C 314-315

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Weiqi and Xuyao looked at Gu Haoyu all confused. Both of them then started causing a commotion saying that Gu Haoyu was biased toward Ruoran by giving her wine without giving them any.

Lu Xingzhi smiled faintly and his eyes met with Liang Yueze's. Lu Xingzhi understood Liang Yueze just like Yueze understood him.

If a subtle person like him were to say that sentence, it must have a hidden meaning. Perhaps, this cherry wine had another story behind it.

"Ahem, ahem... Erm..." Luo Ruoran's face was slightly flushed. She took a chair and sat down in front of the men. She glanced at the drunk Jiang Yao and asked Lu Xingzhi, "Should we ask the waiter for some hangover soup?"

"We have already ordered some. They should be preparing it now," Lu Xingzhi said.

"Don't!" Weiqi waved at Luo Ruoran. "Ruoran, you don't know how interesting Jiang Yao is when she's drunk! She is just like a four or five-year-old kid, she's very funny."

Weiqi received his buddy, Xingzhi's glare before he started demonstrating in front of Yueze and Ruoran.

"Jiang Yao! Jiang Yao!" The intoxication from the fruit wine was very strong. If Jiang Yao was just a little drunk back when they were waiting for the elevator, she would be completely drunk by now.

Even though she looked energetic with her eyes wide open, her eyes were only fixed on Lu Xingzhi. In the whole private room, it was as if she could only see Lu Xingzhi among the crowd. If they wanted to talk to her, they needed to call her out loud by her ears until she responded.

"What?" Jiang Yao only responded unhappily after a few seconds. She appeared scornful toward Weiqi who was making noise, and she mumbled, "You're so annoying..."

Luo Ruoran burst out laughing. By looking at Jiang Yao's response, she knew how much Weiqi had done to annoy the drunk wife of Xingzhi before she and Liang Yueze arrived.

Zhou Weiqi did not feel mad either. Instead, he laughed cheekily. "Jiang Yao! Jiang Yao! Who is the most handsome among us?"

"Lu Xingzhi..." She dragged the words lazily for a long time. She was gentle and soft, and it caused ripples in their hearts.

"Nonsense! I am clearly the most good-looking one!" Weiqi countered.

Then, the soft and gentle voice retorted immediately with a clear-cut sentence. "You're ugly! You're very ugly!"

"Hah! How protective is she!" Luo Ruoran laughed with tears brimming in her eyes. She then asked, "Do you love Lu Xingzhi?"

This time, she did not answer. However, the head, which was leaning on Lu Xingzhi's arm, nodded gently.

"Did you see that! Jiang Yao's drunk look is cute enough, right?" It was as if Weiqi had found a new toy. "The drunk Jiang Yao is especially clingy to Xingzhi. She wants to sit by Xingzhi's side and she wants Xingzhi to hug her. Most importantly, she is excellent in being coquettish!"

If it were not for Jiang Yao who had accidentally drunk too much tonight, Lu Xingzhi might have never found out about Jiang Yao's cuteness when she is drunk.

Good girl, such a good girl. She answered every single question. However, she would not answer all of them properly. She would also glare at you unhappily and lose her temper while letting out a hmph, besides arguing with you.

The most important reason for Lu Xingzhi to be genuinely happy was, when she was drunk, she would be more dependent on him and more clingy to him.

When Weiqi annoyed her until she was unhappy, she would stand up and move to a seat far away from him besides showing a 'I don't want to talk to you' face. If Weiqi were to continue bombarding her with questions, she would use a coquettish voice to tell Weiqi that she was angry and refuse to talk to him! If he continued to annoy her, she would let Xingzhi give him a good beating!

Putting a nineteen-year-old woman aside, even a nine-year-old girl would not be that coquettish and cute.

"Do you want to go back and sleep?" Lu Xingzhi lifted his arm and pushed Weiqi's hand away while he was teasing his wife. He then pulled her petite body that had fallen slightly aside back into his arms and asked her gently.

The woman in his arms thought for a few seconds and nodded obtusely. She responded, "Alright, he's too noisy, like a cicada!"

"..." Weiqi was hurt to the max and needed first aid.

"I'll bring her back to get some rest, you guys carry on. Let's have lunch tomorrow at noon. I will be going back to Jin City with her tomorrow afternoon." Lu Xingzhi was not prepared to take his wife out to be everyone's little toy, he then carried her in his arms before walking out.

The woman who felt shy very easily when she was sober no longer knew how to be shy after she was drunk.

While being carried by Lu Xingzhi in his arms, she even giggled along her way out of the room.

After seeing the couple off, everyone in the private room was enraptured by the scene.

"Xingzhi's wife is quite interesting." Gu Haoyu smiled gently. When he was talking, he even lifted his hand to adjust his spectacles on the bridge of his nose. He added, "Just like Ruoran when she was young."

Unsurprisingly, the happiness in Liang Yueze's eyes suddenly faded.

"Haoyu, Xingzhi and I are already married, what about you? You're no longer young, it's time for you to settle down, right? Don't wait until me and Ruoran's kids can call you their uncle and still be single." Liang Yueze looked at Luo Ruoran who was playing 'Rock Paper Scissors' with Weiqi and Xuyao. He curved up the corners of his lips. "Ruoran said that she wants three children so that they can play Mahjong with my mother. After some thinking, it should take around five years to accomplish our goal."

"Yueze, Ruoran said that she wants a whole platoon of children!" Weiqi yelled at the top of his lungs.

Gu Haoyu swirled the wine in his wine glass. He did not respond to Liang Yueze's words as he clearly knew what Yueze meant.

Fact of the matter was, the girl whom he grew up with and whom he treasured eventually became his buddy's wife, his 'Sister-in-Law'.

Lu Xingzhi stayed in a room on the twelfth floor. After he exited the eighth floor, he went straight up by an elevator.

He had other houses in Jindo City but as he seldom lived there, the house did not have any furniture. Therefore, when he came to Jindo City, he would usually choose to live in a hotel as it was more convenient.

He took his room card and opened the door. After he put the woman on the bed, he turned back to lock the door. As he turned around again, the woman rushed into his arms and all he heard was her giggle.

She kicked away her high heels and stepped onto the white tiles with her bare feet. The skin on her little feet was more beautiful than the color of the tiles.

"Buy me some fruit juice, will you?"

She tip-toed and put her arms around his neck. She was still yearning for the delicious fruit juice and even until now, she was still begging him coquettishly.

After hearing her gentle and sweet voice the whole night, he still was not tired of it.

Finally, Lu Xingzhi could not resist. He nodded and agreed.

The little woman who got his permission hugged and kissed him gleefully. She then ran back to the bed on her pointy toes and lay on it.

Lu Xingzhi pulled his tie away and threw it on the sofa. He took off his coat and lay on the bed by mimicking her posture. Looking at her messy hair on her head, he was reaching out his hands, wanting to tie it up when she suddenly turned around and their eyes met.

Looking at her entrancing eyes, Lu Xingzhi could not help but test the waters and call out, "Yaoyao."

That was the nickname her family gave her since she was young. That name was always on the tip of his tongue, however, it was the first time he had called her by that name.

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