C 78-79

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In the meantime, Lu Haixing sent his people to the Zhao family's house to remove everything that Lu Yuqing and the Lu family had given to them all these years, ranging from furniture as large as the sofa and 6-foot wardrobe to a pair of shoes and a bottle of supplement pills. They carried the things that could be taken away onto the truck and those that couldn't were destroyed on the spot.

This was the typical characteristic of Lu Haixing. He was a generally nice person, but once he was offended, he would come back in full force.

For the following days, the family members of the Zhao family, from old to young, came to the town, blocking and rallying in front of the Lu family house's gate. They were howling, shouting, and cursing at the Lu family with all kinds of harsh words. They even threatened to hang themselves at the gate.

Mr. and Mrs. Lu were annoyed by their horrendous behavior. Since it was a school holiday, they packed their things and taking Jiang Yao with them, they went to stay with Lu Haixing in the county.

Unlike the Lu family house in the countryside, bodyguards were scattered around the perimeter of Lu Haixing's house. When anyone from the Zhao family approached the house, the bodyguards instantly blocked them and hurled them onto the street mercilessly. Hence, Jiang Yao and the rest of the Lu family could finally have some peace in the county.

"Jiang Yao, we haven't seen the b*stard Zhao Zhuangzong recently, have we?" Lu Xiaoxiao no longer addressed Zhao Zhuangzong as her brother-in-law ever since she knew the truth.

"Maybe he's cheesed off with his work and money problem right now," Jiang Yao assumed. Now that Lu Yuqing and Zhao Zhuangzong were divorced, he had nothing to do with the Lu family anymore. Thus, the news about him owing hefty debts outside surfaced.

Zhao Zhuangzong didn't earn much from his job, but he spent a lot of money as Lu Yuqing's assistant's sugar daddy. On top of that, he had borrowed a lot of money to pretentiously flaunt his wealth and prosperity.

In the beginning, the creditors didn't urge him to pay his debts on account of Zhao Zhuangzong being the son-in-law of the prestigious Lu family. However, the news about Zhao Zhuangzong being divorced and kicked out of the Lu family spread like wildfire. These creditors emerged like mushrooms after rain and eagerly went after him to recover the debts. Currently, Zhao Zhuangzong was just a penniless nobody after losing his identity as the Lu family's son-in-law. They were afraid that they wouldn't get a single penny from the poverty-stricken man!

Everyone saw Zhao Zhuangzong as the laughing stock of the county who was ungrateful and betraying the marriage oath. Countless men were envious of him marrying the wealthy Miss Lu as his wife. Her dowry was enough for him to spend the rest of his life comfortably. Besides, thanks to their daughter-in-law, the Zhao family's social class increased by leaps and bounds.

Ironically, Zhao Zhuangzong failed in fawning on his in-laws and the powerful Lu family. Not only did he keep a mistress and get her pregnant, but he had also staged a devious plan of taking the baby in as an adopted child and letting Lu Yuqing raised him. How could the Lu family endure such devastating insults and humiliation? His own vile attempt had forced him to hide in disgrace.

"He is such an evil and stinky man! Sister Yuqing is so nice to him and his family, but they're so disgusting and nasty! They've treated her like an ATM machine, they summoned her when they needed a washing machine, they summoned her when their TV was broken. His sister had even exploited Sister Yuqing's name in the mall to buy whatever she wanted! They are all money-sucking vampires!" Lu Xiaoxiao growled and stomped in great dismay. "Especially Zhao Zhuangzong's cousin—I was really disgusted and irritated when I saw her. Unfortunately, she and I are schoolmates. She often jumped on me to show off her prized loot from the mall! Is she crazy? Does she honestly think that I, Lu Xiaoxiao, will be jealous of her? Whatever she can afford is not even in my optional shopping list! Who does she think she is?"

Jiang Yao sighed upon Lu Xiaoxiao's comments. Lu Yuqing was very earnest and nice to Zhao Zhuangzong and hence, she fulfilled his and his family's every need. However, the Zhao family became greedy. They took her kindness for granted and felt entitled to Lu Yuqing's generosity.

Jiang Yao supposed that it was partially due to Lu Yuqing's endless and humble generosity that the Zhao family had failed to distinguish their own status and identity in the situation. If Lu Yuqing had taken up the attitude of the esteemed missus from the wealthy Lu family and treated the Zhao family as equals, she doubted that they would have treated her the same way they did now.

It was rather ungrateful for Zhao Zhuangzong to have Lu Yuqing by the short hairs. Not only was he was disrespectful to Lu Yuqing, but he also took her as the ATM with endless funds. He only needed to reach out his hand and demand when he needed money.

Right now, their mischief had incurred Lu Yuqing's wrath. She was done with Zhao Zhuangzong for good and had brought the marriage to an end. Now that the Zhao family's luxurious lifestyle was shattered and they were even poorer than before the marriage had happened, they had the nerve to come and make a scene at the Lu family house.

They had failed to reflect that all they used to have were courtesy of Lu Yuqing, and they had never respected her or been the least grateful of her in any way.

Perhaps Jiang Yao was silent for a little too long that attracted Lu Xiaoxiao's attention. She glanced at her peculiarly while recalling what she had just said. She gaped her mouth frantically and blurted out relentlessly, "Jiang Yao, don't worry, I can guarantee that Brother Xingzhi is nothing like Zhao Zhuangzong, not even a bit! Brother Xingzhi is a great guy, the most precious great guy you can ever find! The men in the Lu family are all wonderful gentlemen. Look at my uncle and dad—they are all great, aren't they? Please rest assured that Brother Xingzhi is also a gentleman. Don't you start overthinking about what I just said, please."

Lu Xiaoxiao was absolutely certain that Lu Xingzhi would go after her if Jiang Yao made an unnecessary assumption because of her remarks.

"I know that. You're right, the men of the Lu family are the finest gentlemen. Too bad you're from the Lu family and can't marry one," Jiang Yao chuckled gently.

She had complete assurance about Lu Xingzhi, the man who would go beyond the extra mile for her before her rebirth. Now that she had presented her love to him, she doubted that he would do something harmful to himself now.

Nonetheless, Lu Xiaoxiao was right. The men of the Lu family were indeed fine gentlemen. Her parents-in-law were still very much in love after all these years. Uncle Lu was wealthy enough to have a comfortable life but he focused mainly on his business and building his fortune instead of fooling around. Lu Haitian had even persuaded Lu Haixing to find a companion to no avail.

Lu Haixing cared for Lu Xiaoxiao very much. He was afraid that his new partner would not take Lu Xiaoxiao as her own and would make Lu Xiaoxiao sad, so much so that he was willing to be single.

"Great, awesome." Lu Xiaoxiao giggled gleefully. "As for me, I have my dad, and my dad will find me the perfect Mr. Right for me who will be better than Brother Xingzhi!"

Jiang Yao chuckled delightedly at Lu Xiaoxiao's happy-go-lucky attitude. She was right, Lu Haixing was totally capable of doing so.

"Jiang Yao, it's quite boring here. College is about to start for you, isn't it? Why don't we go to the movies again? Let's watch an old comedy! I never tire of it, and in fact, it's more fun than staying at home." Lu Xiaoxiao got excited whenever a companion came along. Before Jiang Yao could even reply her, she called for the adults who were talking downstairs, went downstairs with Jiang Yao, and left the house through the side gate.

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