~Chapter 7~

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Disclaimer: There will be (more) swearing in my chapters from now on. You've been warned.


Karasu's Pov

My first initial reaction was to just run over there and punch Ayato in the jaw, and I did just that.



Before he could finish his sentence, I pointed at Yui.

"You should probably bring her home." I said in a monotone voice.

"Tch. You can't tell m-"

"She's right, Ayato." Said the voice

I looked behind Ayato and saw Reiji standing infront of the doorway.

"Tch. Reiji."

Oh lord...

"I never dreamed of you doing this at school *sigh* be responsisble and make sure she gets home." and with that being said, he left.

I glanced at Ayato, and he stared at me with HUNGER in his eyes.

3rd Person Pov

Ayato was staring and Karasu's neck intently. She knew what he was trying to do, so she glared at him indicating that it's not going to happen. However Ayato had different plans and was ready to pin her down, just like he did to Yui.

Ayato's Pov ((A/N: Surprise mothafucker. <--I'm sorry I just couldn't help it XD))

I smirked and went over to her. I was about to grab her wrist when her icy blue eyes started to glow.

"Make one more move, and I'll wreck that pretty little face of yours."

I froze, unable to move, and for the first time in a while, I felt scared....I felt fear.


3rd Person Pov

After all that Karasu left the room with a chain of thoughts.

Karasu's Pov

Hmm...why do I even care about that girl?

Well the letter said to protect her..but still....

Maybe it's because she reminded me of Aki in a way...she is my younger sister, and she's human too..unlike me....

Well she isn't helpless....

I mean she's two-faced so...I don't know... ((A/N: Remind you of anyone?... *cough* *cough* Kou *cough*))

Speaking of Aki, I wonder what she's doing right now....

I stopped my chain of thoughts when I arrived at my next class.

Music huh?...


This is a short chapter because it's almost springbreak for me ^-^ which means I'll update sometime again

So yeah, look out for that :P

~Cupcake C.

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