C 264-265

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Jiang Yao had a busy schedule filled to the brim with school and work, but she did not feel tired at all.

Time passed by and soon it was National Day. Everyone spent their evenings back at the dorm discussing how they wanted to spend their holiday.

Both Chen Siyang and Jiang Yao came from the same province. Knowing that Jiang Yao planned to spend National Day with her husband, Chen Siyang felt slightly bummed out since she would be all alone on the train ride back home.

"You are not going back home this time, how about winter break? Does your husband get time off for New Years? You should be celebrating it back home, right?"

"Right, I will be returning home for winter break." Plans for winter break were fixed earlier on. She knew that Lu Xingzhi did not get to have a break during New Years, so she planned to travel to his platoon instead.

Hearing that, Chen Siyang smiled. "Let us take the train ride home together during winter break then! It sure is lonely traveling for several hours without a companion."

"We'll see." Jiang Yao did not give her a firm reply. She had been busy with many things; plans might change in the future and she dared not commit now.

Her cell phone rang right at this moment. Excusing herself, she went out to the balcony to answer the call.

She took the call without even looking at who the caller was, not expecting to hear Lu Xingzhi's voice.

"Dear, it's me." The first thing Lu Xingzhi did after returning to his platoon was to turn on his cell phone. However, it had run out of juice. He charged his phone and immediately received a text message from Jiang Yao. He panicked after reading it.

Jiang Yao called him, but he was away so he did not answer the call. She then sent him a text message, coincidentally, right after his phone died. Unfortunately, she called because she needed money urgently.

Lu Xingzhi was afraid that Jiang Yao would misunderstand, thinking that he had turned off his phone because she called wanting to ask for money.

Once the call got through, the first thing Lu Xingzhi did was to explain why he could not answer her phone call in the first place.

"I was on an emergency mission these past few days and I did not manage to inform you before I left. Leaving you on voicemail was not intentional."

Lu Xingzhi paused for a few seconds, then asked carefully, "Are you angry?"

How could she be angry hearing Lu Xingzhi's voice? Plus, she knew he was on a mission and was worried senseless about his safety. She had no time to even think about money matters at that point.
"I contacted Zhou Weiqi when I could not get to you. He told me you went on a mission." Jiang Yao sighed. "I am not an unreasonable person after all. How was the mission? Were you hurt?

Carefully analyzing Jiang Yao's tone of voice, Lu Xingzhi breathed a sigh of relief after concluding that she was not angry at all. He broke into a faint smile, knowing that Jiang Yao was worried about his well-being.

"The mission went well, with no injuries." Lu Xingzhi looked down and gently touched his stomach after replying. There was an injury. He was slashed on the stomach by a knife. It was not serious however, so he decided not to tell her.

By the time they see each other during the National Day holidays, the injury would have been nothing but a scar.

He realized that he would not be able to hide his injury once Jiang Yao had arrived. Unless he held off any intimate activities, which was unbearable to even think about.

Scabs would have formed by then, and knowing Jiang Yao, she would probably berate him a little. Since it was nothing but scars, she would not have to worry.

"Good. Next time when you go on a mission, call me, and send me a text message no matter how urgent it is, alright? I was worried sick when I suddenly lost contact with you." Jiang Yao continued, "Even if I am in a class, just call me and I will answer. If I do it discreetly, the teacher will not find out."

"Yes, ma'am." Her wish was his command. Plus, hearing his wife's concern about his well-being made him feel good.

"In your text message, you told me that you wanted to buy the shares off Mr. Qin and the rest of the shareholders, did you do it? How much money do you need? I can do the wired transfer right now." Lu Xingzhi thought that Jiang Yao's idea was brilliant. "Shengqi Hospital does have a huge market share in Nanjiang City. Being the majority shareholder is perhaps a wise decision, giving you absolute decision-making power without the need to consult anyone else."

"I have already purchased the shares, the only one left is Mr. Feng's. I do not think he wants to sell them. Plus, he seems to be intentionally avoiding me nowadays. After much thought, I have decided that it is better to let him be. He holds only six percent of the shares and did promise me to not interfere in any of my decisions." Jiang Yao understood that hounding after Mr. Feng for his shares was not the wisest move right now.

Jiang Yao also mentioned how she used Mr. Qin's rumors to her advantage, lowering the share prices drastically before buying them. "Also, Manager Sun is working for me now. He is my personal assistant!"

Lu Xingzhi knew who Manager Sun was. He replied nonchalantly, indicating that he was informed of the news.

"Where did you get the money to do the purchase though?" Lu Xingzhi was extremely curious.

"Huang Chengjing lent it to me!" Jiang Yao could not hide her gratitude toward Huang Chengjing. "Initially I wanted to give up on the plan. It was Mr. Huang who proactively offered to loan me the money. We had dinner that day too and I met his daughter. She was so adorable!"

Lu Xingzhi did not care how Huang Chengjing's daughter looked. He wanted to know what Huang Chengjing's intentions were doing all these?

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