chapter 1; simple lifestyle

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3rd Person


The raven haired girl groaned, as her head collided with the cold wooden floor. With her body laying on the ground in an awkward position, her alarm went off moments later. Karasu glared at the device and quickly got up--just to toss it to the other side of her room.

Grabbing her towel and brush, she made her way to the bathroom while yawning obnoxiously loud. Closing the door behind her she slipped off her oversized t-shirt and stepped into the shower. The raven haired cringed however--when the water wasn't heated up properly when she turned on the faucet. Being bored out her mind, as always, her brain started to wander but then stopped when she started to remember to dream she had last night.

It was one of those 'reoccurring dreams' to say the least. Either way, it wasn't very pleasant to the girl.

"Mansion? As far as I know there isn't any where I live. Strange..."

Getting out of her refreshing shower, she wrapped herself in a random colored towel and proceeded to dry her long and thick hair. Walking over to her dresser, she picked out an oversized black hoodie, white jeans, monochromatic colored socks, and a pair red converse--since there wasn't any school that day. Tying her hair up into messy ponytail, she heads out the door and into the streets.


Karasu had absolutely no idea what to do and what she was going to do today, but she rolled with it anyway. She went to her favorite café to grab some breakfast and coffee, as well as an electronics shop with all sorts of fun things to mess around with. She was considered as one of the 'regulars' at the small store, and would recognize almost everyone that went there. However, this time she saw someone unfamiliar.

A guy who seems to be around 18-20 years of age, with blonde puffy hair and piercing sapphire colored eyes that rival her own. He also has something odd around his neck, some type of device that's connected to some earbuds. To others he seems like a normal person that enjoys listening to some music--however, to Karasu he seems off. His aura is basically screaming 'don't fucking come near me' and something else that she couldn't pin point. But it was none of her business nonetheless, so she turned her head away and walked right out the door.

A pair of eyes followed her figure as she left the facility.


After a couple more hours of wandering and window shopping, she had finally stopped at a park which coincidentally had an ice cream truck next to its sidewalk. Picking up her pace a little bit earned her 3rd place in the line full of children.

She ended up buying a simple chocolate flavored kind of ice cream.


Looking up at the orange sky, she realized that the sun was about to set, and started to walk home. When she did arrive however, she saw a letter in the mail.

"It's Sunday. Who the fuck--"

The girl's eyes suddenly widened at the oddly familiar name written onto the envelope.



Edited: 7/7/16 -- 5:30am


I definitely procrastinated editing this chapter but w/e

Will be fixing chapter 2 soon.


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