17~How You Atone for Your Crimes

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Appa groaned loudly as he flew over the plains, Aang trying to make the beast go as fast as he could.

"So, what kind of trouble is (Y/n) in?" Sokka asked.

"I don't know. In my vision, I just knew she needed help." Aang answered.

He didn't know why he got the vision of (Y/n) when trying to control the Avatar state. He saw Katara all that day, only the Water Tribe girls face appearing in his mind as he unlocked his chakra's. Maybe his love for (Y/n) as a figure of stability in his life brought her into his mind, but boy, was he ever glad it happened.

"It's be nice if your Avatar powers could be a little more specific from time to time." Sokka complained, growing more frustrated due to his impatience to get to (Y/n).

There was a loud rumbling from beneath them, and the three looked down to the ground to see a cloud of dust moving quickly across the land.

Appa flew next to what was creating the cloud, and they found Toph using the earth as a means of transport back to Ba Sing Se. She was bending the ground up to her feet, and moving as though she was running and propelling herself forward.

"Need a ride?" Sokka called out.

Toph yelled, and lost her balance, falling onto the ground.

They landed, and Katara hopped off of Appa to help Toph up.

Once sitting with the rest of her friends, Toph gripped onto Sokka's arm to stabilize herself. Sokka paid it no mind.

"So how did it go with the guru? Did you master the Avatar state?" Toph asked once they were back in the air.

"Uh..." Aang looked off, remembering that he had locked that last chakra, and now he wouldn't be able to go into the Avatar state, ever.

Sokka saw that Aang was looking off, not answering Toph's question. "Aang, are you okay?"

Aang whipped his head around. "I'm great! It went great with the guru. I completely mastered the Avatar state." Aang chuckled nervously. "Yeah."

Spirits, Aang was an awful liar.


The group arrived at the Earth King's palace, and ran to the throne room. They stood in front of the Earth King, wondering where (Y/n) was.

"(Y/n)'s fine. You have nothing to worry about." The King assured.

"But in my vision, I felt so sure that she was in trouble." Aang explained.

"Well, she met with the council of generals to plan the invasion, and since then, she's been off with your friends, the Kyoshi Warriors." The King said.

Sokka was still wary, even though the thought of (Y/n) being with Suki was comforting. He tried to make himself believe that she was okay, but he had to see it with his own eyes. "She's probably with Suki at her apartment right now, talking about...makeup, or something." Sokka didn't really believe himself.

"Okay, maybe you're right." Aang didn't believe it either.

"Believe me, if there was any danger at all, Bosco's animal instincts would sense it." The King said.


Yeah, (Y/n) was not back at the old house with Suki talking about makeup.

She'd much rather be doing that than stuck in these crystal catacombs with no way out.

She tried kicking the crystals, shorting arrows at the roof to listen for a hollow way out, she tried climbing up through the hole they dropped her in, but there was nothing she could do. She was stuck here.

Ends of the Earth [2] (Sokka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now