new chapter, Flash was being nice to my friends and me. We were all content and drinking hot cocoa as a blizzard flies around us in Paris.


Hey sorry it's been a while. anyway enjoy redeemed flash and also this has been in my drafts a stupid long time. I didn't know how to end it soo its weird... 

- <3

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