The Untitled Epilogue

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Hey Guys, I hope you enjoy this epilogue it is very special to me and I think it is the perfect way to kind of sum up how their lives in the future has gone so far, so stick around until the end and I have a little authors note down there too, okay see you guys at the end of the chapter.

~Nickie~ Third Persons POV

10 Years Later.

"Are you sure you have to go? I mean we have enough room for the kids here." Edward slightly smiled at how his mom was trying to convince him to stay and embraced her in a hug.

"Don't worry mom, we won't forget you, and besides, I've been living with you for over 100 years, i'm pretty sure it's time for me to branch out." She smiled slightly. Edward noticed Jacob was struggling with carrying a few boxes and he rushed over there. "Here babe, let me grab these. You should go and get the kids all ready." Edward took the boxes and Jake gave him a thank you kiss and he went to gather their 3 kids and Edward packed the boxes into the car. Jacob got all of the kids into the car and after 1 long heartfelt good bye they were off.

18 Hours and 27 Minutes later

"Okay. That's the last of our stuff." Jacob said as he brought in the last box of his, Edwards, and their 3 kids stuff into their new, already furnished,home. "Wow, this place is beautiful." Said Jacob as he walked around a little bit and Edward smiled.

"Isn't it. But you know what i'm worried about." Edward said motioning to the clear blue skies outside and the shining sun, and Jacob just sighed with a small smile.

"Keep drinking that potion that the eldest gave you and you won't have to worry about anything." Jacob said and kissed Edward. "Plus you kind of have to, We live in Los Angles now!" Jacob said with a giant smile on his face, he always loved the idea of living in California.

"Woah Dad, Papa! I have my own room up here!" Noah, Jacob and Edwards Oldest son (14), said running down the stairs with his twin younger brother and sister Meagan and Matthew (12) close behind.

Edward chuckled and Jacob smiled. "Of course, you all do, come on i'll show you." With that Edward was running up the stairs behind the little three and Jacob just laughed. Jacob started to take some things out boxes and putting them where he thought it looked best. He heard foot steps coming down the door and turned around to see his handsome husband.

"Have they calmed down yet?" Jacob asked with a giggle.

"You know they never are." Edward said laughing and sitting down on the couch. They suddenly heard a knock at the open door and seen a girl with dirty blonde hair, dark green/blue eyes and almost almost tanned skin walked in.

"Knock knock." She said walking in and smiling.

"Oh my gosh Braxton!" Jacob said as he ran over to her giving her a big hug. Over the years they would go to the restaurant she worked at and they became like best friends. "What are you doing here? What about your job back in Forks?" She giggled and shushed him sweetly.

"Okay one it's good to see you too." She laughed lightly. "And two, when I first found out about you guys moving to L.A it reminded me that one of my life long dreams was to become an actress and so while you guys were busy packing and getting the kids situated, I was busy sending audition tapes to ever director/producer that I could find and I landed my first acting job." She was smiling all the way up to her ears and Jacob gave her another giant hug.

"Oh my god I am so happy for you!" Jacob said ecstatically.

The 3 kids came running down the stairs and they all jumped onto Edward. "Dad, can we go out to eat?" Noah asked flopping between his dad and his papa.

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