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After a pause, Jiang Yao eyed Lu Xingzhi from head to toe and asked again, "Are you so scary?"

The gloomy clouds hovering over Lu Xingzhi's face abruptly dispersed. He reached over and stroked Jiang Yao's head lovingly.

Jiang Yao was probably the only person in the world who couldn't relate him to scary. Even Lu Yuqing, his own sister, said that he looked particularly creepy when he was angry.

On the other hand, the main reason why the people in the county were afraid of him was nothing more than the fear of the Lu family and the social network he had in Jindo.

When the train finally started, Lu Xingzhi pulled her into his arms and held her tight. He was still a little upset although she seemed like she had already forgotten about the horrifying incident that happened before getting on the train.

"Jiang Yao," Lu Xingzhi called out softly and firmly, "I won't let it happen again."

At the moment, Jiang Yao was enjoying the scenic view outside the window. She was a little bewildered when she heard his sudden pledge that she turned to look at him, puzzled.

Lu Xingzhi was a reserved person. He simply tickled his lips and didn't explain himself upon her lack of response.

Jiang Yao was very familiar with the train journey from the county to Nanjiang City. She even found the scenery along the journey very amiable and heartwarming. The view that she deemed lifeless and boring in her previous life was now animated and spirited as if they were engulfed by a magical vitality. They displayed their lively spirit under the blazing sun.

"It will take more than four hours to arrive. Rest for a while if you're tired," Lu Xingzhi tapped his shoulder as he said, gesturing her to lean on it.

"I'm not tired, it's nice to look at the beautiful scenery," Jiang Yao shook her head and replied.

Lu Xingzhi nodded and started observing their surroundings in the coach. It was probably his professional habit or instinct that he would observe his surrounding area to analyze his safety and security. When there was nothing suspicious or peculiar, he turned his attention back to Jiang Yao.

Apparently, she was in a great mood as soon as they hopped on the train. The scenery outside the window was like a painting or an art exhibit which she admired joyfully.

She was facing the window, while Lu Xingzhi could see her smiley face from the reflection of the window. She bore a faint but genuine smile, which was quite an eye-candy.

He took one of her hands while she placed the other hand on the window as if she wanted to reach for the scenery. Although it might seem uncomfortable for her, she didn't withdraw her hand from him.

Suddenly, Jiang Yao scratched him with the hand he was holding. She pointed out the window excitedly as she turned her head to him and said, "Look, you're flying in the sky!"

Lu Xingzhi arched his eyebrows curiously and looked the direction she pointed at. After just one quick glance, he huffed and blurted a word, "Hideous."

A tiger-shaped kite was flying in the clear blue sky while a group of children, about seven or eight years old, were laughing and running as they were holding the string of the kite. Children at this age were not afraid of the scorching sun that they could still fly kites at this hour of the season.

Jiang Yao giggled gleefully. "You're a tiger too, but you can't fly yet!"

Lu Xingzhi was born in the year of tiger, so Jiang Yao made fun of him when she saw the kite. However, truthfully, the kite was probably the handiwork of the children as it was rather appalling.

When it came to physical appearance, the big tiger beside her was the winner without a doubt.

Four hours and a half later, the train arrived at the station. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Yao couldn't seal her excitement as soon as they arrived. With her in tow, Lu Xingzhi hopped off the train and exited the station. Their first stop was to find a place for lunch.

The lunch box on the train was not delicious. They only took a few bites and decided to check out the local food after they arrived.

Nanjiang City was the southern city that offered a wide variety of mouth-watering cuisines.

Jiang Yao had spent more than three years in Nanjiang City in her previous life, so she was more familiar with the nooks and crannies in the city than Lu Xingzhi. However, right now, she preferred watching Lu Xingzhi from behind as he held her hand and walked. All she had to do was to follow him closely and Lu Xingzhi would handle everything.

Unlike the stereotypical assumption that men didn't ask directions, Lu Xingzhi, although taciturn on regular days, would still ask passersby when he didn't know the way. After getting the directions, he would then politely thank the person in a flat tone and leave with Jiang Yao.

Incredibly, Lu Xingzhi found the most famous century-old eatery near the train station by using this method.

Despite being in the middle of the late afternoon, the eatery was crowded with diners. After they took a seat and ordered their food, Jiang Yao looked around curiously while asking Lu Xingzhi, "What time is your flight to Jin City?"

"6 pm," Lu Xingzhi replied. "I'll send you to your college after the meal, then it's right about time to go to the airport."

Jiang Yao glanced at her watch after his reply and calculated the time in her mind. She had less than two hours to be with Lu Xingzhi.

After the hearty meal, they took a taxi to Nanjiang Medical School. They settled the admission registration process and went to the girls' dormitory.

Jiang Yao was assigned to the dorm room on the fourth floor closest to the staircase. Men were allowed in the girls' dormitory during the college open days.

Most of the freshmen came with their families while Jiang Yao's case was quite uncommon, where she only had one young man with her. Moreover, they were both attractive that enticing a lot of curious glances along the way.

As soon as they arrived and entered her room, Jiang Yao chose the lower bunk closest to the corridor. The other two lower bunk beds were obviously occupied as there were things on them.

If things went exactly as it was before her rebirth, the person taking up the upper bunk bed above her would be Wen Xuehui, her best friend in her previous life.

After putting the luggage on the bed, Lu Xingzhi took Jiang Yao to the convenience store in the college to buy some daily necessities and they returned to the dorm. Then, Lu Xingzhi tossed a bottle of water to Jiang Yao and asked her to sit still while he swiftly made Jiang Yao's bed and unpacked her luggage.

Watching Lu Xingzhi as he spruced up her things, a sudden impression struck Jiang Yao's mind. It seemed that Lu Xingzhi looked after her as if he was taking care of his daughter.

"Done!" Lu Xingzhi dusted his hands and exclaimed. He then grabbed the bottle in Jiang Yao's hands and finished it in one go. Apparently, he was very thirsty after being busy for more than an hour. While he was tidying up Jiang Yao's things, he didn't want to take a sip of water in case he would forget something important when he turned his head.

Lu Xingzhi had bought her a mattress topper because the dorm's bed was very firm. He sat down to feel the softness yet he tilted his head in dissatisfaction. He looked up at Jiang Yao and said, "It's not as soft as the bed at home, but you'll have to make do with it."

If Jiang Yao was in Jindo, he could simply buy a house close to the college for Jiang Yao to live in. He would make the best arrangements for her to live comfortably and at ease.

However, they were in Nanjiang City and not Jindo. Hence, although he could afford a house, he was concerned about Jiang Yao staying alone. It would be safer for her to stay in the dorm despite its lack of comfort and facilities.

In addition, his concern was justifiable. This was his first visit to Nanjiang City, which contained a lot of uncertainties, unlike in Jindo where he had a group of buddies to guarantee her safety.

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