Peter speaks what?! Since when?!

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Prompt: Peter surprises people when he speaks Italian, Spanish, French, and Russian

(plain Italics is Italian, italic+bold is french, bold+underlined is Spanish, and plain underlined is Russian, lastly, italics+bold+underlined is gaelic)

Third Person POV:

It's no surprise that Peter is a straight-A student, except for English, nobody talks about English.

He's amazing at the sciences, physics and chemistry are easy for him despite taking advanced courses. History is interesting to him, so he does his best to do well. Of course, it helped knowing two people who literally walked out of time, Bucky Barnes and Captain Steve Rogers. English is the only subject where he somewhat lacked concentration. He doesn't have a love for it, though he still tries to do well. It is difficult at times when patrolling the streets of Queens sounds better, or having lab nights with Mr. Stark that always end with pizza and a movie marathon with the rest of the Avengers.

One of the subjects he takes in school is Spanish. An easy course for him since he started learning with Mr. Delmar when he was younger.

So when report cards came in for the semester, Peter didn't think much of it. He walked to the Avengers kitchen island, sat on the stool with a sandwich from Delmars, and skimmed through the comments left by the teachers. After he was done eating he simply left the paper on the island and went to go find his mentor.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter enters the lab, full of his usual enthusiasm.
"Hey, Kid! Listen, there's something I've been meaning to run by you for the suit. I thought up the blueprints a few hours ago but the idea is basically to add a feature to droney so that you're able to attach a tracker to whoever you want to follow. Maybe we could even attach a mic to it so you'd able to get some sort of feedback information from it, what do you think?" Mr. Stark's quick greeting often turned into ramblings about his latest ideas, not that Peter minded.
"Yeah, I think that would be more useful than having to leave my phone in order to track the enemy like I had to do that one time with the Vulture. NOT fun." Peter laughed, shaking his head. Tony nodded his head in agreement and then simply got to work on the blueprints.

----Time Skip----

A few hours went by, not that the two noticed, until Pepper walked into the minefield that the lab had become.
"Hey Peter, your report card was on the table." Peter looked up, eyes wide. He had forgotten about that. "I didn't know you were taking Spanish?" The phrase was posed more as a question.
"Oh, yeah. I've been taking Spanish since freshman year. It's pretty easy, but Mr. Delmar helps out when I get stuck. Or for a project. Also talking to him helps with whatever I learned during the school year so I can practice over the summer and stuff." Peter looks up with a sheepish smile. "Sorry for not telling you that grades came out, Pepper." Tony found that to be the perfect time to butt into the conversation.
"Why is she Pepper and I'm still Mr. Stark?" He asked with a pout.
"Easy, because she asked. Also because she's scary." Pepper just laughed warmly at that, but the two knew not to get her mad.

(A/N: Now the following are the Avengers and Pepper finding out about the languages Peter can speak. Nov. 13 me: HEYYYY GUESS WHO'S BACK AND LOVES PAST ME FOR THIS SLIGHT REMINDER OF WHAT I WAS WRITING!!!!! I wrote this in July but never finished since I was traveling abroad )

There were times now that Tony could think of it when Peter mumbled something he couldn't understand under his breath in the lab. From then on Peter's mumbling to himself in Spanish became more and more frequent.

The Avengers soon learned about Peter's ability to speak Spanish when they walked in on him yelling something in Spanish and holding his foot. Nat laughed understanding what was going on. 

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