Day 23 - You Break It, You Buy It (Sanji x Reader)

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"Who the hell this?" Sanji demanded when he answered his phone.

"...Sanji..." you whimpered through the phone.

The cigarette dropped from the blond's mouth, his eyes went large from being cut off guard.

"[Y/n]...?" Sanji paused shaking his head. "Where are you? I'm-"

"Oh see, he did pick up," a masculine voice spoke on the other end. As if he was speaking to a child that was proven wrong.

"Who the hell are you?!" Sanji yelled at the guy, eyes filling with fury.

"That's not important," the man responded calmly. "What is important to know, is that I have your girl here." He momentarily paused so Sanji could hear you squirm uncomfortably. "A pretty lady if I do say so."

"You better keep your hands off her! I'm coming over to kick your ass!"

"Oh, you won't be doing any of that sort. You won't even find where she is, and if you even do try on your own, she'll be dead." His tone dropped significantly, emphasizing the word 'dead'. Sanji went silent, overhearing the sound of a blade being pulled out. This guy meant business. With no comment from the cook, the man smirked. "I will give you the location to where she is when you send one hundred million euros."

"Where am I supposed to get that kind of money?" Sanji asked knowing he didn't have that much lying around.

"Frankly, I don't care how, but every thirty minutes that passes by and I don't see my money..." he paused and threw something, your cry of pain followed after. "Your girlfriend here will be receiving a lot of pain."

Sanji growled, trying to hold back his tongue from making the situation worse than it already is. It proved to be difficult, especially when he could hear you crying in the background. The man was already messed up in the head for doing this but Sanji was going to make him pay hell for even touching you.

"Tell you what, since I am a reasonable guy, for every hundred thousand euros I see you send to my phone, I will spare you an hour."

"I'll get you your money," Sanji told him then heard the phone hang up.

The blond then went into his bank account and sent the man the two hundred thousand euros he had saved. That money was meant for the surprise vacation Sanji had been planning for the two of you. He sighed as he clicked send then clicked over to his other contacts.

"That's the only money you're getting, bastard," Sanji muttered under his breath as he dialled up a number. "Usopp, I need your help in finding someone."


"How did you even get mixed up with this guy?" Usopp inquired as he scanned the hologram layout of the building.

"Don't know, just he got [Y/n] somehow so I'm going to rescue her then kick his disgusting ass!" Sanji stated through the earpiece he had as he climbed the stairs outside the building.

"Geez, sure wouldn't want to get on your bad side," Usopp mumbled. "Alright, there should be a vent next to that window, that's your ticket inside."

"Okay," Sanji took out the cover and lifted himself into the vent. "I'm in."

"Great, now keep going forward then take the second right."

Sanji followed Usopp's instructions carefully, grateful he had a better sense of direction than Zoro. Getting lost would only waste time, and the chef knew he didn't have much left to spare, the two hours were almost up. You were almost in his reach, he could already imagine how happy you'll be when he saves you.

"Stop!" Usopp abruptly said, causing Sanji to smack his head against the vent.

"Give me a warning earlier next time," Sanji grunted, rubbing his head.

"Sorry," Usopp apologized. "The phone signal is coming directly below you but I don't see any openings to get-" he stopped when he heard Sanji break out of the vent. "Right, how could I forget about that one." Usopp rolled his eyes.

"Fear no more my dear, [Y/n], I'm here to save you!" Sanji announced as he landed perfectly with a pose. He waited for your praise but seconds passed, it never came. Confused, Sanji glanced around to find the room was completely empty. "Oi! What gives Usopp?! My [Y/n] isn't here!"

"Something isn't right, it says the phone is right there," Usopp told Sanji as double-checked the system.

"You mean this phone?" Sanji questioned, picking up a phone he found on the ground.

"That's... that's the one. It's okay, I'm going to find out where they are," Usopp reassured Sanji. "They're bond to be here some-"

"Usopp?" Sanji called when his friend got cut off mid-sentence. "Usopp?!"

"Don't bother, I cut off all forms of communications with your little friend."

"You!" Sanji turned around to see a hologram screen of a masked man, and you tied up in a chair. "[Y/n]!"

"I told you didn't I?" The man taunted, pressing the blade to your throat. "Try to find her on your own and she'll be dead."

"Get your grimy hands off of her!" Sanji barked. "I already paid you two hundred thousand! I still have time!"

"No, cause clearly you're not going to pay me the rest, and since she's no longer of use to me..." The masked man slit your throat and push your chair over to the floor.

"[Y/n]!" Sanji cried, dashing over to the hologram to catch you but alas, he phased through.

"I'll be finding someone else who will pay me," the man stated. "Goodbye, Sanji."

"No! No, wait!" Sanji called, rushing back to the hologram, reaching for you but it disappeared and was left there alone.

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