C 298-299

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"Aye! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Jiang Yao took her backpack and rushed out of the bedroom.

Lu Xingzhi glanced frostily at Mrs. Ge who was still standing there. He furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at the door unhappily. After Mrs. Ge went out while holding Wenwen's hand, he immediately took Jiang Yao's hand and they went downstairs after closing the door.

Lu Xingzhi had his own car but it was parked at the platoon as he rarely drove it.

As he was used to driving the jeep at the platoon, when he bought his car, he bought a spacious SUV.

After getting into the car, Lu Xingzhi could not help but complain, "Mrs. Ge is being too much. A family member like Mrs. Ge would only drag Sergeant Ge down."

Jiang Yao put her backpack on her lap and fastened the seatbelt. After some thought, she said "I was fuming just now! She still believes that it was your fault that Sergeant Ge was injured."

"We are soldiers, getting hurt is unavoidable when we're out on missions." Lu Xingzhi gave a cold snort. "Brother Zhong even sacrificed his leg for the platoon, I have never heard him complaining even once."

"She is just trying to take advantage since Sergeant Ge is not around. She is using her child as an excuse, I think the one who wanted to follow us to Jindo City was not Wenwen, it was herself." Jiang Yao felt disgusted when she thought of Mrs. Ge. She shook her head and groaned silently. She did not want a neighbor like her.

Lu Xingzhi did not say anything but he was thinking the same thing.

He was planning to visit Sergeant Ge at the hospital with Jiang Yao before they went to Jindo City. However, after Mrs. Ge's play in the morning, he and Jiang Yao no longer felt like doing so.

Although Sergeant Ge had nothing to do with this matter, both of them were no longer in the mood. As such, they planned to visit him during their journey back home.

The gown Lu Xingzhi prepared for Jiang Yao was customized by a century-old shop in Jin City. Both of them made a promise to meet Zhou Weiqi there too. When they arrived, Zhou Weiqi was already there waiting while chatting with the old Sifu.

"Jiang Yao! Xingzhi!" Zhou Weiqi smiled like a flower and greeted them when he saw them. Then, he told Jiang Yao, "I saw the two gowns that Xingzhi ordered for you. They're very gorgeous and they definitely suit you well! Oh, by the way, you still don't know, right? The two gowns that you will wear tonight were customized here."

Since she had already given her measurements in advance, she only needed to try them on and check whether the waistline fitted her now that she had arrived. After all, she might have gained or lost weight within this half a month's time.

Lu Xingzhi had good taste. The two customized gowns were maxi dresses. One was beige in color and had laces, the other was a sapphire-blue mermaid dress. Each gown had their own features and styles but when Jiang Yao put them on, both of them were distinctively beautiful.

However, both of the gowns had one similarity—conservative!

The beige lace gown was short-sleeved. Although it revealed a fragment of the snowy-white skin on her neck, it was still modest and elegant. It looked even more magical when Jiang Yao was wearing it.

Lu Xingzhi's suits were matching with Jiang Yao's gowns. It seemed like he had already made it clear when he ordered the gowns.

Jiang Yao looked at Lu Xingzhi, who was putting the clothes in the backseat, and could not help but purse her lips to hide a smile. She tried on her gowns just now but Lu Xingzhi did not try on his suits because he thought that it was too troublesome to do so. However, she saw the styles of his suits. The color of his tie was the same as the color of her gown, even the embroidery of his sleeves were the same as hers.

Unexpectedly, an unassuming man like him could be quite interesting. Besides ordering two gowns, he had also ordered matching accessories for them.

It only took less than two hours to drive from Jin City to Jindo City. With Zhou Weiqi, the barrel of laughs, the army green SUV was filled with laughter throughout the whole journey.

When they arrived at Jindo City, Liang Yueze had already gone to the bride's house with his best men. However, since they were in the same compound, it was only a short distance.

When Lu Xingzhi's car arrived at the compound's entrance, he wound down the car window, greeted the young soldier on duty and drove in right away, whereas Zhou Weiqi was still chit-chatting with Jiang Yao like they were used to going in and out of the compound like this.

However, Jiang Yao was stunned. These army compounds had soldiers on guard so the entrance was always under strict supervision. However, seeing Lu Xingzhi entering this place so naturally as if this was his own house, it seemed like the young soldier on duty knew him.

"We've arrived." Lu Xingzhi parked the car in front of a double-storey house. At that time, the roadside was filled with cars. At closer inspection, all of them had army passes. Huge red lanterns were hung at the main entrance of the house and they swaying in the breeze, as if they were flaunting about the grand and joyous occasion to the passersby.

"Xingzhi and Weiqi are here!" A woman, who was wearing a jubilant fuschia dress and a waistcoat made out of silk on her shoulders, heard the noise coming from the entrance and walked out of the compound. When she saw Lu Xingzhi and Zhou Weiqi, her smile grew wider.

"This is Yueze's mother." Lu Xingzhi slightly moved aside and pulled Jiang Yao, who was behind Zhou Weiqi, forward. He introduced her to Yueze's mother, "Aunt Liang, this is my wife. Her name is Jiang Yao, she just arrived at the platoon yesterday."

Mrs. Liang knew that Lu Xingzhi was married, but this was her first time seeing Lu Xingzhi's wife. Although Mrs. Liang was the wife of a high official, she did not appear to be judgemental about Jiang Yao because Lu Xingzhi was close to her son.

After Lu Xingzhi was done with the introductions, Mrs. Liang stepped forward and intimately tapped the person who was smiling at her before gently saying, "Since Xingzhi is Yueze's buddy, just make yourself at home."

"Thank you, Aunt Liang." Jiang Yao thanked her in a poised manner. Then, more guests arrived so Mrs. Liang carried on greeting them. Jiang Yao then followed Lu Xingzhi and Zhou Weiqi inside the house.

Only then, Lu Xingzhi whispered to Jiang Yao, "Yueze is the second child of the Liang Family. He has an elder brother who has been married for a few years. Aunt Liang is a very nice person. Although Uncle Liang seems deadpan and strict, he is actually quite friendly."

"Only Xingzhi thinks that Uncle Liang is friendly." Zhou Weiqi mumbled and whispered to Jiang Yao, "Jiang Yao, did you know? Xingzhi is really awesome, every time we come to Yueze's house, we are all afraid of Uncle Liang, except for Xingzhi. Xingzhi would always chat and play chess alone with Uncle Liang in the study room! Even Aunt Liang said that other people would think that Xingzhi is Uncle Liang's son!"

Lu Xingzhi glared at Zhou Weiqi. He asked, "Yueze is at his bride's house now. Since you're here, why don't you join in on the fun?"

Zhou Weiqi stopped in his tracks when he heard that. He came back to his senses. "Haoyu and Xuyao must have gone to the bride's house! Xingzhi, aren't you going? If you're not, I'll get going first!"

After saying so, Zhou Weiqi turned around and ran out immediately.

The corner of Lu Xingzhi's mouth slightly curved upward. He was finally satisfied. The annoying one was gone.

Many guests were at the Liang family's place. However, the wedding banquet had not officially started yet. People who were there were mostly relatives and elders.

After Lu Xingzhi brought Jiang Yao into the house, he found Mr. Liang. When Mr. Liang saw Lu Xingzhi, he was obviously overjoyed. He stopped his conversation with the other party right away and walked toward him. Afterwards, he noticed that there was a girl by Lu Xingzhi's side and could not help but take a look at her.

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