Harry's POV:
"I promise we'll bring you some butterbeer and candies back," Ron promises solemnly. He and Hermione are about to set off with the rest of Hogwarts to go to Hogsmeade for the very first time.
"Are you sure you don't want us to stay behind with you?" Hermione asks me for what must be the 100th time today. "We could always go together next time. I'm sure Professor McGonnagall will let you go once Black is caught."
"I'm sure Hermione," I roll my eyes at her worry.
She has nothing to worry about; I can be by myself just fine. Besides, I could always go see Lucy in the Hospital Wing. In fact, I think I will. The Full Moon was just two days ago and Madam Pomfrey hasn't permit- ted her to leave yet.
With a little more persuasion, I can finally convince Hermione to go to Hogsmeade with Ron alone. Now, what to do first...
I have quite some homework to catch up to, after the Quidditch match and Wood's obsessive amount of practice. Maybe I can get around to that today, Lucy will be sleeping in anyway.
Once I get to the Common Room however, I realise I forgot all about the first and second years staying here. "Hi there Harry!" Colin Creevey, the kid who still admires me like a fan, waves me over.
"Hi there Colin. Are you... alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm great!" He's nodding his head so hard I'm almost afraid it might snap right off his body. "Are you? I heard you had a panic attack a while ago, such a shame about the match, too!"
"Right... look, I only came to get some stuff. I'm off for now, see you later." I don't want to wait for Colin's response, so I speed up the stairs, get a random textbook and leave. I'll just go to the library, then.
"I must be honest Harry, I hadn't expected you to be here. I would have thought you'd be with Ron and Hermione in Hogsmeade by now."
As it turns out, the library wasn't the best place either, since there were a bunch of seventh year Slytherins hanging out there. They didn't seem all too fond of the idea of me joining them in there. Instead, I decided to go and see Professor Lupin, finally. I am going to ask him for a solution to the Dem- entor problem. So here we are, going for a walk. He doesn't look very energetic, in fact, he looks quite ill, but I don't comment on this.
"Well, Ron and Hermione are in Hogsmeade. But I couldn't get my aunt and uncle to sign my permission slip. Professor McGonnagall doesn't want to give me permission either, because of Sirius Black, I think."
Professor Lupin stiffens at the mention of the permission slip fiasco. He must have heard that before. "I'm very sorry for all of this, Harry."
"It's not like you did anything, Professor. It's alright."
"Still," he argues, while staring straight ahead, towards the Black Lake. "Would you like to go to the Lake?"
"Oh, er... yeah, sure."
"I used to go there all the time with my friends, when I was attending school here."
"Lu also goes there a lot. With Ginny, Vanessa and Liliana, and with that other girl I think."
"Do you mean Marlene?" I frown, because I don't know anyone named Marlene. "I mean Marley, the other girl Lucy shares a dorm room with."
"Oh, right. No, I mean the Ravenclaw one, the blonde one. I've never actually met her."
"Luna Lovegood, you mean?"
"I guess so, I don't really know her name, but Lucy doesn't speak to any other Raven- claws. Her other friends are all Gryffindors."

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sister
FanficThe loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living with her awful relatives in a world of boring and judging people left her with only her big brother to rely on. When a man called Hagrid visit...