Remus' POV:
My first evening back at Hogwarts, I go to bed early, despite my wishes to roam the castle one more time before I have to start teaching tomorrow. Merlin, I don't think I've exhausted myself this much so soon after a full moon since the war.
I wanted to go find Lucy, but she was gone all of a sudden. I was really too tired to be really worried, especially since no ome else seemed to worry. Her friends were gone as well.
This morning, I wake up extra early. I need to prepare my classroom before my first lesson starts and to be honest, I can't stay in bed anyways: I am way too excited and nervous.
But first, I pass by the hospital wing. Poppy is already up, getting ready for her day, I assume. "Good morning Poppy," I slip through the doors.
"Remus, I hoped you would stop by!" Poppy rushes over and envelops me in a warm hug that I gratefully return. "It's been way too long! How have you been?"
I shrug, only because I know lying and saying I was fine wouldn't work with Poppy anyways. She's known me for far too long and gotten to know me way too well. "I'm still alive."
"That you surely are," she smiles, tears in her eyes. "With a loss like the one you've had to go through, that is a big accomplish- ment. How are you holding up, with Black's escape?"
I still can't stand to hear that surname, even now that I know he turned the exact same way as all of them. I can't help but hate his parents. Hate his aunts and most of his uncles and some of his cousins. Even after he betrayed you.
"It's been rough," I eventually get out, with my throat protesting. Poppy is about to say something, when she sees something behind me, or rather someone. "Maybe there is someone who could cheer you up."
I turn around to whoever is coming with a frown. The frown dissolves the moment I see exactly who is walking up to the hospital wing. She stops when our eyes connect, smiles and starts running the rest of the way.
"It's good to see you two are such good friends now," Poppy smiles and proceeds to leave us alone.
When she reaches me, Lucy practically tackles me in the biggest hug ever. This reminds me so much of Lily and James. They were amazing huggers too.
"YOU DID IT MOONY!" I laugh at her excite- ment. "YOU REALLY, ACTUALLY DID IT!"
"Yes I did," I chuckle as I put her down again. "Surprised?" She tilts her head to one side and raises one eyebrow. "Are you kidding me? Surprised would be the under- statement of the century!"
"Good to know you have so much faith in me," she rolls her eyes and friendly slaps my arm. "We better have our first DADA class today, and otherwise I'll just party crash."
"No party crashing," I say, trying to keep a stern face. God Minnie, how do you do it?! "Is Ginny alright? She was there when the Dementor came into our compartment."
"She will be, but for now it's just bad flash- backs..." she starts picking at a strand of her hair, which I catch as a sign she's nervous. "What is it?"
"The Dementors also visited our compart- ment."
Well, that can't be good. Which piece of traumatic experience did she encounter?
"I heard a wolf, but the thing is that I don't know if it was him or... or me."
"Seeing as it's the traumatic experience you saw, I assume it's him. You experience your wolf of course, but I think the actual trauma is always the attack itself." She nods at my words and swallows. "I'm sorry to be like this on your big day."

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sister
FanfictionThe loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living with her awful relatives in a world of boring and judging people left her with only her big brother to rely on. When a man called Hagrid visit...