It's All Over

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Hey guys so this is the last chapter of this book, we except the epilogue which isn't going to be all that special, or maybe it will be? Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter and I'll see you at the end of the chapter bye!

~Nickie~ Edward's POV

Edward was currently sitting in the eldest hospital, again. It seems they can never leave this place. He was with Jacob, Who was currently again in medically induced coma.


I woke up in the car except there was steam coming from the engine and the entire car was recked, the doors were dented in, the ceiling was dented in as well. All of the windows were shattered and every single inch of the car was either, dented scrapped or gone. I looked over at Jacob and his eyes were closed but he was still breathing. He had cuts all over him and there was blood running down his face. I freaked out and pulled our seat belts off and picked him up, I kicked the door out and super sped out of the scene before anyone could see us.

I Brought him to the elders building, They could smell me from far away and they were already ready for me, They took Jacob away and I waited in the sort of waiting room they had. With the Eldest and after a moment they called the Eldest in, to see Jacob and not long after he came out of the room to see me.

"Edward, Jacob is in Medically Induced Coma, It's something hard to get for a werewolf in a car accident but it happened to Jacob. We can't predict what time he will wake up but there is a 100% testing saying he will wake up." I thanked him and walked into Jacobs room.

End Of Flashback

I've been sitting here ever since, he hasn't made a sound or moved an inch. I looked at him from head to toe, all of the scars, bruises, cuts. I started to get teary eyed, I hated seeing him like this, No one should ever go through this. It has been hours since I came into his room and i'm starting to think I should get out and just try to clear my head a little bit. I stood up and kissed Jacob's hand. "I'll be back." and with that I left the room.

15 Minutes Later

I finally make it to Chief's Diner and I walk in, I pick a random seat and hit for my waitress. "Oh no!" Is what I heard and when I looked up try and guess who I seen. "What are you doing here?!"

"Last I checked it was a free country." She just rolled her eyes.

"I'll be back with your water." She walked away and 2 minutes later she came back with ice water.

"So where's your boyfriend?" She asked sitting across from me, I started to tear up thinking about Jacob again. "Woah okay i'm sorry I didn't mean to trigger anything!" She looked sympathetic.

"It's fine, it's just, he got in a bad accident last night after we left here and he's in the hospital." She nodded her head in understanding and I could tell she was thinking about what to say.

"Listen, as much as I hated you two before, you guys have grown on me and I really like bickering with you guys." She chuckled at herself and that made me smile. "But if there is anything I could tell is that you two really love each other, and this world may seem like a cruel place at first but when it comes to love, it won't let you down. Trust me." She smiled at me and got up to leave. "Oh I'm Braxton by the way."

"Edward." I simply said and she smiled and walked away. After 10 more minutes of just sitting there thinking I decided to go back to the Eldest building and be with Jacob again.

I went back to the Eldest Building and walked into Jacob room, there was still no response from him. I sat back down in my chair and I grabbed his hand again. "I'll wait for you, even if that means forever." A tear slid down my eye when those word escaped my mouth.

Jacob's POV

Everything hurts. My head, my eyes, my bones even hurt if that possible. I can't see anything except white. It's just a bright white light that is surrounding me completely. I hear people talking though, sometimes about me, other times to me, but mostly it's just silent but the last thing I heard I think was Edwards, he told me he'll wait for me forever. I tried to move my fingers but I can't, well I physically can't. But in this bright white room I'm walking around just fine.

Edward's POV

it's been 30 minutes of me just sitting here, staring at him and it is hurting me so much that I can't do anything, I can't help him, I can't talk to him, I can't even kiss him. Sigh, I hope he forgives me

"Why can't I move? Ugh this is so stressful!" I could hear Jake thinking to himself, I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I know that he's still there. I grabbed his hand.

"Keep fighting, I'm here for you." I started to get teary eyed. The thought of never being able to talk to him again broke my heart, I grabbed his hand and started crying. "I love you Jacob."

"I love you too." My head shot up to look at him and I embraced him in the tightest hug I've ever gave. "Jacob oh my gosh you're awake!" I didn't realize I was yelling until Jake pulled me in for a passionate kiss to shut me up and then in that moment something suddenly clicked. Like that one thing missing that makes us complete. Jacob pulled away and looked me in the eye.

"Edward I think i just imprint." My eyes lit up and I gave him another tight hug.

"I love you." He whispered

"I love you too."
Omg you guys how'd you like this chapter? It was pretty good right anyway I hope you enjoyed the ending of this story and I just wanted to thank everyone who has been there since the very beginning of this story, back when I was just a little 7th grader and now I'm a freshman in high school. So thank you for being there and stay tuned for the 10 years later epilogue and read my other two stories. I love you guys. Bye! ❤️❤️


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