C 72-73

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"I was just reading some books while waiting for you," Jiang Yao said with a smile and stood up. "Mom, Dad, Xingzhi just called around dinner time. He said that he was sent to a mission right after he hopped off the plane, and that's why he didn't have time to call home."

Mrs. Lu chuckled. "See? I told you there's nothing to worry about. Are you finally relieved now that he's called home? You were so tense and anxious, but we didn't know how to comfort you."

"Next time, don't wait up for us. Go ahead and sleep," Mr. Lu said with a warm smile. "Oh yes, regarding your college's registration day, do you plan to go by plane or train? If you want to take the train, we must book your ticket in advance. Xingzhi said that your brothers will be accompanying you. Book three tickets then."

"I haven't purchased the tickets yet. Besides, it's very close by, so we can just take the train," Jiang Yao said. "Yes, my brothers will go with me."

This matter had been brought up when they had gone back to the Jiang family the other day. As Lu Xingzhi had expected, Jiang Lei couldn't be more eager when they talked about sending Jiang Yao to college. However, it was impossible for Lu Xingzhi to let Jiang Lei accompany her by himself. He was really afraid that Jiang Lei would absent-mindedly lose Jiang Yao on the way, so both her brothers would be her entourage.

"I'll make a call tomorrow to book the tickets in advance then." Mr. Lu added, "Your family's help is very much appreciated. We're not available to send you to college and have to trouble your brothers to do so."

"Dad, it's no trouble at all. My brothers love me very much, they're very happy to do it," Jiang Yao said. Then, she greeted them good night and excused herself.

After Jiang Yao went up the stairs and into her room, the delightful smile was still plastered on Mrs. Lu's face. "The child has become lively and active recently, she's getting more and more adorable."

"It's because she's starting to show affection to your son that you begin to find her likeable too. That's called 'love me, love my dog'," Mr. Lu said with a giggle. Then, he slowly walked to the kitchen half-drunk to have a drink of water.

Due to the long-awaited call, Jiang Yao was finally able to relieve the worries she had about Lu Xingzhi. Hence, she slept very well that night.

Early in the morning the next day, Jiang Yao saw Lu Yuqing entering when she went downstairs.

"Sister, you're here early," Jiang Yao said in surprise, she then shouted towards the kitchen, "Mom, Yuqing is here."

Mrs. Lu sprinted to the living room without wiping the water off her hands. "Yuqing, why are you here so early? Have you had breakfast?"

"No, not yet. Mom, please prepare some for me," Lu Yuqing said. "After breakfast, I'll take Jiang Yao to the county for shopping, then I'll see if I can manage to send her back by noon."

Jiang Yao instantly fathomed the reason that Lu Yuqing had come to see her.

"Jiang Yao, breakfast is not ready yet. Let's talk in the yard." Lu Yuqing waved at the stunned Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao nodded and they walked to the yard.

"Xingzhi told me everything last night. I was so anxious and confused the entire night," Lu Yuqing cut to the chase and uttered. "Seriously, if it wasn't for Xingzhi telling me that you had seen it with your own eyes, I might never imagine that Zhao Zhuangzong would cheat on me. He worked overtime last night, so I cooked him supper. When he got home, he acted exactly the same as he did when we first got married. He felt sorry for me, so he held my hand and told me not to do this for him again. He even cleaned the table and did the dishes after that. He told me to leave all the household chores to him because my hands will not be smooth and pretty if I do too much household chores."

At this point, Lu Yuqing's eyes turned bloodshot and teary. "I'm so heartbroken, I didn't dare to confront him about this last night. I suppressed the urge to ask him very hard."

"Yuqing, you may not like to hear what I say, but I have to tell you that Zhao Zhuangzong is a scumbag, including his family!" Jiang Yao blurted out straightaway. She felt sorry for Lu Yuqing after thinking about how Zhao Zhuangzong had hurt her. "Yuqing, remember how your in-laws have always urged you to have a baby, but they don't do that anymore now? Think about it, did they stop their nagging around the time your assistant got pregnant?"

Lu Yuqing froze in extreme shock. "Do you mean that my in-laws know about the affair?"

"I guess," Jiang Yao said.

She didn't know how to explain her rebirth, so she couldn't be frank about knowing what happened afterward.

After having breakfast at home, Lu Yuqing went to the county with Jiang Yao. They went straight to the Western restaurant where Jiang Yao and Lu Xiaoxiao had seen Zhao Zhuangzong and her assistant.

At this hour, a lot of diners were at the restaurant to have coffee and dessert. A waiter greeted them as soon as they walked in.

Jiang Yao and Lu Yuqing sat face-to-face. Jiang Yao pretended to look at the menu as if she was unfamiliar with the food here. After a while, she lifted her gaze at the waiter and said, "Do you have any special recommendations for coffee and desserts? My brother told me that your food is very delicious. In fact, he even paid my bill when I came here for dinner the other day! It's so funny, I hadn't even ordered yet and he already paid for us. He said that he's a good friend of your boss."

Jiang Yao paused for a while and added with a smile, "My brother is Zhao Zhuangzong."

The waiter gaped in astonishment when he heard the name. "Oh, Mr. Zhao! Yes, Mr. Zhao and our boss are friends! I didn't know that he has such a lovely sister. Miss Zhao, could you please tell me what you prefer, so that I can recommend the best meal to suit your appetite?"

"My brother and I share similar tastes. What does he usually order when he drops by?" Jiang Yao smiled playfully. "You know what? Just get me anything that my brother usually orders, I bet I'll like it."

The waiter smiled too. "Mr. Zhao prefers something bland, but Mrs. Zhao likes her food aromatic and with strong flavor, perhaps because of her pregnancy. Every time they come to our restaurant, Mr. Zhao will accommodate his missus' preference and order the food that Mrs. Zhao likes."

"Really?" Jiang Yao noticed Lu Yuqing trembling slightly when the waiter talked about Mrs. Zhao's pregnancy and a slightly strong appetite.

"Mrs. Zhao's due date is just around the corner, isn't it? I heard that they went for checkups and it's a boy! Miss Zhao, you'll have a little nephew soon."

Then, the waiter recommended Jiang Yao several desserts and coffee, took their order, and walked away with a polite smile.

As soon as the waiter left, Lu Yuqing burst out crying, gritted her teeth, and cursed in a muffled scream, "Zhao Zhuangzong, you b*stard! You scumbag!"

Jiang Yao reached out to grip Lu Yuqing's hand. "Yuqing..." She didn't know what to say.

As a woman who was always been portrayed as a happily married woman, this was undoubtedly a fatal and catastrophic blow.

Not only did Zhao Zhuangzong have an affair with her assistant, he had even gone the extra mile to introduce the woman as his wife! It must be devastating for Lu Yuqing when someone had addressed another woman as Mrs. Zhao.

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