CHAPTER 18: Face Slapping

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Face Slapping

The empress is furious about the rumor. She didn't know about the relationship between her son and that ger.

If she knew she would oppose the marriage between the second prince and the youngest son of the Lu family.

The Lu family would be a great help to seize the throne and let her son sit on it.

But she would not let that ger be an empress. She will just use his family to seize the throne and she will leave him to the cold.

Of course she is not willing to let a ger be an empress.

"Any news about the second prince's manor?" She asked her attendant.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The wangfei of the second prince is now pregnant." The attendant said lightly.

"Pregnant? What a surprise that he can get pregnant easily.." She said with a heavy tone." Do everything you can to get that bastard out of his body." She added.

She would not allow that ger to have the second prince child. What would happen if he married the first prince and the whole capital knows that he has a child with the second prince. That would be a very big scandal.

"Yes, Your Majesty."


"The first prince? We have an affair?" Lu Biyu couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.

Xiaomi looked at his master and replied.

" Yes Wangfei, this rumor is already circulating around the capital. It will not be long before it will reach your father."

When Lu Biyu heard that he sprang from his seat. " That won't be good right?" He said.

If he heard about this rumor he would be dead!

No! That's not right, I'm not the Lu Biyu who has an ambiguous relationship with that first prince. But surely father will skin me alive!

I almost forgot about the original Lu Biyu and the first prince affair.

"Call the wangye!" He hurriedly instructed his maid while he tidied up his appearance.

He needs to look pitiful and innocent in front of his husband!

"Who dared spread this kind of rumor? If I find you I will castrate you!" Lu Biyu shouted with gritted teeth.

That was the exact word that the second prince,the culprit, heard when he stepped inside of the chamber. He almost knelt down because of what he heard. His knees tremble faintly.

The guard beside him looked at his funny behavior and said, "Your Highness, this is your idea. So you need to be ready to face your punishment from the wangfei." He said respectfully.

Longwei cannot argue with what his guard said. He really should be ready at this time.

"Yu-er, I'm back." Longwei called out with a smile plastered on his face but inside he was faintly trembling.

"Wangye! I don't have any ambiguous relationship with the first prince, believe me." Lu Biyu said with his terrible acting because you can't even see a hint of despair in his face but a very vicious expression. The side of Longwei's mouth twitched but he didn't say anything; he just hugged his wife and consoled him that he didn't believe those baseless humors.

"I believe you, so don't worry about anything, I will handle them." He said while giving his subordinates a small gesture to go do the work.

On the other side, Lu Biyu is still thinking about his acting so he gave a look to Xiaomi. With a reluctant look Xiaomi nooded to give his answer to his master. He really can't take the acting his master did a while ago. It's so terrible that he questions his life decision.

"I want to see the wangfei" A voice sounded outside.Using a very arrogant voice while saying those words Concubine Al Linfei ordered the servant outside to fetch their wangfei.

"What are you doing? Did you not hear me? Call that slut, he dared to put a red hat to my husband see if I did not slap him!." She said domineeringly. Looking at the tightly shut door she shouted. " Lu Biyu! Do you think that the wangye will side you right now? HA! He won't because for sure right now the wangye is thinking about how he will kick you out of the prince mansion after the wangye kicked you out. I will be the next wangfei. You whore get out of there!"

The prince who is thinking about kicking out his beloved wife:...............

Lu Biyu who is playing innocent:...............

"You dare to kick me out!" Lu BIyu stood up abruptly while pointing his fingers to his husband.

"What no! How can I kick you out" Longwei helplessly said to his wife who was now crying in front of him.

"You stay here, I will handle this thing." The prince said as he kissed Lu Biyu's forehead then bit his neck. After that he ran quickly.

After running for some distance the soft look of the second prince turned cold in an instant. The cold air emitting from him can make you shiver from cold, he is definitely angry by what he heard a while ago.

"That woman, is she still there?" He asked the servant who was standing before the door. The servant shivered then he answered. " Yes, Your Highness."

 Longwei nodded his head and pushed the door open while saying. " Impudent! You dare to disrespect my wangfei before my eyes! Who do you think you are?" The cold voice surrounded the whole waiting hall. All the servants who were present kneeled down with a 'thump'.

"Your Highness!" Concubine Al Linfei with a shocked face to her rotten face called out with a shiver.

Longwei looked down at her and said." Kneel! A mere concubine dared to talk like that to a wangfei? Who do you think you are? And what did you just say a while ago? You will replace my wife to be a wangfei? You have high hopes!" He said those words with his stern look and cold voice.

"Your Highness! That bitch is giving you a green hat! He is having an affair with the first prince! We..we don't know if the child on his stomach is your heir, Your Highness!" She said with a desperate look.

"If I didn't know what the truth is I would believe you but unfortunately I know the truth."

 Al Linfei flinched from that. She didn't know that the prince knew the truth; she thought that she could now have a chance to climb up to the ranking by kicking that ger.

"Longwei, Are you not done yet? I want to eat something." A soft voice sounded from behind the doors. Lu Biyu opened the door and he saw his husband standing upright while the people down there is kneeling while trembling he looked at them for a while then he run to his husband.

" I want something sour today." He said with his soft voice.

" Okay, Will have something sour today." Longwei said, his face softening in an instant. He suddenly lifted his wife carrying him to his arms.

Lu Biyu yelp but he instinctively encircled his arm to Longwei's neck. He looked back to the people who were still kneeling. He collided his gaze to concubine Al Linfei; he instantly gave her a mocking smile. For sure Lu Biyu heard what Longwei said a while ago.


Hello Everyone, it's been so long since I updated. I really miss you guys. I hope that everyone is having a good time. I just got a new laptop so maybe I can now finally update weekly or every other day but I'm not sure because I just entered my first semester in college.

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