Day 29 - All Work and No Play (Sabo x Reader)

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"Come on, [Y/n], we're almost out of this." Sabo tried to motivate you to keep going further.

"Sabo... I can't walk anymore..." you stated, knees ready to drop on the ground at any moment. "I can hardly stand..."

"I'll carry you then." Sabo went to your side, putting an arm under your knees and the other around your shoulders then lifted you up and glanced at your eyes. "Just stay with me, please."

"I'll try..." You smiled, touched by his sweetness and hope that he can save both of you.

You let him carry you, your head pressed against his torso, yet you knew your fate was inedible with your current condition. You were on a winter island, out in the middle of snowfall, and you had been hit by a lethal-poisoned arrow. The base had been an hour away from where you were, and while you might've survived long enough to get there in normal circumstances, the cold around only enhanced your condition. Sabo had let you wear his coat over your own, but the poison made it feel as if it wasn't there.

"Sabo..." you whispered, your voice not letting your raise it louder.

"I'm listening," he responded, keeping his eyes on the path ahead.

"I can barely keep my eyes open..."

"No, don't say that!" The blond panicked, gently shaking you so you stay awake. "Why don't you tell me what your favourite food is."

"My favourite food?" You took a moment to think before answering. "[F/f]."

"Good choice, any reason why it's your favourite?" Sabo asked trying to extend the conversation so you'd keep talking.

"It was what you offer to me when I first arrived at the Revolutionary Army after being saved. I was so grateful to eat something with such flavour for once, I couldn't stop crying when I ate it. I also am reminded of you whenever I eat it, no wonder I fell for you..."

"You- what?" Sabo stopped in his tracks and gazed into your eyes, thinking he misheard things.

"I... oh well, I suppose now that the beans are spilt there's no going back now," you sigh, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I fell in love with you, Sabo, from that moment and onward. I admire your smile, your kindness, your leadership, your determination, Dragon raised you well."

"[Y/n]... I... I'm sorry I didn't realize your feelings sooner..." Sabo apologized, and now a sudden spark ignited in him and he began striding with twice the speed he walked before. "We're going to make it back to the base [Y/n], and we'll be together. Don't give up on me now, I love you too much to see you go."

"Oh Sabo..." you weakly mumbled, talking now being hard to do. "The cold has spread the poison too far..."

"No, there's still time!" Sabo began dashing through the snow, not caring about his injuries. He couldn't feel the physical pain, his heart rushing

"Promise me, Sabo... promise me that you'll get your memory back," you requested, knowing he lost his memory and has been trying to recall what happened where the memory was fuzzy. "And tell me when you do, I'm just sorry I won't be able to respond when you do..."

"I promise you [Y/n], I promise."

"I look forward to hearing it..." Your eyes closed and your body went limp.

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