Harry's POV:
"I'm telling you," Ron huffs at Hermione for the millionth time. "The Grim is after him! And you don't seem to care!"
"Of course I'd care if I really believed Harry was in any danger!" Hermione splutters, sounding frustrated. "I just don't. I think Professor McGonnagall was right to warn us not to believe everything Professor Trelaw- ney says!"
"But he says he saw it before!"
"Jeez, you two fight like an old married couple!" I snort at my two best friends' flushed faces. Seamus rolls his eyes at the two as he brushes past them. "I'm getting a headache from listening to it."
"I say we're getting coffee," Dean suggests as they sit down a few seats away from us.
"You know that much cafeïne isn't healthy, right?" Hermione tells the two boys and Ron gives me an exhausted look.
"I do actually," Dean responds. "Just don't care. I want coffee."
"Sounds like an awesome idea Dean." Surprised, I whip around to find Lucy, Ginny, Liliana and Vanessa heading our way. Lucy takes the coffee can from Dean and helps herself to a cup.
"Since when do you drink coffee?!" I grab the cup from her. "You always drink tea."
"Well, today tea doesn't offer me enough caf- feïne." With a grunt, Lucy takes her cup of coffee back from me.
She looks like she hasn't slept in days. I don't understand how, because it's not a full moon yet, so she should be fine. However, she's pale and has huge bags under her eyes. Something must be going on, but what?
"Lu, 're you good?" I expect her to roll her eyes at me, or glare at me. What I am not ex- pecting however, is her dragging her hand over her face, trying, and failing, to get the tiredness off her face.
"I'm just tired, nothing to worry about Harry."
"Maybe you should go see Madam-"
"Nope," she cuts Hermione off before she can even finish. "Poppy has enough other patients. There's a whole school full of students, I'm sure someone else needs her care more than I do right now. It's nothing serious, after all."
"I mean, I get why she doesn't want to be in there all the time 'mione," Ron defends her. I'm quite convinced he only does this to annoy Hermione, but Lucy takes it.
"Thanks, Ron."
"No problem Lu," he responds with a smile her way. "I hope you don't have any tests or anything today."
"Nah we don't," Ginny answers him. "I already checked, just to be sure she doesn't accidentally mess up her scores."
"Really?" Lucy looks up at Ginny surprised. "Thank you so much Gin. I would've been so dead..."
"You're welcome Lu," she says with a small smile. "You're lucky Vanessa and Marley haven't managed to drag you back to bed though."
"I will succeed," Vanessa grumbles, watching Lucy closely, in deep concentration. "Mark my words guys."
But why is she so tired all of a sudden? Why do these girls not see that this isn't good, that she needs to go see Pomfrey?!
"Let's go," Hermione ushers me and Ron back to the Common Room: time to get ready for classes.
I need to somehow find a way to get her to the Hospital Wing. Or to get her to at least stay in bed for the day, that would be good, too.

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sister
FanficThe loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living with her awful relatives in a world of boring and judging people left her with only her big brother to rely on. When a man called Hagrid visit...