Chapter 16: Moonlight troubles

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Ginny's POV:

Dear Tom,

I don't really know what to think of the whole thing around Colin Creevey.


It's probably nothing perminant and long- lasting, don't worry. Are they also attacking purebloods?

Well no, but my friend's a muggleborn and another halfblood. And she already seems off.



"Gin, are you coming?!" Lili turned her head around the corner, ushering me to follow her and Vanessa.

"Er... where are we going again?" I had totally forgotten for a moment. I was so busy writing to Tom.

"Are you kidding me? To Lucy of course!" That's right: Lucy had fallen ill overnight. I knew it was coming: she looked ill way before, but something was still weird.

"I wonder what was wrong with her?" Van- essa looked pretty worried about her best friend.

"She'll be fine Vanessa!" Lili put an arm around her shoulders assuring. "This is Lucy Potter we're talking about."

"Excellent point," I agreed smirking at memories of our friend. "She's a survivor."

"I know, but she gets sick so easily! Haven't you noticed?"

"But of course I have," I said. "She said she just has a weak immune system."

"Which isn't that uncommon either," Lili added reasonably. "My uncle's immune system is even worse than hers, so..."

"It's not that," Vanessa interrupted, making me and Lili turn to her with frowns. "I mean... when I first met her... she was never ill, it was just suddenly one day... like this."

"Well that's not a weak immune system," Lili commented after a minute. "That means she's lying. Why would she lie?"

"You don't think she has some awful disease do you?" Vanessa asked us in fear. "One that could... hurt her? Or... kill her?"

"Jeez! It's just a little flew every now and then Vanessa!" I scoffed at her. "You're so anxious! Why ard you so worried?"

"I mean, she is my best and first friend here."

"Hello girls!" Madam Pomfrey greeted us when we reached the hospital wing. "Are you here to visit someone?"

"Yeah, we've come to see how Lucy is!" Lili said hopefully: last time we weren't allowed to see her.

"I'm sorry girls, it's not the best idea..." Pomfrey looked behind her into the ward, sighed and turned back to us. "I truly am sorry dears. But I can assure you she'll be alright!"

With that, the nurse almost threw the door in our faces, as if we really weren't welcome inside.

"Well, that was strange, don't ya think?" Lili frowned at us. "Everyone is always wel- come. Why not us?"

"It's probably our reputation," Vanessa shrugged sadly. "We could've come to pull a prank."

"As if we'd go prank our best friend, who's always in on the plans?!" I scoffed and we left, disappointed to miss the chance at visiting.

"Maybe we should just barge in there though," Lili suggested with a dwvilish smirk playing around her features. "We'll get to see her!"

"No, we're not barging in!" Vanessa scowled at our friend. "We can't just do that!"

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