A Bite to Eat

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Edward introduced me to the rest of his family which made me feel a little bit better, I mean it's not like they were all complete strangers now. God i'm hungry I haven't eaten breakfast yet and it's lunch time so of course i'm gonna be hungry.

"I'm going to take Jacob out to eat, we'll meet you guys at the house later." Edward said to Carlisle.

We started to walk to the car in a awkward silence so I was the first one who spoke up.

"How did you know that i was hungry?" I questioned

"The same way I heard you cursing to yourself earlier" He replied smirking to himself.

I rolled my eyes and got in his truck. It was pretty cool actually, it wasn't anything fancy but it wasn't all trashy either.

"Thanks" he said smiling to himself.

"Can you leave me to my thoughts please, it's my own private place in there and it's like a safe place for me." I know this sounds wimpy but my head was my safe place, I never had that many friends and I was picked on by some guys in the pack so I learned how to use my head as a safe place to go to.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, i'll leave you to your thoughts"

"Thank you." I thanked him and we sat once again in silence.

When we pulled up to the small diner I seen that it wasn't really crowded so it was pretty easy to find a parking spot. He got out of the car and I was about to do the exact same thing when he opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said trying to hide my blushing. God I feel like a teenage girl talking to her crush for the first time.

We found a booth way in the back, excluded from everyone else but still visible. A tall young waitress came over to our table with a pen and paper about to take our orders.

"Hi, i'm Braxton and i'll be your waitress today can I start you guys off with something to drink?" It seemed like she was talking more to Edward than to me.

"Uhm yeah can I get and orange soda." She looked annoyed and wrote it down and looked at Edward expectantly.

"I'll just take a water please." She nodded and took off skipping to the drinking fountain.

I think she likes Edward, that stupid bitch, we haven't been here for two minutes and she is already slutting it up. Edward suddenly chuckled and I glared at him.

"I told you not to read my thought!" I looked at him trying to act angry but in reality I just wanted to laugh.

"I know I know i'm sorry but i can't help it, you're so intriguing and unique and it's hard to not read your thoughts," He looked at me with innocent eyes and I couldn't help but forgive him. "Thank you and you were right, she does like me."

At that exact moment she came over to the table with our drinks and sat them on our table.

"Ok what would you guys like to eat?"

"I'll just stick with my water, thank you." Edward said looking at her and then at me.

"Can I get a Cheeseburger please, thank you" She wrote that down and then looked back at Edward.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like anything else," She leaned over the table squeezing her boobs together giving the illusion that they are bigger. "there is plenty of food back there."

'Ok I know you can hear me right now, so tell this chick to get lost or something or I swear I am going to rip her head off.' I thought knowing he could hear me and was listening.

"I actually think me and my boyfriend are good," he looked over at me and gave me a wink and I couldn't do anything but blush. "Yeah he's just fine."

She looked taken back and then angry and stormed off.

"You didn't have to be that rude, I said something to get her away, not to get her to spit in my food." I smiled at him still blushing.

"It worked didn't it? Besides now we can just talk." He looked at me with an innocent smile and I looked away not wanting to blush.

"So what are some things I should know about you that I don't already?" I asked him, I mean if he is my soulmate than I need to know more about him.

"Well my human name is Edward Anthony Masen, I was turned when I was 17 years old in 1908 and I don't eat humans" Just then the waitress came back and slammed the plate of food in front of me.

"Enjoy." She said with a childish smirk and I just looked at the plate of food scared she might have done something with it.

"It's ok she didn't do anything to it, she is just jealous." I smiled at him and dug in.

After I finished we paid the bill and left to the car.

"Jacob! What are you doing here with this Cullen Boy." My dad said on our way to me while we were on our way to the car.

"Dad, not now, but i'll explain everything later I promise." I tried to tell my dad hoping it would calm him down a little.

"Jacob," I heard Edward say coldly. "Lets go, now!" We got in the car and the way Edward looked I could tell he wasn't happy.

"Your father had some choice word for both me and you." He said squeezing the steering wheel so tight i'm surprised it didn't break.

"I'm sorry" I apologized for my dad and looked down. I nearly jumped when I felt something cold lift my chin up.

"No, i'm sorry I shouldn't have acted that way, especially since it's not your fault." He looked at me with apologetic eyes and I couldn't do anything but just get lost in them.

He slowly started to lean in and I mimicked his actions slowly leaning in as well. Our lips connected and I felt literal sparks, I have kissed many people in my life but this was different this was much more passionate and soft.

He deepened the kiss and brought me closer to him, holding on to me as if he was scared that if he let me go he would lose me. We broke the kiss and I just stared into his eyes.

"We should go." he said as he realized we were still in the parking lot of the diner.

"Yeah, totally lets go"

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