~Chapter 18~

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(A/N: I apologize if there's any mistakes in this chapter, I'm in a rush right now so ^^'))

Karasu's Pov

After a while, the graveyard gave off an eerie silence. The fact that it was a place for the dead to wander makes it even worse. I turned my head to the grave that belonged to Kanato's, or rather, the triplet's mother. I narrowed my eyes at the tombstone.

Something is off about it.

Walking closer to it, I read the name that which was carved into the rock. My eyes widened in shock and surprise, it was same name that appeared in my dreams, Cordelia.
I wandered back to the mansion only to see Subaru with another guy. He had dark green hair and red eyes to match.

I wonder what they're talking about.

I quickly blended in with the shadows, and teleported to them.

"What are you doing here, Richter?" Subaru questioned...well more like demanding.

"Why don't you call me 'uncle', Subaru?" Replied the man named Richter.

So they're related..wait didn't that name show up in the letter too?....

"Tch. Shut up and get lost." Richter looked up towards the sky.

"The awakening will soon manifest without awaiting it's time." He then disappeared into the gust of wind.

What..? Oh..he doesn't mean THAT does he?...

I stepped out of my hiding place shocking Subaru in the process.

"You heard that?" I nodded.

"Ne...What does he mean by awakening?" I stared at him with gleaming eyes.

"None of your buis-"

"It's about Yui, isn't it." I cut him off. His eyes widened for a second but reverted back to his scowl.

"And why would YOU care?"

"Tch. I have my own questions to answer as well, it's not just her." He looked at me confused. I sighed and lifted my sleeves showing him the weird wording.

3rd Person Pov

The albino was shocked and lost for words. He's never seen anything like this. Except that one time he was cleaning the mess he made in Reiji's room. There was a certain book that had fallen out of it's shelf, and coincidentally, showed him a picture of the wording.

Without saying anything anything else, the albino left the raven haired girl at the door confused, and teleported to Reiji's room. The door was open with one of his teacups on the floor, shattered. Some books have also fallen from their positions, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Subaru smelled something sweet. He then realized that it was all because Reiji sucked Yui's blood.


He wandered to one of the selves that he cleaned last time and searched for the book. After about a minute or so he found it. Flipping to the right page, he saw the picture and the wording once again. Reading the caption, and everything on it, Subaru was lost for words.

'Why would she have something like THAT on her wrists?!'

Shutting the book and placing it back onto the shelve, being careful not to leave any traces of him behind. He left the room.

The only thing that he remembered from that page was...Soul Transfer.


Oo0o0o0oooO What do you thing will happen? ...okay that was lame

I didn't forget to update you guys =u=

October has always been a hectic month for me so it wasn't easy trying to find time to write this

It's shorter than my last one but I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway

See ya next month~

~Cupcake C.

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