Harry's POV:
We went back to the entrance, where indeed, Ron and Lockart were waiting already.
Ginny was awfully quiet. Lucy had her arm wrapped around her shoulder, tugging her along. Ron hugged Ginny in relief when he saw her and was very surprised to see Lucy.
First we were a bit lost as to how we would get back up, but then Fawkes presented himself to help. Dumbledore had told me how phoenixes could carry immense amounts of weight.
"Harry," Lucy whispered to me, so Ron, Ginny and Lockart didn't hear. "I don't feel so well."
I turned to look at her and we stopped walking. When Ron and Ginny stopped to wait, I motioned for them to go on. They needed to go to McGonnagall's office.
Lucy was pretty pale, was the first thing I noticed when I really looked at my sister. "We should go see Madam Pomfrey."
"No," she protested weakly. "I'm just tired. I think it's that curse Tom used. Or maybe the venom..." We had to go to McGonnagall, help Ginny explain everything, or she'd get ex- pelled.
Lucy knew this, I knew she did and that's why she refused to go to the Hospital Wing. I wasn't gonna convince her otherwise and I bet McGonnagall would get Madam Pomfrey to come, so I decided to listen to her.
I linked my arm with her so she could lean without this being too obvious. Luckily McGonnagall's office wasn't that far, so when we got there, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were still hugging Ginny tightly.
As soon as we entered, everyone turned to us and it was only now that I noticed Dumb- ledore was here too.
"Harry! Lucy!" Before I knew, I was being hugged as well by Mrs. Weasley. "Thank you so much! You two saved our Ginny!"
Once she let go, I felt Lucy lean into me more, but the Weasleys didn't notice. They turned to question Ginny. Professor McGon- nagall however, did notice.
She came to stand next to her and looked at her. "She got hit with some dark curse. And she was bitten by a basilisk," I informed her quietly. I thought I was being very quiet, but Dumbledore's gaze turned to me.
"Do you know what curse Potter?" The prof- essor asked, but I shook my head. "I'll get Madam Pomfrey to look at her."
She didn't leave however: she got her wand and used magic, I think to send a message to the school nurse. To be honest, I was a bit relieved that she didn't leave.
But I couldn't only take care of Lucy now: the Weasleys started asking questions now and Ginny didn't talk. There was still a reason why we were here and not in the hospital wing.
So I started explaining, with the occasional comments from Lucy and Ginny, to fill in some gaps that I left. Everyone listened closely.
Madam Pomfrey had arrived and started looking at what was wrong with Lucy, which got the attention from the Weasleys, of course. "Are you OK Lu?" Ginny asked carefully.
"Just worn out I think," she answered. Madam Pomfrey turned to me. "Do you know which wand was used for the curse?"
I nodded: Tom had taken my wand, he didn't have one. He stole mine when I wasn't paying attention. They asked to see it and I asked why.
"We can find out the last spell cast with a wand, unless of course, you used it again later." I shook my head and handed Madam Pomfrey the wand, who handed it to Professor McGonnagall.
"I also would like to know what this new scar here is." The nurse pointed at the scar on Lucy's shoulder.
"That's where the basilisk's tooth came through," Lucy answered, which caused McGonnagall and Pomfrey to gasp. "But the venom is gone. The phoenix healed it in time."

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sister
FanfictionThe loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living with her awful relatives in a world of boring and judging people left her with only her big brother to rely on. When a man called Hagrid visit...