~Chapter 15~

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Karasu's Pov

Shoot, I should've expected this...

Mentally scolding myself for letting my guard down, I didn't realize that Laito teleported in front of us. Yui panicked and tried to escape, but that pervert gripped her shoulder so she couldn't leave.

"Bitch-chan, bunny-chan, it's bad to eavesdrop~"He states this with amusement is his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry..I didn't mean to...!"

"Yui! Don't apologize to this pervert." I stated with a glare, Yui flinches at my harsh tone, but Laito remains grinning.

We'll see if you can keep smiling when I break your jaw....

"But, you still heard what I said...didn't you?~"


"Ehehe~ Now what should we do?~"

Laito's hand that was grasping her shoulder, was now at her throat chocking her. Out of instinct, I swung my leg, and kicked him on the side. He practically flew, basically across the damn roof, and into a fence.

Pttf that's was you get.

He slowly started to get up, and glared at me, however his glare vanished, and was soon replaced by pure amusement.

What..?! Is he was fucking masochist....?

"Ahh~ The power of the full moon is incredible really~"


"Not only are we more thirsty, but we are stronger as well~"


I grabbed Yui's hand, and ran out of the school building, then the campus.

I can't leave her there..

We ran and ran, I was the one dragging her, so I was in front of her. But then, our roles were switched and she was dragging ME.

"What are you doing?"

"There's a phone booth over there..!" She pointed.

"Why would you-"

I was cut off when she dragged me inside and slammed the door shut, hastily, she began to dial a number. Her hands were shaking, and she was panting heavily.

She must not be use to these things...


"Hello? Father...!"

"Listen, I've been caught up with something that makes no sense!"

Yui continued to talk to her father, when I sensed him.

What..no it can't be..! He's-

"No sense you say~ That's hardly the case, bitch-chan~ fufufu"

Yui's eyes widened in horror.


"I know ALL about you~ bitch-chan."


We both glanced at the other side of the street, one pair of eyes were filled with dread, the other was neutral. We then saw that BASTARD with the fedora. His eyes gleamed in the shadow of his hat, like a predator. Yui was paralyzed, she couldn't move.

"Yui..! We need to get out of here!" and with that, she came back to reality.


We kept running and running, but then we stopped because of a tall figure in front of us.

Dammit, he caught up..!

"So, did you enjoy your short-lived freedom?~"

He then uses both his hands to grab both Yui's and my shoulder.

"P-please let go..!"


"Still as feisty as ever~"


Again, I was cut off by some news report.

"It's my pleasure to introduce today's guest Mr. Tougo Sakamaki."


Yui and me stop struggling, just so we can listen, and fortunately, so does Laito. However, I didn't listen to the boring parts, but Yui and pervert did.


"He is the states,man Tougo Sakamaki, our father."

"Although to me, he's merely the object of my hatred."

I heard Yui mutter his name again, but I didn't expect her to say:


Laito and I looked at her in shock.

Wait...have I heard that name before?....It sounds strangely familiar.

She then faints, and left Laito and I to question.

"Who are you?"



Thank you guys for 400+ votes OwO <3

Again if you have any ideas for this story, please, by all means, message meh~ ^-^


Bye :p

~Cupcake c.

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