!!~Author's Note //Changes~!!

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I'm sorry to disappoint to guys if you think this an update, I honestly hate it when authors post two authors notes in a row too ;-; but please bear with me here .

Some changes will be made in the past chapters if you have already read this far. If you haven't noticed I changed the very first 'chapter' which the character introduction, and when I say change, I just meant as in 'I made it better' kind of change...so kind of like editing (?) ((Also please read it again because it may include stuff you didn't know already, plus it's less cringe worthy I promise o-o))

I won't be changing any major parts of this story, so probably some detailed parts that bother me.

This author's note will be where I tell you guys which chapters I edited (a bit) and the list will keep updating (?)


-Description ((Yesh I made it WAY better than before; not a chapter but I still edited it -3-))

-Character Introduction

-Chapter 4

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