Just Pain

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"Jacob, please." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

  "Edward leave, I don't love you, i'm not gay and I didn't imprint on you, it was all a mistake.You need to leave, and don't come back, ever!"  

He jumped out and I soon heard a vwoosh, indicating he was gone.

I ran over to the window and slammed it shut.

I jumped up from my bed as I woke up sweating from my dream. That's when the memories from the previous night started to come back into mind and I began to get teary eyed again. I looked at the clock on my night-stand.

3:00 am

Damn it, I won't be able to go back to sleep for a while, might as well get something to drink.

I walked down the stairs trying to be as quiet as I can with the creaks in the floor. When I reached the kitchen I walked straight to the Cabinet with the cups inside of it and grabbed a random one.

I flipped the faucet for the water to pour out and lifted my cup under the running water.

When I finished drinking my water I laid the cup on the counter and walked back upstairs. When I walked in my room I laid down on my bed and looked over at my window. It was like I could still see Edwards expression when I said what I said.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock causing it to shut off and leave me in silence. I slowly got up from my bed and yawned while letting my eyes adjust to the daytime light. I heard a soft knock on my door and the door slightly opened.

"Can I come in?" Seth asked while looking at me.

"Why not." I said trying not to act annoyed but I couldn't help it. I didn't feel like being bothered today. Seth took a seat next to me on my bed and looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked annoyance clear in my voice.

"I heard you and dad argue last night." He said like it wasn't already obvious.

"Yeah, well who else in the house didn't?" I said sarcastically and he just chuckled softly.

"But I also heard you and Edward." My head jolted up at him and he put his hands up in defense.

"Hey don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He said with an amused tone.

"Then why did you bring it up?" I spat at him coldly.

"Because I think you made the wrong decision, you shouldn't have pushed him away like you did." He said in a brotherly-fatherly way.

"It was for the best, if my dad would have found him here, he would have killed him. I don't want Edward to feel like he is risking his life just to come over here and see me, I did what I had to do to protect him. Now can you please get out." By this time I was full of anger and sadness, but not at Seth but at myself, I knew what Seth had said was right but I can't let Edward risk his life for me.

After I had gotten dressed I walked downstairs and all eyes were on me, I know Seth knows about Edward and my argument, but does everyone else? I mean they heard the argument me and my father had for sure but what about Mine and Edwards argument.

"I'm going out, i'll see you guys later." I walked out of the house quickly before any questions were asked.

I walked out of the house and started walking down the road, I didn't feel like driving my car today, I actually didn't feel like doing anything today, all I know is that I did not want to be stuck cooped up in that house all day.

I walked all the way to the diner and sat at a booth by myself. The same chick that served me and Edward yesterday came towards my booth and smacked down a menu.

"Aww, what happened to your big strong boyfriend, trouble in paradise?" She smirked and chuckled at the same time and all I wanted to do was rip her head off.

"Just shut up and get me a bacon burger thanks." She looked at me angrily and walked away.

She came back with my burger after 15 minutes and I ate it in no time. I paid the bill, left nothing as a tip and walked out of the diner. I walked towards the beach where I could just clearly think without phones ringing or people talking.

When I got to the beach there was no one there and I was thankful for that, it was just me and my thoughts. I walked towards the rocks and sat on the driest one I could find.

I yelp loudly and groaned in pain when I felt a sharp pain on the inside that I couldn't quite explain. All I know is it hurt like hell and it won't stop. I sat there for a couple of seconds holding my side praying for it to stop but it never did. After 5 minutes the pain finally stopped and I was breathing heavily, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

After the rest of the day at the beach I headed home when the sun started to go down. The farther I walked, the darker it became and when I reached home it was pitch black. All but my house lights could be seen down the dirt road.

When I walked into the house everyone looked at me some looked relieved and some looked just normal.

"Jacob Black, where in heaven names have you been all day, we were all worried you had gotten attacked or something?!?!" My dad looked angrily at me, almost like he did last night.

"I was at the beach, I stayed there all day," He looked at me inspecting me as if he thought I was lying to him. "Listen i'm really tired can I just go to sleep?"

He looked at me one last time and nodded his head slightly.

I ran upstairs suddenly feeling very tired. I took off my shoes and clothes and changed into some red basketball shorts and laid on my bed my eyes becoming really heavy as I soon drifted into a deep sleep.

-4 hours later-

I suddenly woke up with the sharp pain again, this time it was all around my body and was 20 times worse than it was before. All I could do was scream, I screamed so loudly that it woke up the entire house and if we had neighbors i'm sure they would have woken up as well. I couldn't stop it, I just kept screaming and screaming as the pain filled my entire body from top to bottom. Everyone soon burst into my room and Sam had made a clear path to me.

"Jacob what's wrong," I didn't have the strength to reply, all I could do was scream. "Jacob you have to tell me something so I can figure out how to help you."

"Stinging" Was all i was able to grunt out, the pain still consuming me. "Pain, stinging pain"

The pain soon stopped after that and all that was left was numbness, my throat was numb from screaming so much and my entire body was numb from the horrible pain that just consumed me.

Sam soon left the room and that left me alone.

I was now alone. Once again I was alone and in the dark, just like the night before.

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