~Chapter 11~

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Karasu's Pov

"Why are YOU here?" I hissed.

"Ooh, kowai~ but you know, that's what I love about you~"

"Tch. Pervert."

"That's harsh bunny-chan~" he replied, faking hurt, to exaggerate this, he placed one hand against his heart.

Oh please, it's not like you vampires have a heart, I doubt it.

"So, why are you here."

"Dinners ready~" he replied cheerfully.



I made my way down stairs to see everyone already there and waiting for me.

Reiji narrowed his eyes at me, shrugging, I made my way to an empty seat besides Yui.

Dinner was silent, no surprise there. However, Yui hasn't touched her plate of food which bothered me a bit.

I have to say something...

....but the pervert beat me to it.

"You haven't eaten very much, bitch-chan~"

More like not at all.

Laito teleported besides Yui and was saying how she would become anemic if she doesn't eat.

"Would you like me feed you?~" he said in a gleeful tone, which I find extremely annoying.

I internally screamed and had to fight the urge to punch that sly little smirk of his face, lucky Reiji spoke up.

"Laito, it's bad manners to get on your feet during a meal."


"Let's continue this later, bitch-chan~"

Like hell you will, you disgusting pervert.

After Laito left, Shu decided to get his shit together and leave too.

"That deadbeat." muttered Reiji.

Hmm..I wonder what happened between them in the past....

My train of thoughts were interrupted by a creepy voice.

"Teddy, what do you want to eat?...Hmm how about a banana snowball...?"

A...what?.. •-•

Teddy guy then took a fork and started stabbing the poor plate of cookies, while giggling/laughing like a maniac.

I could've eaten that ;-;

Glancing at Reiji, I could tell he isn't pleased.

"This dinner sucks." I blurted, earning the glances of the rest of the brothers...minus Reiji, he was glaring at me.

Before Reiji could complain, I stood up and left.

Sure enough, I heard him bad mouth me while leaving.


Sighing, I entered my room, closing the door behind me.

Suddenly I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me.

I'm too tired to do anything right now...

Maybe a bath will help...

Nodding at the idea, I went inside my bathroom and prepare for my bath.

Trudging back to my room, I began to strip off my hoodie, shorts, and socks. Grabbing a fluffy white robe, I quickly headed into the bathroom and LOCKING my door..it's very important.

Slowly, I stepped into the bath tub and submerged myself into the warm, soapy water.

Ahh~ I'm in heaven~ I haven't noticed how tense my shoulders were..

While enjoying my bath, my hand unconsciously traveled to my wrist.

There were strange words across them, making them look like bracelets from afar.

How did I get these...?

Shaking it off, I emerged from the heavenly bath, putting on my fluffy robe, I exited the bathroom, yawning.

...and the one thing I DID NOT want to deal with was sleeping in my bed.




Hope you enjoy this chapter~

K bye

~Cupcake C.

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