Day 15 - Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever (Kaku x Reader) [Part 1]

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"Still having those dreams, [Y/n]?" Paulie guessed when he saw your usual tired self answer the door. You simply nodded, not wishing to use words if you didn't have to.

You've been sick and having fever dreams ever since Kaku left with the other spies, not one night could you rest in peace thanks to the fever dreams. They were always about him, the man who took your heart and left without an explanation to you. Kaku, the man who you thought was a friendly old soul and loved you, the man who turned out to be nothing more than an undercover agent just doing his job.

Each night, you saw him in your fever dream. It started out with him and you, being together, sharing warmth, they were memories that made you miss him and longed to be with him, yet for some odd reason, they only ever took place at night. Then he's there in a black getup, standing in the moonlight and stares at you with those big unreadable eyes before he leaves, either by leaping off your balcony or jumping out of the window. You run to catch him but he always gets away, and you are only met by the void to then jolt awake in your bed.

Bags were heavily formed under your eyes from your restless and uneasy state. Paulie and the other foremen have stopped by your house at least twice a week to check on you, they knew you didn't take what happened so well. Paulie did try to help you, get your mind off of things by going out for a walk with you or taking you to the casino, only to watch him lose most of the time but that did help you cause it made you laugh. However, his efforts were all for nothing when you went back asleep to another fever dream of Kaku.

No matter what you tried, the man still lived in your mind. You were growing more ill as time went on and the more it happened. You could hardly handle bright lights aside from the sun, you rarely gave yourself a decent meal, you were always accompanied by these major headaches, and you distant yourself from nearly everyone but your friends from galley-la. You tried taking medications to help ease away this sickness, but it didn't do anything since you only got another dream afterwards.

"Can I come in, or did you want to be alone?" Paulie asked not wanting to intrude. You stepped to the side to let him in your home. "Would you like me to make you dinner?"

"No... I need something to do anyway," you spoke for the first time since he got here.

Paulie let out a hum once he closed the door, glancing at the bookshelf that you turned around so you couldn't access it's contents. If he remembered correctly, that's where all your books and albums were stashed, and they reminded you of Kaku.

"Maybe you should get a new hobby," Paulie suggested as he sat down on the couch.

"I'm not gambling with you," you told him as you got out the pots. You were going to make a decent meal since a guest was here.

"I-... that's not the only option..." Paulie sighed, taking out a cigar.

"What's the point? I'll just dream about him again," you stated, filling the pots with water.

"Have you tried sleeping on the couch?" Paulie questioned, lighting his cigar.

"No..." You paused briefly, holding the noodles in your hands as you searched your memory bank. "No... I haven't."

"Maybe a change of scenery will get rid of those fever dreams."

"I could try..." You placed the noodles in the pot then turned to him. "I'll try that tonight."


You bought a new blanket from the marketplace, not wanting to use one you already owned since you didn't want to risk bringing the memory of Kaku with you. Getting comfortable on the couch after turning off the lamp, you wrapped yourself in the blanket. Closing your eyes, you listen to the sound of the clock ticking by and the howling wind echoing outside, lulling you to sleep.

For the first time, you felt easy, as if your sickness wasn't there to disturb your rest. Paulie had the right idea, you were grateful you took his advice. Though, a short time had only passed when you felt someone's presence in the room. Opening your eyes, you sat up and glance around to see Kaku, standing there in front of your window. Sleeping on the couch didn't get rid of your fever dreams.

"[Y/n]... even now, you're still beautiful just as the day we met," Kaku told as he walked over and knelt down by your side. "If only things didn't turn out the way they did, you wouldn't have to be suffering now."

"Huh?" You tilted your head at him in confusion, still half asleep to process what was going on. That puzzled you even more, how could you be confused and tired? You're in another fever dream.

"Don't worry [Y/n]," Kaku reassured you, coming over and giving you a hug. Instantly, you melted into his touch. You were starved for so long, wanting his affection and comfort. You wrapped your arms around him, listening to him talk. "I'm going to fix this... I'm going to fix everything..."

Wait... that sounded too surreal. What was he referring to? This is a fever dream is it not? Well, before you could ask what his intentions were, something sharp was injected into your body. You became pale, shocked that he actually stab you, but when pulled back you saw that it wasn't a knife or a sword but a syringe.

Your vision faded in and out, the darkness consuming your eyesight, and you could barely stand straight. Your irises shrunk, terrified of Kaku, you attempted to back away but you weren't able to. The last thing you heard before you were out was something Kaku told you.

"Everything is going to be alright, I'm going to fix this."

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