Lucy's POV:
Despite the fact that Hagrid was a wizard and could do magic, he imsisted on taking "muggle travelling methods" as Hagrid called it.
So after we used the boat to get to the mainland, we went to the train station. Hagrid was so big, that he needed two seats to fit in.
"Oy, 'bout the magic back there, I'd rather have yeh keep it fer yerselves. See, I'm not actually allowed to use magic..."
Harry and I shared a confused look. "Why aren't you?" Harry asked, while I was still thinking it.
"I got expelled from Hogwarts when I was a kid... don' like to talk 'bout it though..." With that, I decided to drop it and Harry did so too.
I noticed people glancing at Hagrid nervously or sometimes even scared and while Harry ignored them, I couldn't hold myself from standing up for our newfound friend.
"What are you looking at? Have I got something of yours?" I asked coldly. The people around us turned away hastily and Hagrid sent me a thankful smile.
When we got off the train we were in London. It was extremely crowded and Harry grabbed my arm to keep me close.
"Where are we gonna get our stuff, here in London?" Harry asked confused.
"Can we buy all of the stuff in that letter here?" I asked surprised. I had expected us to stop here for a few of the items, not all of them!
"Sure, when yeh know where teh look," Hagrid answered mysteriously. I shared an even more confused look with Harry.
After some time, we arrived at a pub, which definitely was crowded with people like Hagrid: magical folk.
"Hagrid!" The barman called. "The usual?" Hagrid shook his head and went to the bar, motioning for us to follow.
"Not now Tom, I gotta go and get Harry here his stuff fer Hogwarts!" He answered and at that, Tom's eyes widened.
"Merlin, is that Harry Potter? And little Lucy?" At these words, almost all the heads in the pub turned to us.
After they saw us, a storm of people formed queque in front of us, wanting to meet us, shake our hands and some even wanted autographs! Some even cried while muttering things.
What the hell was happening? How did they know us?
After someone asked me for my autograph, I figured we were famous, but why?
I had always hated celebrities, thinking they were all stuck-up pricks who just couldn't live without the attention, but now I was one of them myself! I was angry at myself for ever disliking people who got this kind of horrible attention, though it was better than the Dursley's.
Hagrid saw Harry and I were both done with the group of admirers surrounding us, so he ushered us to the back of the pub.
There was a small hall and Hagrid walked to the opposite wall. Confused, Harry and I followed.
Hagrid tapped a few tiles on the wall with his umbrella and the wall split apart. I saw Harry's jaw drop and I couldn't stop myself from gaping either.

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sister
FanfictionThe loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living with her awful relatives in a world of boring and judging people left her with only her big brother to rely on. When a man called Hagrid visit...