C 244-245

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A chamber pot was an inappropriate and tasteless gift, it was like giving someone a stained diaper, but the fact that the outlook of the chamber pot was like an antique, it could be mistaken for a weirdly-shaped antique vase with handles by young girls like the one standing in front of him and bought as a gift.

She was still too young to know better, even if the person who 'received' the gift knew what the thing really was, could he or she blame her naivety?

"Okay, alright, give me 50 then!" The owner did not want to make a losing proposition. It was an item he obtained for free, after all, as long as it could be sold, he would rather give her a huge discount.

50 dollars was quite a lot of money in this era, the monthly allowance for Zhou Xiaoxia and the girls was only 10 dollars! However, Jiang Yao did not bargain with the stall owner, she was a dimwit and a mischievous rich little girl now so she would not do such a thing as bargaining!

After Jiang Yao paid the money, instead of taking the thing with her and leaving, she called Manager Sun's home, informed him of her current location, and asked him to take a taxi here.

The owner grumbled in dismay as soon as he saw Jiang Yao take out her mobile phone, he should have marked up the price.

As for Manager Sun, he immediately took a taxi after answering the phone to the place where Jiang Yao was at. When he finally found her, he was stunned and dumbfounded as Jiang Yao pointed at a chamber pot and asked him to take it home and keep it.

Manager Sun was a wise man. He knew that he should not ask irrelevant questions since Jiang Yao did not say anything about it. Hence, he carried the bag that contained the chamber pot and left Antique Street with her.

Manager Sun knew a thing or two about Antique Street, but it was beyond his imagination that Jiang Yao would come here to buy such a thing. Besides, he did not know much about antiques, so he could not tell if the thing she bought was authentic or a counterfeit.

Although most of the things here were fake, there were a lot of legendary stories about people getting rich by scavenging priceless but insignificant pieces of antiques here.

Jiang Yao stopped when they arrived at the roadside. While waiting for the car, she glanced at Manager Sun who appeared to be calm and composed, when in fact, his thoughts were occupied with his endless curiosity.

Knowing that he had a lot of questions running in his mind, Jiang Yao said, "The chamber pot is an antique, it's quite inconvenient for me to put it in my dorm so I have to ask you for a favor to keep it at your place first. While you're at it, ask around and see if there's anyone who likes to collect this type of thing. I plan to sell it to make money."

It did not cross Jiang Yao's mind that Manager Sun would have any cunning plot underway after learning that it was an antique. Since she decided to employ him, she had her own confidence in him. Furthermore, in the near future, the amount of money she needed him to handle on her behalf was much much more than this.

Manager Sun widened his eyes in astonishment. "I thought that you didn't know what it was." He thought that Jiang Yao was too young to know the real usage of the item since she bought it so spontaneously, but he did not expect her to actually know.

He had no way of knowing how Jiang Yao could tell that it was an antique, but once Jiang Yao said that it was, he believed her completely and was certain that the chamber pot had to be a valuable treasure. He could not explain the confidence he had in her but it emerged from inside him instantaneously.

It also proved Jiang Yao's utmost trust in him by asking him to hold onto the antique. He secretly vowed that he would execute this task perfectly.

Cabs were scarce in this area. While they were waiting, they started talking about the transfer of Manager Sun's daughter to her hospital.

"I've already talked to the director of Shengqi Hospital about this. After one more matter is settled, you can contact the hospital directly and arrange for your daughter's immediate transfer. Oh yes, there's something I need to tell you beforehand. I'm now the majority shareholder of Shengqi Hospital. In a few days' time, I need you to pretend to be my competitor and help me win the 10% share in Mr. Qin's hands at the lowest price."

Jiang Yao was not sure whether Manager Sun he had heard anything regarding the replacement of shareholders of Shengqi Hospital from his social network, but since he was the key player in the next game, which was the purchase of the shares, he had to know this sooner or later.

"... Oh... Okay." Manager Sun mumbled in a daze. It took him a while to regain his composure. He knew that there was a major shift in the Shengqi Hospita's shareholders, but due to her daughter's critical condition, he had not had any attention left for this matter. Little did he expect that the current majority shareholder of the hospital was the young lady standing next to him.

Manager Sun began to recall what his first impression was when he saw Jiang Yao.

Kneeling on the floor, she composed herself and rescued the man who had fainted in full concentration. The skillful way she executed CPR made him believe that she was a nurse or doctor with a relatively young appearance.

The image of her agility and perseverance was imprinted in his memory. He was extremely surprised when he found out that the girl was just a freshman in her late teens.

Later, he met Jiang Yao again in the chancellor's office. At that time, he could already see the calmness and flexible maturity in her.

Although she left a good impression through their first few meetings, today, there was a different aura radiating from Jiang Yao. Her confidence and poise attitude had a mesmerizing charm that had nothing to do with her overly-beautiful appearance.

Frankly speaking, Manager Sun was also a confident and particularly proud man.

He believed that he was an excellent talent at work. When working in the restaurant, he managed it wonderfully by himself alone. Under his effective management, he had successfully established the restaurant's great reputation in Nanjiang although it was still considered new here.

After that, the incident where Jiang Yao saved a man happened in the restaurant. He quickly contacted He Maoming and published an article about it. Soon, Jiang Yao's name spread like wildfire in Nanjiang because of the article, Riya Restaurant also made a fame out of it.

In the following days, the restaurant's reservations were fully booked for a week. He also received a hefty bonus.

He believed that in the professional working world, he worked hard for whatever position he was in. If the boss entrusted him with the position with great wisdom and pride, he would reward his boss with his hardwork because of the trust.

The sudden termination made him feel that the boss was being unreasonable and insensible. He did not have any disputes with the boss, he did not even demand for the dismissal compensation, he simply took his salary for the month and left.

It was not because he did not need the money, nor that he did not care about the job. On the contrary, his dismissal actually added insult to the injury of her daughter's illness. However, he retained the dignity and stature in his heart. For him, this kind of boss who did not appreciate him did not deserve his time and effort.

He had a lot in his mind during his unemployment days. He wondered what job he would look for next, and what kind of boss he would work for.

But then, the strangest thing happened. As soon as Jiang Yao called him, he agreed to her offer without any hesitation.

He did not mind addressing Jiang Yao, who was so much younger than himself, Miss Jiang. He did not even find it awkward that she was now his boss despite her young age.

He had a hunch that he would not regret his decision of working for Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao's legs had almost become jelly for standing by the road for such a long time when a vacant cab finally came.

They got in the car. She sat in the backseat while Manager Sun sat in the front passenger seat.

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