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Jake's POV

I opened my eyes when I heard the door open. I knew it was Edward, he was always the first one to enter the room when the eldest left the room.

"So did he tell you?" I asked him with curiousness in my voice.

"Uhm yeah he did." he said looking uncomfortable about the situation "Do you think anything will happen between us?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your wolf side is temporarily gone, along with all of you abilities."

"And?" I asked edging him to get to the point.

"You imprinted on me Jake, that was one of your abilities. It might not have been a controlled ability but it still was one. If all of your abilities are gone-"

"-There isn't anything connecting us anymore!" I finished his sentence for him, realising what he was saying.

"If there isn't anything holding us together anymore, then there isn't anything from stopping us from falling for someone else." He stated looking down.

"We're going to be ok, just trust me on this." It looked like he was about to say something but then the Eldest walked in.

"Ok Jacob you can leave now if you want."

"Already? Are you sure I mean I look terrible." He chuckled at that and i could heard Edward chuckle too. "What's so funny?"

"Your physical healing rate is improving at a phenomenal rate, you're looking better by the hour, maybe you should take another look in the mirror." He said motioning towards the mirror and I slowly walked over to the mirror.

When I reached the mirror I gasped. Just yesterday I looked like skin and bones and really pale with no color in my eyes or my hair. Now i look pretty much normal again. My tan had come back and I was no longer skin and bones, I had gained my muscles back and my hair had its shiny slick to it again, but my eyes don't have their bright color back like they used to.

"I look amazing, but how? I looked back at the eldest asking the question more to him.

"Human bodies already have an impressive healing speed and it is combining with your super healing from your wolf side which is causing some sort of mega healing." he stated kind of confusing me.

"I thought my abilities were gone?" I said more like a question.

"Well that is true, except healing isn't a ability, you can't control if you heal or not and your wolf side just happens to have a quicker healing speed than humans so it is not an ability." I nodded my head, showing i understood what he had just said.

"What about my imprinting ability?" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Uhm..." he looked at Edward then back at me. "I'm not going to lie to you, for the time being, you two aren't connected anymore. Imprinting is an ability and all of your abilities are gone."

"When will we be connected again? I mean it shouldn't take long, right?" I asked curiously.

"In these situations, usually imprinting is the last ability to come back." I nodded kind of dissapointed. "There is something else that will most likely happen." I looked at him begging him to go on.

"What is it?" Edward finally had spoke for the first time since the Eldest came into the room.

"Well when you get your imprinting ability back again, there is no guarantee that you will imprint on Edward again." My eyes shot up to him then to Edward and I sat down on the bed next to him.

"Is that all?" I asked not looking at anything just straight in front of me, as still as a statue.

"Yes it is." He said and walked out of the room, giving me and Edward a moment alone.

"Babe?" Edward was trying to get me to say something, obviously worried about me.

"Can I just go home?" I said to him.

"Yeah sure i'll walk you there." he offered.

"No, I just really want to be alone right now." I said and he nodded understanding and i hugged him and walked out of the room.


It's been 3 hours since I left the Elders house. I've been sitting in my room, at my desk, thinking about what the doctor said. What if I don't imprint on Edward again?

"Jake! Get down here, there's someone here to see you!" My dad called out for me. As I walked down the stairs I pushed the thought away from my mind.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I seen my dad, Sam, Charlie, and some girl around my age I didn't recognize. She had chocolate brown hair with green eyes and pale skin. Her lips are kind of in between big and small and she had a small round nose.

"Hi, I'm Jacob Black." I reached out and shook her hand while I introduced myself.

"I'm Isabella, but people call me Bella, you don't remember me do you?" I looked at her confused for a minute then I remembered. She used to visit Charlie every summer when we were in primary school. She used to be one of my best friends, but then she just stopped coming and I slowly forgot about her.

"Oh yeah, I remember you now,, it's good to see you again!" I gave her a small smile and Charlie spoke up.

"Well I better get this one back to the house, she's been up since last night so i know she must need some sleep. I'll see you guys tomorrow for the game." With that him and Bella left.

The Accidental Imprint - Jakeward Where stories live. Discover now