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"What happen to him?" Tao Longwei, the second prince asked when he walked out of Lu Biyu's room.

He looked at his future father-in-law.

The Marques who are standing quietly at the get startled because of this unexpected question and he also didn't notice the prince.

He looked at the second prince with disbelief.

"About....about that we also don't know after you sent him home that day the next day he became restless, gloomy and always in a daze." The Marques answered.

These days he became worried about this ger of his. The whole family panicked because of his behavior, they tried to inquire but nothing was found and so they think that maybe it's about his upcoming wedding with the second prince. 

He glanced at the prince beside him and hesitantly said." We think that it's because of the upcoming wedding. A while ago.....I heard about his confession to you.He wants to elope...right? I wonder what Yu-er's reaction will be when he knows that the you and the second prince is the same." 

When Longwei heard those sentences he stiffed and unconsciously straightened his body and looked back at Lu Biyu's chamber.

He also wondered what Lu Biyu's reaction was. Would he become happy? Angry.....because he deceived him?

After what the marques said the two of them became silent and almost simultaneously let out a heavy sigh.

"Father? Prince Longwei?" 

The Marques and Longwei almost fall down when they hear the call they thought Yuyu/Yu-er they also look back at Lu Biyu's chamber and when they see that he is still sleeping they both sigh with relief.

"Father....what are you doing here? Is something happen to Yu-er?" When they heard the voice again they looked at the direction where it came from and there they saw the third son of Marques.

"Let's not talk here lest we wake up yu-er. Call your mother and your older brother and jiejie." Then he takes the lead walking to his office together with the second prince.

When the two entered the marques office the maid who was responsible for bringing tea also entered and poured some tea for them to drink.

After a while the whole family of Lu beside Lu Biyu enter the office and give a courtesy greeting to the second prince.

"Did something happen?" The first one to speak is the madam of the household, Madam Chen Duyi.She looks at her husband and the second prince.

"Let's talk about the wedding of Yu-er. The wedding is near… everything prepared? How about the dowry? The maid that will accompany yu-er?" Marques asked question by question while looking at his wife and sons/daughter with his sharp eyes.

He doesn't want things to become bad at the wedding.He wants everything to be perfect.

"Father everything is already prepared but we have a problem regarding the maid selection." Lu Fang said. Lu Fang is the second child of the marques.

"Why? Can't you choose?"

"No Father,but I just want to ask why Xiaomi isn't included in the selection? We all know that among those maids, Xiaomi is the only one that is relatively close to yu-er." She looks at his father and unconsciously glances at his older brother who is stiff .

She chuckled lightly and in her mind was full of gossip.

Ha! My older brother who is cold as ice finally met his spring!!!! A joyous occasion!!!

"He isn't included? How come? Then just add him." Her father said and she almost laughed out loud when she saw that his brother's world collapsed.

She hurriedly agrees and excuses herself to make the selection again.

Then people left inside the office continued to talk about the details of the wedding.


Lu Biyu, who is supposed to be asleep, is thinking about what he just heard a while ago.

It keeps repeating inside his head,those lines that seem to be a wake up call to him.

"..........I wonder what Yu-er's reaction will be when he knows that the you and the second prince is the same." 

"Father? Prince Longwei?" 

"..........I wonder what Yu-er's reaction will be when he knows that the you and the second prince is the same." 

"Father? Prince Longwei?" 

"..........I wonder what Yu-er's reaction will be when he knows that the you and the second prince is the same." 

"Father? Prince Longwei?" 

"..........I wonder what Yu-er's reaction will be when he knows that the you and the second prince is the same." 

"Father? Prince Longwei?" 

He sat up abruptly and dizziness also came. He didn't care about the dizziness. All he cared about was the fact that his father said that Wenyan the superior of his Dage is the second prince Longwei and also his third brother called Wenyan "second prince".

Yes, Wenyan is the name that the second prince gave Lu Biyu when he asked about his name.

"AHHHHH!!!" Lu Biyu shouted while stomping his feet together with his hands, the quilt and the pillow all thrown away.

He is frustrated, angry and pissed.

That stingy man dared to play at him. Dared to deceive him with that fake identity and his Dage also helped that prince!!

He grabs the end of his clothes and grinds his teeth on it suppressing the urge to shout again. He convinced himself to calm down and after he calmed down he tidied up his clothes and shouted again to call xiaomi.

"XIAOMI!!!" But no Xiaomi entered but a nameless maid.

He scans the maid with his eyes that still have the fire of anger. The maid trembles with fear in his heart he is complaining.

Who said that the youngest of the Lu family is gentle?!!! Whoever said that I'll bite you to death!!! 

"Young Master, Xiaomi isn't free as of the moment." 

Lu Biyu just narrowed his eyes, then he made his eyes as big as possible and the maid didn't get the signal.

"What are you doing?! Clean this up." After that he strode away.

He is going to his father's office and gives a shock to all of them!! Hmp!!

He walks with his anger and every maid that will come his way will be scared to death!! Because this is the first time that the youngest of the Lu family got angry!!!

After he walks just a few steps he is already facing his father's office and he can faintly hear them talking when they are finally giving a courtesy act to Wenyan…..pei! Longwei…...

"Your Highness Second Prin--"

….he opens the door wide and calls his father loudly!! Yes loudly.


The people inside got startled, his Dage who is ready to drink his tea choked,his mother who is fanning herself her become round, his father twitched while the most laughable is the liar second prince who after hearing his voice become unsteady from his seat and he falls with a bang!!

Lu Biyu became proud of himself.

You dare to lie to me then expect to suffer!! Hmpp!!

(A/N: I'm so sorry for the long waittttt. I hope you enjoy this chapterr

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