The Accidental Imprint

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Jake POV

My dad is having the Cullen family over for treaty talk. I've never met the Cullens personally before but I heard that they're not that bad.

"Jake come down, the Cullens are here" My alpha called out for me with his alpha tone.

You see ever since I had my first transformation, I've been involved with a lot more meetings and I guess that's suppose to be like a privilege but it just seems like a waste of time to me.

When I make it down there are seven new faces I don't recognize.

There are 4 guys total, one looks like he is the father figure of them all, his hair almost as white as he is. The other looks looks like he is the more big brother cool guy figure with dark black hair. The third one looked more like he was struggling or holding himself back from something, weird but okay.

The last one was different from the rest though, there was no girl clinging to his side like the rest of them, but he was fucking gorgeous, His hair was a golden bronze color and his eyes were glowing a gold color and he... holy shit holy shit holy shit.

I did not, I fucking did not. Bullshit I did. Bullshitbullshitbullshit. He looked over at me with a confused look on his face, he must be the one that reads minds.

'please get out of my head' he looked at me one last time and then looked back to Sam who was about to discuss the treaty.

"Thank you so much Dr and Mrs. Cullen for taking time out of your day to meet with us." Sam my alpha had spoken.

"It's our pleasure, might I say we were quite intrigued and surprised when you called and said you wanted to speak of the treaty,especially since it has been un-touched for centuries." The father figure Dr. Cullen i'm guessing said.

"Yes, well the elders and I have spoken with each other and we think that in a step to end the feud between our kind, you shall be allowed to step on our territory, but no more than 6 of you at a time." The next thing you hear is the entire pack behind him start to yell out things like "No" and "We never spoke of this".

"Quiet!" Sam had yelled in his alpha voice causing everyone to shut up.

After a couple of minutes of them talking I finally decided to tell Sam what had happened.

"Sam, can I talk to you for a minute... in private" I said barely above a whisper for him to hear.

"Sure." We walk up the stairs where we were sure the vampires couldn't hear us.

"So what is it?" he asked curiosity in his voice.

"Uhm well I kinda well it's actually a funny story when you think about it, i mean not funny but laugh out loud funny but.." I was cut of when Sam interrupted me.

"For god sakes Jake just spit it out" He said it more like a command in his Alpha voice.

"I Imprinted on one of the vampires downstairs!" It felt good to tell him but i wasn't sure how he would take it.

"You what? Which one?" He sounded more shocked than anything, but not angry.

"It's the one who reads minds, I think, and there is one more thing." I was more nervous about this one than anything.

"What is it?" He questioned with curiosity filling his voice once more.

"It's one of the guys." He looked shocked and worried but not angry.

"How is that even possible? I've been alpha for many years and I have never heard of a guy imprinting on another guy, i'm not mad just confused." He looked at me with a more apologetic look for the way he first reacted.

"Come on." He dragged me back down the stairs and walked toward the Cullens again.

"Dr.Cullen are you familiar with the term imprinting?" Holy shit what is Sam doing?

"I'm familiar with it but I never learned much about it."Dr.Cullen replied a little confused.

"Well, when we imprint, It's kind of like having a soulmate, it is an un-controllable action that can only happen after we have phased, it is basically having found the one person you will love for the rest of your life, and if you can not have the person you imprinted on you will become depressed and soon after that you will end up dying." Sam explained to them.

"This is all really interesting information and thank you for sharing it with me, but may I ask why you are sharing it with me?" He questioned.

"The one who can read minds, which one of you can read minds?" Sam asked ignoring Carlisle question.

"I can." The bronze haired boy spoke up and walked up next to Carlisle.

"Well Jacob here believes he has imprinted on you uncontrollably." Everyone went quiet after that and suddenly the mother figure spoke up.

"You sweet little thing," Carlisle's wife came over to me and gave me a big hug. "we welcome you with open arms into our family." She gave me another hug and backed away to Carlisle.

The next person that came over to me was him, I wasn't sure what his name was yet.

I Suddenly became really nervous when he started to walk towards me, what if he rejects me, I could die.

"You're not going to die," he said reading my mind. "I'm willing to give it a try."

"I'm Edward, Edward Cullen." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Jacob, Jacob Black."

The Accidental Imprint - Jakeward Where stories live. Discover now