Lucy's POV:
Two days later, everything was ready for the prank and I was beyond excited! As were Harry and Ron.
They'd let me in on their story and their search for Nicholas Flamel, but we hadn't found anything.
I'd also met Fred & George yesterday and MAN they are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Ron dreaded us together already though.
I can understand though. They'll be great pranking partners for me!
I'd also received a letter from Remus Lupin, my new friend and buddy through the whole werewolf-thing. If he wouldn't've been there, I'd be doomed by now.
Harry already suspects something happen- ed, but I try to avoid talking about it. I didn't even tell him about Remus.
The prank has mostly taken my thoughts away from all of that for now, so it's totally fine, like always!
Breakfast neared and I was practically jumping from excitement by now. The prank will start any moment!!
"WEASLEY!" Fred and George turned around confused when a MAD Professor Snape stormed in, towards them... with PINK and ORANGE and RED coloured robes and he was covered in chocolate!! (A/N: I know, not very original, but I didn't know what to do).
The twins bursted out laughing, falling to the ground, like all of the students present. Even most of the staff had a hard time keeping in their laughter!
"Well... as much as I want it to be-" "-it wasn't us this time Professor!" Fred and George said, still laughing.
Snape looked at Harry and Ron suspiciously, but not at me, though he'd definitely seen me. Harry and Ron couldn't stop laughing, like me.
"POTTER, WEASLEY! DETENTION!" Ron went to protest, saying he didn't do it, but Snape didn't listen anymore. In the corner of my eye I saw Minnie's eyes go between me and Harry, trying to figure something out.
She probably suspected it was one of us.
Suddenly, that night, I was woken up by Harry, pushing me softly. "Psst, Lucy!" He whisper-yelled. "Wake up!"
I jerked up in automatic reaction, bracing myself and flinching away like I always did with sudden touch.
"Lucy..." Harry stared at me sadly. "S-sorry!"
"It's OK, just a bit suddenly." I replied a bit calmer.Ron, who stood behind him, looked at us weird, but said nothing luckily.
"I wanted to show you something. You have to see this!" He seemed so excited and I got really curious, so we set off through the castle (yes, at night. He's definitely my brother :D) under the invisibility cloak we got for Christmas.
We eventually got there. It was an old, clearly unused classroom, with a huge mirror in the middle.
"What is it?" I asked, guessing it wasn't normal.
"You have to stand right in front of it," Harry said, practically jumping.
Ron and I got in front and Ron's mouth dropped open. "That's our parents, see!"
I looked surprised at Harry, then at the mirror and lastly at Ron, who still had his mouth open.
"That's me! I'm... I'm prefect! And Quidditch captain! I'm holding the cup and I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore! I look good too!"
Harry and I exchanged strange looks. What?
It was my turn, cause I couldn't see anything when Ron stood there and I gasped. "Mom? Dad?"

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sister
FanfictionThe loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living with her awful relatives in a world of boring and judging people left her with only her big brother to rely on. When a man called Hagrid visit...