C 104-105

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Nanjiang Medical University focused on its medical division but it was not the only major faculty in the university. The faculty of liberal arts here was also famous in the southern region. From the quick glimpse of Jiang Yao's gentle outlook, Wen Xuehui presumed that Jiang Yao was probably admitted to the liberal arts faculty.

"Same as you." Jiang Yao pointed to the book retrieved from Wen Xuehui's bag and chuckled. "I guess you're also a medical student."

"You're so brilliant!" Wen Xuehui exclaimed. Then, she scratched her head awkwardly and thought to herself, 'Phew, it's fortunate I didn't say out loud that she is a liberal arts student. It would be so awkward.'

Furthermore, Wen Xuehui discovered that Jiang Yao was very sharp and observant. She had simply taken the book out of her bag and placed it on the desk casually, and Jiang Yao had never touched it, but she noticed it and even knew of its contents.

Jiang Yao accepted Wen Xuehui's compliment with a wide smile. These scenes were the same as her previous life. The same luggage, the same outfit—the only different element was their conversation. This time, she took the initiative to approach Wen Xuehui and made her first friend in the university.

Before her rebirth, as Jiang Yao recalled, she wasn't as chatty and outgoing as she was now due to the pressure and trouble she suffered silently in her mind. It would be appropriate to describe her like Lu Xingzhi. She was a reserved and unsociable person who preferred to keep everything to herself. It was the same when she was immersed in the new environment in college. In her previous life, it took her days to exchange simple pleasantries with Wen Xuehui on the upper bunk after she lived in the dormitory. Later, it was Wen Xuehui who took the lead to walk into her life and became friends with her.

As she thought about her own changes, she couldn't help but think of Lu Xingzhi too.

Before her rebirth, due to his forceful intervention into her life, she had transformed from a happy-go-lucky girl to an aloof and quiet woman.

After her rebirth, she also returned to her normal self because of him.

"I need to head out for a moment, I'll come back soon. Wait for me for half an hour or so, let's go for dinner together tonight. If the other roommates come back, please inform them, okay? It is fate that we're sharing the same dorm, we can get to know each other over dinner tonight." Wen Xuehui unpacked her stuff very quickly since she didn't bring many items. She turned to look at the other two occupied beds. She didn't know who they were nor when they would arrive.

"Alright," Jiang Yao said, "I'll let them know when they return."

Wen Xuehui smiled back at her and left the room. Jiang Yao chuckled when she watched her pacing hastily. She was still as impatient as usual.

The dormitory was a spacious six-person room with three bunk beds and six desks. There was still a large vacant space in the room. If what had happened in her previous life would be replayed exactly as it had been in this life, the remaining two roommates would arrive at around 7 or 8 pm. Both of them were from the same town, which was far away from Nanjiang City. The other two roommates would return to the dorm after dinner with their families.

The washroom was located on the left side of the balcony in the dorm. Jiang Yao went in to wash her hands and when she came back to the room, she saw a cloud-like fluffy thing lying on her bed, with its four paws hugging its belly and rolling on her bed leisurely.

"I know you!" Jiang Yao shrieked in surprise. She dashed over and poked the little thing's belly excitedly. "You can talk! It was you who rescued me in the woods that day!"

"Good for you, you still remember me!"

Jiang Yao laughed delightedly when she heard the familiar tone. "What are you? How did you get here? I didn't know there was a talking cat in this world."

"Cat? Oh, please, don't make me laugh. I'm not the low-level creature on your planet. My name is Moe, I'm a noble pet butler from the Future Galaxy." As he was talking, suddenly, Moe erected four shiny and sharp claws from his fluffy paw.

Jiang Yao was taken aback by the intimidating claws, and then suddenly recalled the incident. She remembered Lu Yuqing telling her that Zhao Zhuangzong was seriously injured. Of course, not only would he not come out unharmed after being attacked by such claws, but she also assumed he was disfigured.

"Where is this Future Galaxy that you're mentioning?" Jiang Yao asked curiously. "Noble pet butler? What kind of status is it on your planet?"

At this remark, there was a clear sign of dismay on Moe's expression. "The Future Galaxy is a planet far away from the earth, maybe a billion light-years away? No, maybe further, longer."

After a pause, Moe continued with a sigh, "Unfortunately, the planet crashed and I don't know where my master is now."

Although Jiang Yao was completely clueless about the Future Galaxy that Moe was talking about, she could feel his genuine concern and yearning for his collapsed hometown.

Jiang Yao was aware that Moe had lost his master and his home forever.

"Do all the pets in your galaxy speak the language of the earth?" Jiang Yao assumed that the noble pet butler held a very prestigious honor in his planet, and that would explain his arrogant and cocked head when he mentioned it.

"Of course not!" Moe shooked his head in annoyance. All of a sudden, he returned to his posture when Jiang Yao first saw him. He spoke as he rolled his body on the bed. Several purrs echoed from his little mouth as he stretched his body comfortably. "I've been on your planet for hundreds of years, but up until now, you are the only person who can understand me. That is so weird."

Jiang Yao blinked at his remarks. She was also surprised by the findings. When she first saw Moe the other day, he had dashed over abruptly to help her and growled at her furiously. At that time, she had no time to think. She could only escape from the scene and save herself.

She had always thought that Moe was just a talking cat. Unexpectedly, she was the one who could understand this little alien pet butler.

"Oh yes, give me your hand." Suddenly, Moe got up from the soft bed and patted Jiang Yao's hand with his left paw. Jiang Yao couldn't help but steal a glimpse at his fluffy little paw that looked extremely adorable without the sharp claws.

Jiang Yao stretched out her hand undoubtingly. Before she could ask what was it for, she felt an abrupt pain from his fingertips. She fixed her gaze at the source of the pain and recoiled in shock! Moe had bitten her fingertips! They were bleeding!

"You bit me!" Jiang Yao quickly retracted her hand, tears flowing in her eyes. "Oh my god! Oh my goodness! I have to get a shot!"

She wanted to run out of her dorm and ask if she should get a rabies vaccine after being bitten by a noble pet butler from outer space!

Moe rolled his eyes at Jiang Yao irritatingly. "I told you, I'm not the low-level pet from your earth!" The contempt on his face and tone were so obvious and authentic.

Jiang Yao hurriedly grabbed a handkerchief and placed it over the injury. She glanced at Moe suspiciously. After a second thought, she thought she should probably get the vaccine shot anyway. Better safe than sorry.

Because of the inexplicable bite, Jiang Yao was a little annoyed. She moved a chair and sat at the far side of her bed. She decided to ignore him before he apologized. Even if he had rescued her previously, it didn't give him the right to bite her!

Regardless of her current fury, Moe stared nervously at Jiang Yao.

When he saw her sitting stoically, he asked, "Hey, don't you feel anything?"

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