Day 7 - My Spidey-Senses Are Tingling (Yandere! Doflamingo x Reader)

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Paranoia walked beside you all day, you felt it whispering to you there were eyes on you. You wish so desperately to scurry on home but alas, you were out of food so you needed to be in the market until you were done shopping. If you lived alone, you would've just bought some bread and eaten that for the night, but your mother was staying with you and you didn't want her to simply just eat plain old bread.


You turned your head, trying to see who said your name. You caught the sight of pink hair followed by a familiar face. You smiled when you saw it was someone you knew, the wary feeling you had faded away.

"Oh hello, Coby!" you greeted your friend, relaxing your arms and holding your basket in front of you in a lady-like manner.

The two of you conversed in a light conversation, catching up and sharing a few laughs. You felt better in Coby's presence, and you were glad you ran into him. Sadly, time stopped for no one, and you needed to get the rest of the items on the list before you headed home.

"Well, it was pleasant chatting with you, Coby," you told him, shifting your basket to your side. "But I must be going."

"Uh- uhhh- wait! Uh- before you go... I- I wanted to ask if- if you wanted to go out sometime." His cheeks flush bright red when as he asked you.

"Sure." You smiled.

"Really?" Coby beamed, lighting up brighter than the sun.

"Mhm." You nodded your head then waved. "See you around, Coby."

"Bye [Y/n]." He waved back, smiling like a fool. Coby watched you walk away until you were out of sight before he turned around and cheered. "Yes!" Happily, Coby skipped away, too busy being on cloud nine to pay attention to his surroundings, and the strings dangling around him.


"Apples are getting so expensive these days," you mumbled as you left the market, glancing at the said fruit in your basket.

You had forgotten about the wariness you felt earlier ever since you talked to Coby. Your mind had been so occupied, gathering the food and making sure to return home before sundown. You never gave the sense a second thought, that was until you turned to take a shortcut between two houses and you felt the eyes return.

You frantically looked in all directions to see if anyone was watching you. You were certain another person lurked around, you just felt it and were unsettled by it. However, there were only two directions you could go, forward or back. Both showed no signs of someone there. Looking over your shoulder one last time, you sighed.

"I'm just being paranoid," you told yourself then took a step forward, bumping into someone.


"Ah!" You jumped back, startled by the sudden appearance of the tall man. Looking up to his face, you turned ghost pale. There standing in front of you was the infamous Donquixote Doflamingo. "Wha... I'm- I'm sorry for bumping into you."

"Don't be, little birdie~" Doflamingo purred, lifting a hand to your cheek but you stepped away.

"I'll just be on my way the-" You tried to walk away but got cut off as he trapped you between him and the building behind you.

"You're not going anywhere," he stated in a sly yet hostel tone. "You're going to come live with me."

"I- I can't- I have-have to care of so-"

"Your mother right?" Doflamingo asked, his smirk increasing in size. Your level of fear only grew, wondering how he knew. "Don't worry, we're going to come by to pick her up, and you're going to cooperate with me."

"And what makes you think I'll do anything you say?" You questioned, eyes glancing to find an opportunity to escape.

"Oh, you will because I know how much you love your dear mother. It'd be a shame for her to end up like your pink-haired friend."

"Pink-haired... Coby? What happened to Coby?"

The tall blond stepped aside to let you see the horrific sight behind him. There, hung from multiple strings and flesh blood stained all over, was Coby. You gasped and went in front of him, reaching out to him but pulled your hand back when you saw his lifeless eyes.

"As an addition to moving in with me, you will no longer interact with any man outside of the family," Doflamingo interrupted your sorrowful daze. "Do I make myself clear?"

Never in your life have you ever felt so helpless.

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