Chapter 17: Hardships bring frienships

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Lucy's POV:

Of course, Christmas came to an end and I had to go back 'home'. Saying goodbye was quite hard and not only for me.

Harry was really worried, especially now that the Dursleys knew of my 'furry little problem'.

Ron felt quite sorry for not seeing me anymore as well. "It'll be so bloody boring here now..." I had to promise him I'd be there next year and to prank the hated 'Malfoy'.

The twins had also lost their faithful new pranking partner and were a bit sorrow as well. I love how easy I'd made friends with those Weasleys.

At home, I realised how much I'd missed Vanessa when I first saw her the very night I'd arrived home. I'd been taking a walk and decided I'd go see her at home, as I was near her house.

At school, I hadn't missed anyone else and they obviously came at me immediately, trying to get a row out of me. Lucky for me, Vanessa was very good at calming me down and I could actually keep my head if I really wanted to.

It's just that I often don't really want to.

The Dursleys became very wary with me since the day I was back, scared I'd called on some wizard I assume. They also knew the full moon was coming up soon.

It was two days away now. I was already losing strength and energy. I still had to do chores and go to school AND do homework though.

Although I did skip the last bit.

I clearly stopped putting an efford in school after finding out about Hogwarts and everyone could see it.

One problem: the day after the full moon was Vanessa's 11th birthday and I really needed to be there, as her best friend.

I couldn't stay home after on of the hardest nights I would probably ever have.

I was awoken from thoughts, when an owl hooted outside at the window. Aunt Petunia screamed and insisted on me chasing it away, before the neighbours saw it.

I sighed. "It's here to deliver a letter. As soon as I take it, it'll most likely leave. Let me get some treat."

I went to the kitchen, while Aunt Petunia scowled at me for getting a treat for a 'wild animal'. I got some left-over bacon and rushed to give it to the owl. It was Harley, Remus' new owl.

Remus had gotten an owl for himself, to send me letters. He said he didn't send any other people letters, but since he needed to be able to mail me, he got Harley, a beautiful
Tawny Owl. She was quite smart and usually stayed with me until I had an answer.

The Dursleys didn't know though.

I gave her a treat, took the letter and said: "go to the bedroom window..." she did as told and I hurried upstairs, to Dudley's second bedroom. It was the smallest one and the only one I was allowed in outside cleaning times.

I hurried to the window and let Harley in, to go to the desk, followed by the owl. She also had a daily Prophet with her. I asked Remus for those, so I didn't miss too much.

He wrote about being there with the full moon and he wanted to know how I was feeling. He was acting a lot like a family member would, for a friend, but I still liked it.

I answered that I was feeling a bit weak already, but I was still alright. I said I didn't need him to come, because of the Dursleys, but knew he would come anyway. Which was probably for the best I guess.

The Daily Prophet didn't give any special news, except some report about a quidditch match and some interview with a band. Nothing about the Gringotts Break-in Harry and Ron had told me about.

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