C 64-65

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Chapter 64: Speaks With a Forked Tongue

Moreover, Liang Yueze noticed that despite having his call cut off abruptly, Lu Xingzhi didn't show the slightest distress or frustration. In fact, he literally saw the smiley curls of the man's lips. Unlike his previous attempts where he didn't care for the phone after unsuccessful calls, he now kept his eyes on the phone at all times.

He presumed that perhaps Jiang Yao would take the initiative to call back this time.

Liang Yueze found the analysis and deduction a little surprising, but he didn't barge in upon seeing Lu Xingzhi's happy expression.

On second thought, Liang Yueze asked with a hint of probing, "My wedding with Lauren will be on National Day. Save the date."

Lu Xingzhi looked up at Liang Yueze and nodded. "Okay, I'll attend with Jiang Yao."

Liang Yueze smiled at his answer. Then, he turned to continue eating with Luo Lauren, ignoring Lu Xingzhi's minute gestures.

Chen Xuyao was not much of a dimwit, after all. He comprehended Liang Yueze's intention as soon as he heard the simple conversation between the two guys. He was impressed by Liang Yueze's smartness in probing into Lu Xingzhi's relationship with his wife with just a simple question. It seemed that their relationship had improved by leaps and bounds after his visit.

On the other hand, Zhou Weiqi, who was as clueless as always, stared at the men who were donning mysterious grin on their faces. What happened? Why couldn't he keep up with their pace? Why did he feel as if he'd just missed some important information? Did he need to recharge his IQ?

When the phone rang again, Lu Xingzhi picked up the phone like greased lightning. He was so quick that Zhou Weiqi stretched his hand out to grasp on the air, annoying that he missed the chance to answer the phone.

Jiang Yao was just throwing a tantrum when she hung up earlier. She regretted the decision after hanging up, though.

She waited by the phone to see if Lu Xingzhi would call her back, but to no avail. Five minutes later, she got antsy as the phone remained silent. She picked up the phone and dialed the incoming number earlier.

"Hello," Jiang Yao said awkwardly. She felt a little timid for calling back after hanging up on him, so she spoke in a deep and restrained tone. After the greeting, she stopped talking and waited for Lu Xingzhi to speak.

Lu Xingzhi took the phone and exited the room. He stood at the corridor and looked out of the window to view the scenery outside, smiling delightedly and joyfully.

"Why did the call disconnect so abruptly just now?" Lu Xingzhi asked, amused.

Jiang Yao chuckled at his question and replied, "Oh yes, I don't know what's going on." Thankful for Lu Xingzhi's quick-witted response, she quickly changed the topic and said, "Have you been busy lately? Why are you only calling me now?"

"Well, yes. After disembarking the flight, I was sent on a mission before I could even return to the base. I've just complete the mission today and I'm having dinner with my friends outside," Lu Xingzhi explained. "Were you worried?"

"No!" Jiang Yao denied frantically. "Uhm, just a little. Mom and Dad said that you're a grown-up and there's nothing to worry about, right? So, I'm not so worried."

Lu Xingzhi grinned at the other end of the line. Jiang Yao was such an adorable little lady who spoke with a forked tongue. Didn't she just hang up on him earlier because she was too worried to the point she got agitated? Right now, however, she was too embarrassed to even admit it.

"Yes, they're right." Then, Lu Xingzhi reminded her again, "Sometimes, I can't be reached due to missions that would emerge out of nowhere. Don't worry, I'm fine."

"I know, but you must look after yourself." Jiang Yao felt her heart beating frantically again when she thought about him being buried under the muddy landslide before rebirth.


Chapter 65: Stone Face

Lu Xingzhi mumbled an 'okay' and fell silent. The corridor of the restaurant was empty and the night was quite windy. When they were both not speaking, Jiang Yao could hear the faint sound of the wind blowing over the phone.

"Where are you now? I hear the wind blowing, is it windy over there?" Jiang Yao asked.

"I'm at a restaurant called Longteng in Jindo. I'm now standing in the open-air corridor talking to you. It's very nice here, I'll bring you here on the National Day holiday. The food is really delicious, I bet you'll like it very much."

He wanted to mention Liang Yueze and Luo Lauren's wedding, but he clamped his mouth shut before he could blurt it out. After some quick consideration, he decided he would only tell her when she came to visit him on the National Day in case she ran away.

Jiang Yao was astonished by the remarks that she nodded involuntarily. It was a few seconds later when she realized that the man was calling her instead of standing in front of her, so he wouldn't be able to see her reaction. She frantically replied, "Okay."

Thinking of the fact that Lu Xingzhi hadn't had his dinner yet and that he'd just completed his tiresome mission, Jiang Yao urged him to go back to his dinner and hung up again without waiting for Lu Xingzhi's response.

After the call, Jiang Yao subconsciously hummed and trotted joyfully towards the kitchen, while in Jindo, Lu Xingzhi stood in the corridor in a trance for a while. Then, he chuckled and returned to the room.

"Oh my god! Xuyao, look quickly! Xingzhi is smiling, isn't he?"

After Lu Xingzhi went out, Zhou Weiqi hoped so badly that he could glue his ear on the wall and eavesdrop on their conversation. He was waiting anxiously and excitedly for Lu Xingzhi's return. Unexpectedly, the man who was always on the phone for no longer than a minute suddenly talked for about twenty minutes. He didn't even manage to wipe the smile off his face before returning to the room.

Chen Xuyao nodded solemnly. "Yes, I see that."

Lu Xingzhi sat back at his seat and returned the phone to Zhou Weiqi. When he saw the astonished looks on Chen Xuyao's and Zhou Weiqi's faces, he tapped the table lightly, signalling to them to get rid of the looks on their face and said in dismay, "I don't have a stone face, is it so weird to know that I can smile?"

"Yes! Of course it's weird!" Chen Xuyao nodded like a woodpecker. "You're not just a stone face, you're beyond that!"

"Yes, yes! You and Yueze are the champions of the stone face category!" Zhou Weiqi looked at Liang Yueze and said, "Brother, you have a stone face too. You and Xingzhi are the most alike among us brothers!"

"Weiqi, do you want me to feed you personally?" Liang Yueze stared daggers at Zhou Weiqi that sent him shrinking fearfully in his seat.

"No thanks, I don't deserve such pleasure," Zhou Weiqi mumbled gingerly.

"Weiqi," Lu Xingzhi shouted as he looked frigidly at Zhou Weiqi, who was looking back at him like a cute little bunny. "Or, would you like me to feed you?"

"NO!" Zhou Weiqi rejected it immediately. "Please, spare me! Xingzhi, why are you calling me? Come on, I'm all ears!"

Lu Xingzhi and Liang Yueze were best known for their vicious temperaments. If any of these two were to feed him, indigestion was the best he could pray for. He might even have to go to the hospital.

Chen Xuyao had a hard time suppressing his laughter upon the hilarious scene. He was smart enough to know that Lu Xingzhi and Liang Yueze were not people he could offend.

'Sigh, I miss that dude who is always overseas all year round,' Chen Xuyao thought to himself.

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